Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just taking a stroll down Main Street

Hey, my tiny amount of free time has shriveled up like a salted slug. That's why you haven't seen much in the way of tech tips and my I-hate-everyone, curmudgeonly political posts and comments.

Once things settle down here (hah!), I plan to work with Gary to make changes to the site to make it a better home for Main Street. I'm looking at a forum format and Gary is interested in making himself available for live chats and even gatherings here at my restaurant.

Speaking of which, is there any interest in an Election Night gathering here? We can put election coverage on the big TV's here.


RC said...

I dunno.
Election nights are not good for me. I usually go to my bed and pull the covers up tight to my face and pray that everything will be all right.

Will there be drugs?

Given the last two elections and the insanity of the last 8 years, I am not sure I am even suitable company for others what with the ranting, and the screaming, and the foaming at the mouth--------and that's just the team from Fox News.
It isn't my best of times for me.
It drags up all the foibles of the system-(vestigial and outmoded electoral college, collusion by the 2 Ruling Parties to allow others, failure to implement meaningful changes such as: shorter campaign times, no private campaign contributions in excess of $1000, term limits, mandated censure and eviction of wrongdoers among the incumbent officeholders, etc etc) and I am rendered somewhat desperate in spirit at this time.

I'm like a kid at the carnival who's realizing that the games are all rigged, and that even if you win that stuffed bear, you don't win much at all, and you wasted money and time trying.

Why in God's name do we continue to put up with this badly damaged system in which a person spends $35 million to win a seat that pays 140K and then totally ignores the statesmanship of the job by rewarding his corporate backers and enriching himself while forgetting his true constituency, the electorate?

You see what I mean. . . .

Anonymous said...

I don't work Tuesday nights so I can be there fo' sho'.

Anonymous said...

And I know it looks bad that I only stick my head in here when WOW and/or other food is mentioned. It's a coincidence. Really.

Just Fred said...

Rc, your post summed it up for me, too. However, I will be tuned in because it's the greatest reality show on earth.......the buildup, the suspense, the passion, the drama, the ups and downs, the intrigue, the second-guessing, the beer. Followed of course by the 24/7 re-hashing and analysis for several weeks.

Wait a minute, are we talkng about the super Bowl or the presidential election here?