Thursday, January 8, 2009

Minnesota Land of 1000 votes

I used to follow the politics of the day with great regularity. Being informed was an obsession of mine for years. In the last few years though I confess I don’t like having my blood pressure raised to the extent necessary to keep following. I do try to stay informed though by listening to WSBA in the morning between 6am and 9am and then I have the rest of the day to try to calm down. Having said that, I could not help but pay attention to the disputed election in Minnesota.

Al Franken will probably win but let’s face it...that was a foregone conclusion. It seems elections run that way now. Without throwing the conspiracy theories around I had some thoughts about it. Now I spent many years of my youth in Philadelphia. My dad was a cop in that city during the race riots of the late 60’s and early 70’s. He and a guy named Rizzo did not get along. Pop thought Hizonor was crooked. I only give that background info to suggest that I am not naïve about election rigging. Voting early and often is what happens.

So why then is the Minnesota election so interesting? Have rural states elections been pristine for so long? Probably not. The degree of larceny has generally been relatively low if only because of the smaller populations. But since 2000 we see an increase in the importance of heretofore unimportant states. Karl Rove and company worked this like a symphony conductor in 2004. Now of course the former ‘silent majority’ conservatives have adopted part of the other team’s playbook where you die for every inch of ground. Formerly unimportant states are now... important. It seems to me that the election shenanigans of the big cities like Philadelphia, NYC, Chicago, etc are moving to the burbs just like the rest of the country.

However larceny on this scale and in plain view of everyone is what we need to be vigilant against. We used to have the illusion that the Midwest, Bible Belt, and other areas, had relatively honest elections that would generally offset those practices in urban America. But it seems that perception and veneer is officially over. In Minnesota someone accurately foresaw Franken losing if they adopted the Georgia plan and had a run off hence the court route. I think courts will be more and more involved in elections and that is a bad thing. Let’s face it if the election process is no longer sacrosanct (even if that is only a perception and not reality) can our system continue to work? How can the folks have faith in their “elected officials” and system of government if we can’t have faith in the process that puts them there?


Anonymous said...

A little predisposed what to think about this contest, eh Joe? Unanimous decisions by a bipartisan election board doesn't exactly reek of malfeasance.

joeyd said...

I hear you but I'm not buying it. there are ballots discovered in the trunks of voting officials' cars and other interesting places. The vast majority of 'mistakes' were votes for Al Franken. The handling of ballots in Minnesota this go around looks like it was orchestrated by the crime scene investigators for the OJ/Nichole Brown case.

Anonymous said...

So after almost 2 Million votes and an infintesimal percentage win by Franken, you see a left-wing conspiracy and something that was "a foregone conclusion". I don't think so.
Sounds like the same type of cry-baby posts that came out of the Florida election but just from a different political side.

Just Fred said...

Lesson for political tribal members:

If the other guy wins a close election it must be due to some behind the scenes manipulation of the system because our guy is the better candidate and the other guy is a bum and members of his tribe can't be trusted.

Anonymous said...

......and would you like fries with that?

Anonymous said...

Al Franken was a freak on SNL. This is what people ELECT to represent their interests. As they say: "you reap what you sow". Good luck, Minnesotians - you've just made official fools of yourself. Raise a glass of buttermilk and ask your sister out on a date!

On the death count, Minnesota is now officially dead in reference to common sense and class. Congrats! You stink!

Anonymous said...

This made fools out of Minnesotans? They have a history of this sort of thing. Remember this is the same state that elected Jesse "The Body" Ventura as its governor not too long ago.

Jay said...

LOL, reality, I was thinking the same thing about Gov. Ventura!

Just Fred said...

Anon, would you like a list of people who used their celebrity status to help them get elected to political office? I don't think the D-Tribe has the inside track on that approach.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Ask Lynn Swann.

joeyd said...

Sorry, I have been out a bit. Good points all but I would like to respond to Fred-the answer to your issue is yes-i think that no matter who comes out winner the good folks of Minnesota should be skeptical of the result. The state oughta hit F5 on this one.

I have no idea if Franken is qualified or not. I never found him funny on SNL but that doesn't mean he can't govern. I actually know people who worked on Ventura's cabinet and they thought he was pretty good for the first half of his tenure. After that it got strange. But yeah it seems that Minnesotans enjoy a little entertainment with their politics.

Anonymous said...

- Franken = FREAK
- Good point about Ventura.
- Ego's and money run for high-office positions. Therefore, more recognizable names than for say...the mayor of York
- What we should be talking about is the deflation of WSBA and this blog site now that Sutton has sold-out and "gone company" with Jim Horn and the morning loony-tunes.

I used to tune in around 9am. Now its more like noon. Glenn Beck is doomsday talk for 3 hours. Fine. Now go live in your bombshelter.

WSBA HAD BEEN a local station with "local voices" and concerns. Now we have some half-baked version in the morning. Honestly, I encourage you all to go find another more credible outlet that may value your thoughts.

Don't worry fellas, we'll still tell stories of the "good ol' days"............