Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 17: Today's show

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What's on deck? All kinds of topics, but right now it's last night's debate and the middle class.

Speaking of the middle class, check out this post from a couple weeks ago to see how the Congressional Research Service tried to define the middle class.


Anonymous said...


Sure the dems offer tortured answers to questions. They must do this since they simply cannot tell the truth without feeling a lot of pain. Pain hurts, so they soon learn to lie about their beliefs without blinking an eye. If they told the truth it would sound something like:

- I think we need to do away with guns. Get used to it, rubes.

- I think most people in flyover country are rubes and, as a lib, I'm so very much smarter than all of them - and you too.

- I think you earn too much and keep too much and I'm going to take your money so I can invest it in liberal causes.

- I like my pastor and agree with him and can't wait until I can set a few things straight in this rotten country.

- Don't worry your pretty little heads about the details, I'll take care of you. Just keep working and sending in that money.

- I hate rich people. I'll take their money so they won't be rich any more. Sure, that will make me even richer, but you just aren't smart enough to understand.

- Iraq is wrong and just shows how we are awful bullies. WE need to be taken down a peg and I'm just the candidate to do it.

- I'm very patriotic. But it's a special kind of patriotism. I actually hate my own country but, as a patriot, I know what I want it to be once I tear it down. That's what I call real patriotism.

- I can't believe you dumb fools really believe in religion. Regardless of what we libs say, not a single one of us believes in that stuff, unless you are talking about global warming of course. Ha ha. I'm smart. You're dumb.

Get used to it. Soon we won't have to hide what we really believe.

Jay said...

Doug, sorry I missed you yesterday!

How was everything? Were the Funyons done to your taste?

Anonymous said...

Jay - food was great. We got the wing sampler, Texas burger, cheese fries, and my daughter got the grilled cheese. Great stuff. Your guy behind the counter let my wife sample the sauces before she ordered. Very nice group of people working there. I'd recommend your place to anybody.

And the Funyons were cooked to my specifications, yes. Disappointed that there was no Mr. Pibb, but I'll live ;0)

I would like to mention that your Buffalo III sauce made me cry. That stuff is HOT.

Jay said...

Awesome. With enough notice, I'll have your Mr. Pibb next time.

But as Mitch Hedberg pointed out, Mr. Pibb is B.S. knock-off of Dr. Pepper.

Dude didn't even get his degree. You couldn't wait until you graduated to make pop?

Anonymous said...


You do realize you are going against type for your neck of the woods, don't you?

You referred to carbonated beverages as 'pop' when this map clearly shows you are in 'soda' country.

Jay said...

That map is awesome (nice HTML tagging for that link, too).

I usually say soda, but Mitch used the word pop and it's his bit.

Anonymous said...

You know, it's rough for a kid when their parents pull them in opposite directions...the dad says "pop", the mom says "soda", and the kid has to choose. I'm still emotionally scarred by being tugged like that during my childhood, and even today I have trouble when talking about pop...I mean soda...sorry dad, I meant pop, you know I don't like choosing between you and mom! Why can I never do anything good enough for you! Why can't we all just get along! You never told my brother he couldn't say pop, why me?