Friday, February 8, 2008

Welcome to Voices from Main Street!

Well, here I am in the world of true blogging. I've got to admit that it is a brave new world with tons of possibilities, but we'll have some serious fun here as I get used to all of the bells and whistles.

Try us out and feel free to add comments on our look. We'll be adding a lot over the next few days, so stay tuned.

Let me take this opportunity to ask you: What kind of features do you like? How about content?

And welcome!


Anonymous said...

Great looking blog!

So, will your next endeavor be podcasting?

Jay said...

Podcasts are definitely worth looking into.

On the other hand, couldn't we sit back and wait for Google to buy us out for hundreds of million dollars?

Anonymous said...

More naked pictures.

A good political blog can never have enough naked pictures.

Just sayin . . . . .

I really dislike having to unravel the wierd verification letters when I post.
It's annoying.
It's like getting carded at the liquor store when you're 75.
It's like submitting your mother's maiden name to purchase stamps.
It's like demonstrating you've washed behind your ears before a bedtime snack.
I understand its logic, but as one who complains bitterly everytime I am asked to remove my shoes at the airport screening, I will consistently proclaim: "There's got to be a better way."
Maybe some sort of recognition for established posters could be arranged----- a secret handshake with the keyboard or some simple prefatory code, like "mmmmm," which is real easy for me to type.

Jay said...

"I really dislike having to unravel the wierd verification letters when I post."

You really don't have to -- you skip that if you log in with any number of identities (even your AOL/AIM account).

The word verification is there to help control bots, especially spambots.

Like most Americans, I believe that word verification will ultimately lead to the downfall of Skynet and its horde of Terminators.

Anonymous said...


In the blogging world, hosts occasionally post what they call an 'open thread' to allow for general discussion. Your new format would be conducive for something like that. (I'm thinking especially over the weekend when you are off the air.)

Runner's Anonymous said...

I like when you're controversial. I like when you start off a show by saying that you have a topic that will drive people crazy. I'd like to see more of that stuff here.

I recently just started blogging too. This forum can get addictive but it is an interesting media! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Actually, I have a techy question (most likely for Jay) — I'm asking more out of curiosity than anything else:

Given that there's a number of other blogging platforms available (TypePad, MovableType and WordPress, to name a few) what sold you on Blogger?

Jay said...

Blogger has the ease of use thing going for it.

Plus, modern blog software appears to play well with others -- if Gary wants to switch to WordPress (or something else) down the road, we should be able to import everything over to the new platform.

Anonymous said...

I did that before - converting Blogger to Wordpress - everything is done for you, it's a click-of-a-button thing.

Jay said...

"I did that before - converting Blogger to Wordpress - everything is done for you, it's a click-of-a-button thing."

Isn't technology cool when it works?

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the "blogosphere" Gary. I know you have a vibrant blog prior to this, but this certainly gives you a new look. I also tried "WOW" and it was good! The only problem that I see is that Mike Huckabee is not on that list at the top-right portion of the candidates...I think if his name should be up there...BUT to each his own. Thanks!

Jay said...

"I also tried "WOW" and it was good!"

A-HAH! My devious plan is working! Seriously, I'm glad you had a good experience.

When were you in? I'm sorry I missed you. Ask for Jay and introduce yourself next time. That goes for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Yo Gary:

Congrats on the new cyber digs. Now that I can italicize my comments when appropriate, I'll start coming around again.

It also looks this jay character will be a quality caretaker of the site, so I predict nothing but success.

Jay said...

JustFred, are you still having problems commenting or is everything squared away?

Just Fred said...


Jay said...

squared away then, Fred; great!