Thursday, October 23, 2008

Governor Richardson and Friday's Show

Governor Bill Richardson was supposed to be my guest on yesterday's show, but he stood me up. After waiting 1-1/2 hours to tape the interview, and with much help from an Obama aide, Ebony Meeks, we finally threw in the towel. Sorry. I like the Governor, and was looking forward to his insights. (Sorry especially to RB.)

Friday, we have Chris Markowski, "The Watchdog of Wall Street" from 6:10 to 6:25. This guy is sharp, and he'll be getting into analysis on gas prices, candidates' gas plans, and abolishing 401k tax breaks. Check out his website at

We also have Dr. Terry Madonna from Franklin and Marshall College who will be talking about the new Franklin and Marshall/Hearst-Argyle Presidential Poll. Find out more at

Our 8-9 Call-In Hour will focus on "What changes you would like to see to future presidential campaigns and elections" plus "When it comes down to it in the simplest terms, what is this election really all about?"

Join us 6-9am on York's Morning News.


Just Fred said...

Good effort scheduling guests and making the show relevant. My only problem was, and still is, the time slot. Interviewing guests at 6:15am might work for people like my dad since he's 83 and like many senior citizens, he blows out of bed at 5am. It just doesn't work for anymore for many of us anymore.

I imagine, however, you guys are developing a new audience and I suppose that's good. I'm waiting for Jay to change the format of the blogsite so we can stay stay in touch.


Just Fred said...

Geez, sorry about the goofball typos and grammatical errors in my last post. I didn't proof-read it and it makes me sound like a moron.