Tuesday, April 15, 2008

An archetype of violence in mythology

I was reading about Joseph Campbell and the notion of recurring archetypes in mythology. It's pretty interesting stuff!

I spent some time researching some old myths and one particular archetype -- an archetype of violence -- kept popping up.

Yeah. It's Olav. (Click to enlarge)

I can't say I'm surprised. I am concerned, though. As the evidence of the Olav threat mounts, our do-nothing government continues to studiously ignore the threat. What will it take for a genuine plan to defend us from Olav?

And will the invisible hand of the International Hallway Monitor Cabal continue to lie to people about the Olav Threat?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, you know I read a quote from Peter Jackson about why he left Olav out of the theatrical production of The Lord of the Rings:

"You know, we really wanted this to be a movie that a family could sit down and watch together, you know...like three year olds all the way up to the elderly, watching a movie about the little guy digging through all that mess and coming out on top. But my God, had we put Olav in that scene at Helm's Deep, I'm pretty sure we could have been sued. I mean, really. That lion with an axe may be the scariest thing I've ever seen. I know I had nightmares for several months before our decision to cut him from the film. Just...wow. Orcs, they're not too bad...the tree things are creepy, so was the Balrog. But Olav? No way. Maybe in the unrated version. You know, the one with more between Arwen and Aragorn, if you know what I mean."

Jay said...

LOL -- comedy gold. Full bag of Funyons for you!

Anonymous said...

Huzzah! Huzzah!