Friday, February 29, 2008

The News Beneath the Radar! The Bottom Ten!

Are you keeping up with all of the news going on out there?

If you can answer the fill-in questions below, you either definitely are checking everything out that's happening, or possibly have no life (just kidding on that last one). Have some fun with this over the weekend.

Oh, and the first person to post a comment with all of the right answers gets lunch or dinner on me at York's WOW Cafe & Wingery! So, have at it.

  • • In The Netherlands, you can actually take a course that helps you get over _____.
  • • A British researcher says that as much as 85% of the world's population may be _____.
  • • They sell 'em in Japan: _____-flavored Cheetos.
  • • To show he's a regular guy, Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee took the time to _____ the other day.
  • • The Colorado legislature is considering a bill that would require testing students for _____.
  • • Walter Husak has just auctioned off 301 antique _____ for a total of $10.7-million!
  • • There is a recent claim that the average Briton consumes 44,000 _____ in their lifetime.
  • • In Wales, a tanker overturned, spilling 20,000 gallons of _____ all over the road.
  • • In Saudi Arabia, police are interrogating 57 men who allegedly _____ in front of a shopping mall.
  • • In Canada, a home renter has gone to court because his landlord doesn't want the renter to keep a _____ in the house.
Answers will be posted on early next week.


Anonymous said...

Piece of cake.

• In The Netherlands, you can actually take a course that helps you get over _Anna Nicole's passing.
• A British researcher says that as much as 85% of the world's population may be _feral.
• They sell 'em in Japan: _whale-flavored Cheetos.
• To show he's a regular guy, Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee took the time to perform _an emergency tracheostomy the other day.
• The Colorado legislature is considering a bill that would require testing students for _intestinal parasites.
• Walter Husak has just auctioned off 301 antique _coins for a total of $10.7-million!
• There is a recent claim that the average Briton consumes 44,000 _pork kidneys in their lifetime.
• In Wales, a tanker overturned, spilling 20,000 gallons of _used molasses all over the road.
• In Saudi Arabia, police are interrogating 57 men who allegedly _declined offers from Publisher's Clearing House in front of a shopping mall.
• In Canada, a home renter has gone to court because his landlord doesn't want the renter to keep a _landlady in the house.

You've got to come with some harder ones, J--these are entirely too easy.
Especially the last one.

Jay said...

"You've got to come with some harder ones, J"

Oh, this is Gary's quiz -- if I post a quiz for a free meal I'll include solving Fermat's last theorum as one of the questions. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jay, I meant to type "G."
I like Fermat's Theorem, and had solved it when I was in 1st grade, although I didn't realize it until I starting dating.

I am currently attempting to prove that every number that exists, including the non-existent ones, is contained in Pi.

I keep running out of paper; otherwise, it's going well.
I also believe that the inverse square of the sum of all primes is itself a Fibonacci subset of Pi, but I am struggling with this and I am not certain why.

Jay said...

I am currently attempting to prove that every number that exists, including the non-existent ones, is contained in Pi."

Don't bother, I did that last week while doodling during a phone call.

Sadly, I think I threw out the proof along with my letter from Publisher's Clearinghouse (I may already be a winner!).

Jay said...

BTW, Gary tells me that the contest is still open, so let's see your entries!

Anonymous said...

#1 - blushing
#2 - obese?
#3 - Strawberry
#4 - lasso a bale of hay
#5 - tuberculosis
#6 - rare pennies
#7 - pints of beer
#8 - buttermilk
#9 - flirting
#10 - I have no idea...a moose?

Anonymous said...

#10 - how about a gun?

Gary Sutton said...

Isn't this fun? Jacque--you definitely had a big ZERO on your's so "No soup or wings for you." Doug , you get an E for effort so far. Your answers were:

#1 - blushing-- CORRECT
#2 - obese?-- WRONG
#3 - Strawberry-- CORRECT
#4 - lasso a bale of hay-- WRONG
#5 - tuberculosis-- WRONG
#6 - rare pennies-- CORRECT
#7 - pints of beer-- CORRECT
#8 - buttermilk-- CORRECT
#9 - flirting-- CORRECT
#10 - I have no idea...a moose?-- WRONG

Six out of Ten is great, Doug! We have four to go. Let me give some hints and others are welcome to join in on this:
#2- Nostradomus
#4- a sport
#5- forward and drawkcab
#10- mini-ride

I'll leave this up a few days longer, and best of luck to all, and to all a Good Day! GS

Anonymous said...

Here's my list from Friday:

1. fear of blushing
2. unable to afford medicine
3. strawberry
4. go hunting
5. tuberculosis
(Okay, so it's not what you were thinking of, Gary, but at least give us credit for having an almost correct answer. The bill we're referring to is SB08-044, which would require tuberculosis testing for all college students upon enrollment.)
6. pennies
7. pints of beer
8. buttermilk
9. flirted with girls, danced to pop music and wore "improper" clothing

I, likewise, am stuck on #10. Grr...

Anonymous said...

Okay, Gary, I think I've got #5: English-speaking proficiency. (SB98)

Anonymous said...

#2 - 85% of the world population may be reading the National Enquirer?

#5 - dyslexic?

#10 - a clown car?

Gary Sutton said...

You are such a winner! (I'm ok--you're ok attitude--positive, huh?) Anyway, you got #5 right with the answer aixelsyd. I'm sorry; that was dyslexia. That leaves 2, 4, and 10 for the taking! New hints--Nah! Have fun. GS

Anonymous said...

I'm totally down to guesses now. I can't find a dang thing out there.

#2 - 85% of the world population may be (your hint was "Nostradamus") afraid that the world will end soon?

#4 - I know Huckabee fired over the heads of reporters when he was out hunting...

#10 - did the guy have a model train set or something?