Friday, February 22, 2008

What's on your mind?

Well, we're rolling up on another weekend, so here's another generic post for you to discuss any news items from the week.

Drive safely in this bad weather, everyone!


Just Fred said...

The Iraq War has taken a backseat since the presidential race has heated up, but hey, it's still going on over there isn't it?

I noticed today that Kurdish rebels in Northern Iraq have killed 22 Turkish soldiers. That poses a question for me:

If we are working toward 'victory' in Iraq, does that also include the northern part of the country or are we going to blow that part of Iraq off as not really integral to the operation? Turkey has long been an ally, but the Kurds are part Iraq aren't they?

I also noticed that Serbia is blaming the USA for the embassy bombing. One wonders if the need to have our fingers in so many political pies throughout the world might be coming counter-productive. Your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Olbermann shows how the terror alerts (read: "Bullshit") were purely bullshit, the utility of them was clear: political gain.
Political gain.
Political gain either through diversion from events possibly damaging to the appearance of the Republican Party or the Bush administration, or to further consolidate power.

That wonderfully insightful quote from HL Mencken applies:
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

I note that Bush's popularity is hovering in the low double digits:
you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
Why has impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors NOT been used?---937 instances of lying or deceiving the electorate by key members of the administration is--- no matter how you slice it--- impeachable.

Just Fred said...

Authoritarian followers in particular need a boogy-man don't they Jacque? "War on Terror" works out nicely and guess what? It can go on forever like the "War on Drugs".

More on my brain this weekend:

It's been quite fascinating to watch the reaction to the NYT article published about John McCain's alleged involvement in some kind of scandal. Prior to the article he was labeled a 'maverick' for daring to buck conservative ideology. 'Reaching across the aisle', being too moderate and even liberal leaning in some cases.

Well, that's all changed hasn't it? The New York Times is now the boogy-man and it's galvanizing the authoritartian followers within his political club. He's still the same guy with all the negatives the hard-line conservatives have been pointing to for the last few months (even years), but hey, we've got a reason to come to his rescue and rally behind him...........the evil NEW YORK TIMES.

There's the hobgoblin HL Menken told us was necessary to motivate the unenthusiastic members of the club.