Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday, April 10th Show Post

General Petraeus finished up his testimony on The Hill yesterday. Now where do we go with the Iraq War, and will any of the presidential candidates do anything different? The President goes before the nation at 11:30 to talk about Iraq. We'll have it for you on the show if there is time.

Is the president right to say he is going to the Olympics and Opening Ceremonies, while the Speaker, and Senator Clinton calls for a boycott of the ceremony?

More reactions to Jacque's blog will be on the show today including one from a lifelong soldier that will move you. We'll follow up on the Obama delegate who resigned because of calling two kids in a tree "monkeys." We'll continue to tell you why continued dialog on race cannot happen until the playing field of discussion is fair for all voices.

We'll share another e-mail about the 9/11 conspiracy theorists who think it was all planned by the bad guys (U.S.) That's us, and you can feel free to react as I will. Just a few of the items you can blog into today!

Don't forget to stop by WOW Cafe and Wingery, and take your computer along because of their free wi-fi. If you are not a "wing" man or woman, then you will find a great assortment of wonderful delicacies to check out, like fajitas, catfish and wraps. Enjoy the show today!



Anonymous said...

I think this World of Wings business is just another government ploy to brainwash middle class America with jingoistic ideas...

"Free Wi-Fi" = government spies on you through your computer while you eat wings.

"Wing man or woman" = obviously intended to refer to government agents listening in through warrantless wiretaps while you eat your wings.

"Fajitas, catfish and wraps" = references to Mexico (fajitas) and the impending North American Union which will create a continental currency called the Amero.

And worst of all, the wings are probably full of nanotransmitter GPS units that act as a means for the government to track your every movement.

Jay said...

And worst of all, the wings are probably full of nanotransmitter GPS units that act as a means for the government to track your every movement.

Nanotech transmitters in the chicken? Don't be stupid.

We put 'em in the sauce.

Anonymous said...


Nice looking cat.

There's a reason that libs are called anti-American. There's a reason that their ideology has been the most destructive in the history of the world, having killed millions and destroyed the lives of untold numbers of fellow Americans.

There's a reason that they are called Moonbats. You saw it yesterday.

One of my frustrations with the whole Main Street thing is that it tends to equate normal Americans with those who hate their country - and those who support them. It doesn't require a lot of thought to know who is a patriot and who is certainly not.

And the home of Anti-Americanism today is not the Chinese, it's the culture of treason endemic in the democratic party. Their leadership believes, in their hearts, the exact same lunacy that you read on this blog yesterday.

They are just a little too connected with reality to publicly state it - that is unless they slip up and accuse our soldiers of murdering from 35,000 feet like Sen. Rockefeller (Democrat, moonbat, WV) did this week.

Now I know that the Main Street approach requires that you say that not all dems are like this. Very few of them are actively anti-American.

That's true. But 95% of them will vote for these people. The great majority will happily follow this evil.

So, what do you call a person who follows and votes for an ideology that hates its own country, even though they themselves don't consciously agree that the US is at fault for every thing that is wrong?

Let's be kind and just call them confused.

Just Fred said...

Speaking about brainwashing and cults:

Perhaps there are different interpretations and perceptions about both of the terms. Generally, we think of brainwashing and cult formation in negative terms and perhaps even sociopathic.

After listening to Dr. Holt describe the tactics, I must confess I employed some of them, particularly when I was coaching. Most of the time it was done unknowingly, I guess, but when trying to build a 'team concept' and comraderie among the members it worked. Also, when there are several styles, game plans, and techniques available it was important to have the team buy into my philosophy.

Could the teams I coached been classified as 'cults'? Just asking.

I would think when building an army, some of the same techniques would have to be applied.

Gary Sutton said...

I must admit that when I coached I was creating a submissive, obedient, and constantly re-enforced cult and may I Troll-Trenton-T.Paine) "Moonbat (your term) bunch of cult followers. We trained them to win. (No, Trenton, I really never wanted to get that precious Main Street tie you accuse me of constantly.) We drilled them daily, as I am sure Fred did as wrestling coach (by the way Fred, I will offend you with this, but we called you guys "mat rats) with the total idea of brainwashing them that it was only our stuff that worked. I must admit that we even worked on "psycho-cybernetics" which is programming the sub-conscious to in this case diabolically make foul shots. (Must have worked, because we shot 74% as a team in our State Championship Year of 1987.) I just wanted to confess to my cult behavior. There, I feel better now. GS

Anonymous said...

A number of years ago I heard a statement that the new home for the extreme leftists would some day be the political correctness movement and the environment. That day has come. We can no longer say clearly what is on our mind unless we conform with the current set of views on any issue. We are then called raciest, anti-earth or hate speakers. When I was at Ball State University, one of the required reading books was "Animal Farm" I wonder if anyone in the current student body even knows these kinds of books exist.
Good Show
Frank Collins

Just Fred said...

Mat Rats? It must have been contagious. The b-ball players at Lampeter-Strasburg referred to us the same way.

Anyhow, I have stated that I probably used some of Dr. Holt's strategies as a coach. I can understand some of Jacque's points however, especially when the time comes for soldiers to re-enter civilan life. Some need to be 'de-programmed' or they could face psychological and/or social problems re-adjusting.

It's not always predictable who might be susceptible. I had first hand experience with this: One of my cousins (who, by the way, was a physics major at PSU and quite intelligent) got sucked into the "Mooney" culture by Reverend Moon. Remember him from the late 60's?

Anyhow, he bought into it lock stock and barrel and even got married in one of those mass weddings. Family and friends had quite a roller coaster ride 'de-programming' him. It took a long time.

He and his wife (same woman) live happily in Maine and he is a successful physicist........go figure. The point is it's hard to predict who goes off the deep end when subjected to this kind of brainwashing. I'm reminded of that bizzaro film, "Apocalypse Now" when a perfectly intelligent highly trained officer went gonzo in Vietnam. It happens, but thankfully that's not the norm.