Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Reverend Not-So-Wright?

Here are some segments from Rev. Jeremiah Wright's appearance at the National Press Club on Monday the 28th. An interesting look at a troubled mind perhaps?


Just Fred said...

Jeremiah Wright is only grasping his "15 minutes of fame". Other so-called spiritual leaders did the same thing........Jerry Falwell, John Hagee, Jimmy Bakker, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, that Haggerty dude, among others, got their shot at stardom, too.

What continues to amaze me is that many people seem to think that if someone has a "Reverend" title before their name, that person is somehow more honest, honorable, and insightful than say, an auto mechanic, an accountant, or a radio talk show host. It's like, "well this person is a 'man of God' so he must have the inside track to the truth."

It's a load of crap, but if I were a Clintonista or a Republican tribal member I would churn this baby as long as I could knowing there are enough sap-heads out there that would conflate Wright and Obama.

Eric said...

Fred: "Jeremiah Wright is only grasping his "15 minutes of fame". Other so-called spiritual leaders did the same thing........Jerry Falwell, John Hagee, Jimmy Bakker, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, that Haggerty dude, among others, got their shot at stardom, too."

Since many of those you mentioned have questionable religious teaching, their grasp for 15 minutes of fame is not surprising. I do find in interesting that you would use the old tactic of cultural relativism to use wrong by one person as a way to excuse and justify wrong done by another.

Fred: "What continues to amaze me is that many people seem to think that if someone has a "Reverend" title before their name, that person is somehow more honest, honorable, and insightful than say, an auto mechanic, an accountant, or a radio talk show host. It's like, "well this person is a 'man of God' so he must have the inside track to the truth."

I agree. The fact that anyone would treat Sharpton, Jackson or Wright as anything other the the pulpit pimpin' hustlers that they are is beyond me.

Fred: "...there that would conflate Wright and Obama."

The issue Obama has as it related to Wright is his lack of judgement. If he can't pick a church or pastor, how can the American people trust him to pick a judge or cabinet?

Just Fred said...

I wasn't using relativism to excuse any of 'em, including Wright.

Sharpton and Jackson are slightly different in that they make no bones about being political activists.