Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Change Congress

Anyone here familiar with Change Congress? One of the founders is Lawrence Lessig, the big brain from Stanford Law who's behind Creative Commons.

Change Congress is a national movement to end corruption in America's congress. We're organizing citizens to push candidates to make four simple commitments:

1. No money from lobbyists or PACs
2. Vote to end earmarks
3. Support reform to increase Congressional transparency
4. Support publicly-financed campaigns
Check out the site, it's a great resource. There's a map on the front page that shows the amount of PAC money going to various districts (the sludgier the color the more PAC money). You'll note that our own -- the 19th District -- is one of the few light spots in the US, because of Todd Platts refusal to take PAC money. Go York!

The site also features a Citizen's Pledge and a Candidate's Pledge. Citizens and candidates can pledge to some or all of the four Change Congress principles. The site lets you track the candidates' pledges.

Link to Change Congress.

1 comment:

Pablo Manriquez said...

So Todd Platts takes no money from PACs. This is a good thing, and it almost rhymes. But does it mean that he accepts "contributions from individuals only, lobbyists excepted"?

And what about the abolition of "earmarks." How does he feel about that?

Does he champion reform to increase transparency in Congress?

And what of public financing? How does Mr. Platts feel about publicly financing elections?

These are the points I would like him to address, one at a time, with a simple yay or nay, and an explanation of why for each of the four pledge points. If he refuses to take the pledge altogether -- once again, don't his constituents deserve to know WHY?