Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Must Read when it comes to hope!

I'm reading The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, by Barack Obama.

As I check out everything I can find on each candidate, I must say that this book is more insightful into Obama's political thoughts than just about anything else I have poured through this campaign season. When you hear him on the stump, it puts what you are hearing into some context. It definitely is a "Must Read."

Link to book on


Anonymous said...

What's the deal now, have Presidential campaigns turned into book tours?

Gore had a book, Obama has a book. \

Does that make Stephen King the most qualified candidate?

JustMyOpinion said...

The book actually came out of the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention, entitled "The Audacity of Hope" that propelled him to national prominence.

The book was first published on Oct 17th 2006and made the NY Times Best Seller list that month.

It is apparently the second book he has written, the first being "Dreams from my Father".