Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wild, Wacky, Wierd Wednesday!

Those 4 W's are in full effect today as the Gary Sutton Show tackles many subjects including: Why people are tired of "Change" in this election run, a ridiculous plastic bag tax, a U.S. Supreme Court case (from a Louisiana case) on whether or not it is "cruel and unusual pubnishment" for someone to get the death penalty for raping children.
Feel free to call in at 1-800-357-0910 or make a post here on the blog to dive headfirst into the action.


Just Fred said...

Good Morning Gary,

I can't speak for anyone else, but I've hit the wall with following politics too clsely and am now suffering from 'Paralysis from Analysis'.

I guess we need to accept the fact that political campaigning has become a 24/7 occupation and begins the day after an election.

I've pretty much had it. It's my fault because I try to follow this stuff too closely I guess. Basically it's come down to this for me and this would would my advice to anyone who asks:

If you are fairly satisfied with the policies and approach to governing the current administration has put in place, the general direction the country is moving, and you prefer Republicanism over the alternatives, then vote for John McCain. If you don't like what you see, vote for someone else.

Following political campaigns and the innuendo, spin, and insinuation attached to every word in every speech has me to the point where I say, "let's vote now and get it over with so we all can breathe a sigh of relief and move on."

Anonymous said...

I think a word I hear a lot that has to do with this campaign is rhetoric. I know Hannity use this word alot and so do people on the fox new network.

The words that Senator Clinton uses a lot is "i've spent my whole life...." This drives me crazy no one person spends their whole life doing more than 1 thing as she indicates.

Jay said...

Jenn, "rhetoric" is good -- let's make a list of phrases that we're sick of being used in political campaign coverage.

Here's what we have so far:

* Rhetoric
* Traction
* Resonates

When we have a good list, I'll make a bingo card so Fred (and anyone else) can watch the news and have a little fun with it.

Anonymous said...

Jay - I think a pretty good list was put up a while ago...check out for it maybe. I know I hate it when people bring up "Reagan" this and "Reagan" that. Thank goodness the Republican nomination is all but wrapped up so we don't have to see the candidates jockeying to see which can be the most "Reaganistic".

Anonymous said...

Doug I agree with you. Here is the part about "Reagan" they don't get. I am 30 y/o and when Reagan was president I was a kid. I don't remember much about him except he got shot and said the famous words to Russia. I don't know from experience what he did or didn't do. So, when these people come at me with Reagan this and that, it goes in one hear and out the other because they are not appealing to me the younger generation. This may essentially hurt them, they could have said something good but if I don't know or understand it does no good.