Monday, February 18, 2008

Tuesday Show Guest

Join us tomorrow morning in the 9 o'clock hour as we welcome radio and television host John Pinkston, of "Watch America" to the program. He'll be discussing his book, "Our Lost National Identity."


Anonymous said...

I doubt Gary has any idea what this guy is about. He's one of these preachers who believes the New World Order is striving to take over the world and that's it's all been foretold in the book of Revelation. It starts with the Club of Rome and an evil and secret plan to set up 10 regional governments to rule the world. Like all of these conspiracy theories, real events such a Nafta and the Mexican Truck Drivers are all part of the plan.

Normally this stuff is limited to shortwave - I wonder how it ended up on Main Street.

I can't wait to see how Gary handles this guy - whose book on the 10 Tribes of Israel is all the way up to number 561,000 on Amazon.

It's likely to be strange in a train wreck sort of way. Don't miss it.

Anonymous said...

Be careful Justin. You might be accused of closing yourself to the 'possibility' that it could be valid and true...which in some circles is the greatest sin of all.

Gary Sutton said...

Let's have some fun here guys! Is that a problem, Justin? I actually think it will be interesting to go exploring the possibilities of globalization with this guy. You don't think he'll poison our minds, do you? Listen and dismiss, be challenged, or laugh. GS

Anonymous said...

I'm sure this fellow is the essence of sane rational unbiased thought.
Most Bible-based conspiracists are, aren't they?

Proposed questions for the reverend:
What is the role of women in the world?
Where do black people fit in?
Was the world created 6003 or 6004years ago?
What is the proper method of executing homosexuals?
Any woman who has had an abortion is already damned, why not just put them into detention camps?
Since the One World Government is part of the Final Days, would it be a good idea to take out a 20 or a 30 year mortgage?

Just Fred said...

Jacque, a classic post, a real classic.........I'll be laughing to myself all day. I especially liked the 20 or 30 year mortgage question.

I give Gary credit on this one though, because it's interesting to know that there are actually people out there that are actually 'out there'. I kinda got a bang out of the guy.

Anonymous said...

"First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation."

Just Fred said...

Hey 'Anonymous',
What the samhill are you talking about?

In the meantime I'll be looking out for those scoffers like Jacque who will easy to spot because they'll be following evil desires.