Monday, April 7, 2008

The April 7th Show is Open for discussion during 9 to 12 noon.

Each day, (unless I forget to open it up here) we will have this "chat room-type" post for you to comment on the topics we bring up on the show. Today, Congressman Todd Platts is my guest, so if you have questions or comments for him, post them here, and we will refer to them frequently. we also encourage any responsible comments and questions each day here on the blog to be shared throughout the show.


Steve from Apple Hill said...

Hello, Congressman.

I'm one of those who is a GOP member normally who changed my registration to "D" temporarily to keep Clinton and Obama spending their campaign cash against each other and getting the negatives about each of them out there.

I've heard that this is "illegal."

Is it really illegal for a person to register to vote for the party of their choice for any reason at any time as long as it is within the established timetable?

Just wondering.

By the way, I've been nothing but impressed with your words since you've been in office. Have not been able to keep up with your voting record though.

If you've consistently walked your talk, you have my vote this fall, whether I'm under "D" or "R".

Frank from Dillsburg said...

For Congressman Platts,

I drive a pickup truck that gets 17 mpg. My wife drives a mid-size SUV that gets 20 mpg.

For a mileage average of 35 mpg, these vehicles would have to be approximately one half their size.

I and my wife are not comfortable with this.

Why does Congress have to dictate what my wife and I drive?

I would probably be able to go to a large size pickup and avoid the standards, but my wife likes the smaller SUVs and would not like to go to a large enough vehicle to avoid the standards.

Frank Stearns
Dillsburg, PA

Jay said...

I'm forced to check in and out with the show this morning, but I'd like to know:

1. Is the congressman familiar with the Change Congress movement?

2. Does the congressman plan to sign the Change Congress candidates pledge?

The candidates pledge is "I believe in the following reforms:
* I will not accept contributions from registered lobbyists or PACs.
* I will support the abolition of earmarks.
* I will support reform to increase transparency in Congress.
* I will support public financing of public elections."

Jay said...

How is our government protecting hard-working Americans from Olav, the Norwegian ax-wielding lion?

Will Mr. Platts break his "no earmarks" rule to fund a defense plan to arm, say, a raccoon with brass knuckles? I heard that China is experimenting with shiv-wielding panda bears. Thank you.

Just Fred said...

As the price of fuel continues to rise we hear both sides blaming the other..........

Democrats blame Big Oil greed, while Republicans blame environmentalists somehow preventing the building of refineries and drilling more wells.

But, what I don't hear is alot of moaning coming from oil companies themselves. I've never heard any of complaining about the fact they can't drill more or build new refineries in the US.

Two questions:

1. Does Exxon-Mobil, for instance, even want to develop new oil wells and refineries in the US?

2. Even if they did, that doesn't necessarily mean fuel prices would go down does it? Wouldn't the oil be sold to the highest bidder? There is an assumption that if we drilled more wells in the US, the price of gas at the pump would go down. Is that a valid assumption?

Frank from Dillsburg said...

For Congressman Platts and Gary Sutton,

Oh, darn. Just as you started to talk about fuel mileage, I had a telephone call that I had to take.

I am an engineering consultant and I work at home, mostly on the computer. I pride myself on my responsiveness, and a Construction Contractor was calling from the job site with a question.

I missed the discussion on fuel economy and vehicle size.

Perhaps I will receive something in writing.


Frank from Dillsburg

Anonymous said...


How unfortunate you cannot simply advocate for your candidate.

Anonymous said...

When will the Congressman realize that we were lied to by the Bush administration and subsequently illegally invaded and continue to occupy a foreign nation, murdered 100s of thousands of their citizens, and wasted billions and billions of our nation's wealth to do so, and realize that true accountability demands the impeachment and indictment of those leaders for violation of Consitutional and international war crimes???

Just wondering......

By the way, I remember how we also were told that Iraqi oil was going to pay for the invasion and it would cost Americans no more than 50 billion dollars, tops. All of the lies ---if they were drops--added up would fill a fleet of oil tankers.

Anonymous said...

Jay - perhaps the best defense against Olav is a good defense, i.e. running away. The Isle of Man has a good idea...look 'em up!