Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday's Show

Guests on 10/22 show:

Barbara Comstock on "The Fairness Doctrine." You can find her article on the Fairness Doctrine at (Archives) 10/20/08 date written.

Harold Holzer on Lincoln as a leader and what he would tell our candidates today as one gets ready for the presidency. Has written new book, "Lincoln President-Elect: Abraham Lincoln and the Great Secession Winter 1860-61 (Simon and Schuster, October 21, 2008, $30 .

Attorney Norman Shabel on corporate greed and what to do about it. Has written book, "The Corporation" which deals with greed.


GovernorBill Richardson will be on the show @ Obama and his take on the election.

Brian Aderson on the fairness doctrine and his new book, "A Manifesto for Media Freedom."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What time is Gov. Richardson on Thursday?