Monday, April 14, 2008

Are YOU a bitter Pennsylvanian?


Anonymous said...

Am I hearing right? Has a tiny crack developed in the storied love affair between Gary and Obama? He sounds disappointed in his buddy's statements and is taking it out on San Francisco, calling it the "most perverted city in the US".

Now that's not really Main Street, where everything is worthy of thoughtful consideration. I think you can blame this intemperance on his upset state of mind caused by Sen. Obama.

So Obama thinks we are all boobs, driven insane by our inability to find a job and forced to seek pitiful solace in the church or shooting range.

So how will Gary reconcile this slap in the face with his overwhelming desire to believe that Sen. Obama will "bring us together".

My guess is that he'll wake up a year or two in the Obama reign and turn against him. Gary did exactly this when he was taken in with the Siren song of Fast Eddie.

You'd think some folks would learn about dems.

Anonymous said...

On a separate note -

It's going to be D-Day at WOW tonight. Doug-Day. Double-order-Day. 'Cuz I'm getting my food tonight. So watch out Jay. And I want a full bag of Funyuns to go with my Mr. Pibb.

Jay said...

Not tonight, Doug -- I won't be here then. How about Wednesday or Thursday?

Anonymous said...

We'll have to see Jay, I'll let you know.

Anonymous said...

okay Jay we'll come Wednesday or Thursday.

Anonymous said...

I tried to explain this to Gary on the air today, but I didnt do a good job of it. Replace the word word "cling to" with "vote for the candidate who talks about", and you will all understand this.

Shame on all of you for jumping on the "elite" comments.

2004 on the Charlie Rose show. Same thing, just said better. It explains exactly what I was thinking he meant.

By the way, I'm a republican. Just hate the way that everyone is blowing this out of proportion because they dont understand it.

Gary Sutton said...

I know you listened to the show today, and if you did, then you also know that most callers were not "blowing this out of proportion" as you said. In fact, I was surprised at how many people thought Obama hit some key points in his comments. It was a good discussion that analyzed words and feelings that may have been intimated in the talk. I think the one thing that has come out of this is , however, is that stereotyping on any level is faulty at best and wrong at worst. The "antipathy " comment was also off base as well. What did you hear in the discussion? GS