Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Democratic candidates debate

Click HERE to watch the highlights, courtesy of the Washington Post. There are other videos from last night located to the right on that page too.


Eric said...

The debate was just more of the "I can be a better socialist than you" argument. There was nothing new from either of the candidates. I did hear that Louis Farrakhan has endorsed Obama. I really hope Minister Farrakhan is very vocal in his support. Farrakhan is an great man who has always been a strong advocate for "change" in this country. Since terrorist only attack non-Muslim nations, the war on terror should end immediately after Obama takes office.

The Lager Lad said...

7.8 million people watched the debate the other night. It was the most watched event in MSNBC's history.

I really think we're going to see an Obama landslide in November and I also think we're going to see a veto proof majority in the house and maybe even 60 Dems in the Senate.

The pendulum is finally swinging back to the Dems side. I would expect another four to six years of Dem gains.

Just Fred said...

The Farrakhan statement is a non-issue, and it's dopey to think because someone says he likes another guy we must assume that there's a strong connection between the two.

One of my neighbors is a totally irresponsible bigoted nut job and says he likes John McCain because he could never vote for a "blackie". Should I then assume he sees McCain as an irresponsible bigoted nutjob? What's McCain's responsiblity here? How about his campaign team commissions a bumper sticker that says, "Irresponsible Racists for McCain". My neighbor would buy a dozen of 'em.

JustMyOpinion said...

Erics's comments (as well as Fred's neighbor) only points out that bigotry and nut jobs are everywhere in our society.

It therefore is certainly easy to see and understand why the rest of the world also cannot get along.

Just Fred said...

You are also wrong that "terrorists only attack non-Muslim nations". They do a pretty good job slugging it out with eachother even though both sides are's called sectarian violence.

Eric said...

Fred: "The Farrakhan statement is a non-issue, and it's dopey to think because someone says he likes another guy we must assume that there's a strong connection between the two."

I never said that Farrakhan's statement was an issue. Obama is free to get his support where he can find it.

Fred: "You are also wrong that "terrorists only attack non-Muslim nations". They do a pretty good job slugging it out with eachother even though both sides are's called sectarian violence."

Well. It is good to see that you acknowledge that Muslim terrorist are responsible for the violence in many areas of the world. At times it seems that some of us forget that we aren't the enemy, but the brokers of peace and freedom.

Eric said...

Fred: "One of my neighbors is a totally irresponsible bigoted nut job and says he likes John McCain because he could never vote for a "blackie"."

Fred, there are some that will not vote for Obama because of his race. That is an unfortunate fact of life. There are also some people that will not vote for Obama because he has the support of an anti-Semitic racist, Muslim, Nation of Islam leader that refers to white people and Jews as devils. This may not cause you to reconsider your support, but all Obama supporters aren't as intelligent as you.

Nevertheless, there will be some that won't vote for Obama because they are racist, and there will be some that won't vote for Obama because he has the endorsement of a racist. So no matter how you look at it, in this case two negatives doesn't make a positive.

Fred: "Now that's a good one. The insinuation is that Obama solicited the backing of Louis Farrakhan."

Regardless of if I asked my wife or my wife asked me, we both entered into a mutually beneficial agreement. Unless Obama leaves Farrakhan at the alter, then Americans perception will be based on Farrakhan's announcement of the engagement.

Eric said...

The Lager Lad: "7.8 million people watched the debate the other night. It was the most watched event in MSNBC's history."

I have seen MSNBC in passing. It should be of no surprise that it takes something other than their daily programming to attract viewers and make history. The Texas Dem debate on CNN got 7.5 million. It was right after something called "FOP Movie Fairly Odd Baby" on NICK that got 8.8 million. Since MSNBC sucks at the news, maybe they should try some kids programming.

The Lager Lad: "The pendulum is finally swinging back to the Dems side. I would expect another four to six years of Dem gains."

That may be true, the pendulum swings as a reminder of the mistakes of the past for those who have forgotten. I don't think it will take 2 years for the American people to see that an immediate troop withdrawal is a lie and that government healthcare is like the high quality of service offered by the DMV and IRS. Only, there is no long line of illegal aliens at the IRS.

Just Fred said...


Ok, yesterday Texas evangelist John Hagee publicly endorsed John McCain calling McCain a "man of principle". Fine, but John Hagee has written several articles that are highly critical of the Catholic Church referring to the Church as the 'Great Whore', 'anti-Christ', and a 'false cult system'.

Does this mean McCain needs to be judged by the views of John Hagee and therefore rejected by Catholics?

Do you understand how nuts this is?

You cannot be held responsibile for the people who say they like you, nor should you be held accountable for the other person's views.

Eric said...


You make it quite obvious that you are unable to defend the non-rejection of the endorsement of Louis Eugene (Walcott) Farrakhan by Barack Hussein Obama by your rapid change of focus to other candidates. It may be possible that you agree with Farrakhan, in which case your continued support for Barack Hussein Obama is understood. For some, there is nothing more important than winning elections, even if the anti-Semitic racist voting bloc is needed to accomplish that goal. I am sure that they are glad to have your support.

Whether McCain should rejected by Catholics is a matter of faith and ones ability to read and comprehend the Bible.

Fred, The bible is filled with allegory, prophecy and parables that are understood only through the prism of faith. The reason the bible is written in parables is found in Matthew 13 in the statement, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.”

John Hagee’s statements are based on the Book of Revelations. Revelations contains messages to the seven churches in the province of Asia (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardi, Philadelphia and Laodicea.) that speaks of “the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. Some view “the great prostitute” as the organization of the Catholic Church. This is in no way calling those who follow the Catholic teachings whores, but prophesy does warn about evil within the organization.

A prostitute is a woman of questionable moral character that gives her “treasure” for monetary and personal gain. “We the people” have seen how our government has become corrupt, drifted away from the Constitution and prostituted itself for personal gain. “We the believers” have seen the church drift away from its religious and moral teachings for personal gain. Our government and the church are being prostituted from within by those who wish to destroy them. It is prophesied that both bureaucratic organizations will one day be under the same evil ruler, so I don’t find this surprising. The religions of Obamanation and Global Warming are evidence of how easily many are deceived into seeking “hope” and “change” from sources other than God.

Fred: “Does this mean McCain needs to be judged by the views of John Hagee and therefore rejected by Catholics?”

John McCain should allow Catholic to make their own decision based on their faith. John Hagee’s statements are based on 2000 years of prophesy and a religious foundation found in the Bible. Catholics opposed to scripture may be under the influence of the prostitute mentioned by Mr. Hagee. If Catholics have questions concerning the Bible, then they should consult the author for clarification.

Fred, you appear to be an intelligent person so I request your assistance. I am attempting to figure out how your political views lead you and Louis Farrakhan to support the same candidate. Below are some of Farrakhan’s quotes. Since Obama’s acceptance or rejection of Farrakhan’s views is unknown, if you could please compare and contrast your views with these statements it would help identify other similarities you may have with Mr. Farrakhan. Thanks.

"White people are potential humans - they haven't evolved yet."

"The Jews have been so bad at politics they lost half their population in the Holocaust. They thought they could trust in Hitler, and they helped him get the Third Reich on the road."

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He rose Germany up from the ashes."

"They call (Hezbollah) terrorists, I call them freedom fighters. No one asks why they would do such a thing. Why would they do such a thing? What has driven them to this point? That's what the UN, the U.S. and Europe doesn't want to deal with because the Zionists have control in England, in Europe, in the United States and around the world."

"The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the late of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years."