Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just a little bit of history and timeline on the financial mess

Just thought I would post some points since the "Elite media" seems to want to forget whose negligence, and involvement helped get us into this mess.


BlogHog said...

Microwave Popcorn Lawsuits?
Now we've hit a low point. I can see a revival of "Wierd News of the Morning" just around the corner. When is Jim going to start the daily knock-knock joke as a legit segment of the show?

Should I tune in tomorrow to see if there is any talk about the VP debate? Dare should it overtake more important items to "chuckle-chuckle-har-har" about.

And this 3rd hour call in is still nothing more than "Sutton-Lite". McKenzie just read the lottery numbers over about 30 long seconds and we'll be on to another traffic&weather segment. All important news if you could potentially could be holding the winning lottery ticket, snared in a traffic jam, with the threat of rain on the horizon.

Radio turned off at 830am.
No interest in more traffic/weather and a short talk w/ Rush's sub............

Anonymous said...

Gary, when you throw around wingnut-sanctioned and disseminated terms like "Elite media" it is hard for you to be too upset when someone calls you a wingnut.

On a related note, if one defines 'elite' as superior it is quite appropriate that you lift up Fox News as the anti-elite. They have done more than enough to dumb down the conversation. What are they doing covering this anyway? Isn't there a white woman missing somewhere?

Anonymous said...

On a separate note...I think Gary's story about his radio show is yet another example of no good deed going unpunished.

I have not listened to Gary's show in several years (after moving out of the area) but I want to see if I've got this straight. Gary made a somewhat principled decision to not get into an electoral race because it would preclude him from talking issues on his show, then WSBA cans said show? What's the deal.

If this was coming down the pike (and it must have been in the works for at least a little while) they could have let Gary go out on his own terms and then come back to this morning show business had things not gone his way in the election.

I think you were hosed, Gary

Anonymous said...

The scary part of this is that the lobbyists were the only ones who won: the congressmen were doing their bidding----not their constituents'-----and were at the same time hiding the amount of money that was received in campaign contributions from these federal agencies------!!!??!?!?

At what point do the American voters finally wake up and elect true reformers into office------not just people who promise reform but are already members of the same groups, with the same friends and backers, and doing the same things to keep the status quo alive and well???
Especially when it's been revealed that the system is badly functioning, at so many levels.

We need outsiders to Washington/Pentagon and Wall Street politics -- we need independents who aren't tied up with the lobbyists, and we need to institute term limits so that people will become more statesmanlike in office, instead of cash whores seeking re-election funding from their first day in office.
A very damaged system.
Greed is winning.

Jay said...

You know what's funny, last Anonymous and reality_based?

Gary bowed out of the race because he couldn't talk about local issues and run at the same time. Makes sense, right? It isn't fair to the other candidates if one of them has a three-hour commercial each day.

But here's the funny part -- doesn't that mean that this talk show host has a higher ethical standard than a sitting congressman?! I mean, if you want to spend part of your term as senator running for president, hey, have at it.

BlogHog said...

Franklin, Jefferson, Hamilton, Washington, Madison, Adams, etc., etc., etc. are all rolling over in their graves wondering what the heck derailed their experiment in democracy and capitalism......

When will the real patriots come forth demanding complete compliance, integrity, justice, and responsibility for the American people?

This near entire crop of the Congress needs some thinning out. Problem is, I'm not sure if it isn't too big a task for the American populace? Would the media comply and even give time to persons that would be deemed so 'radical'?

Mind boggling!

Anonymous said...

Might want to see the site and their take. They believe there is plenty of blame to go around and remind us that despite the Hume talking points in the clip that the bill made it out of committee in the Senate but was never brought up for consideration. At that time, Republicans had a majority in the Senate and controlled the agenda. Democrats never got the chance to vote against it or to mount a filibuster to block it.

BlogHog said...

This is for JIM HORN
We, the listeners and people of York challenge you to devote Friday's show to the VP debate. Enough of re-reading the York Daily Record. Enough of trivial news. Let's focus on the time. Let's allow Gary to spread his wings and deliver what he did EVERY day from 9 'til Noon. If all you and others care about at WSBA is advertising and national syndicates then we ALL have lost.

Gary - BRING IT! This is your watershed moment. Deliver or likely suffer the loss of even more former listeners and followers. Your former show definately had more substance and depth than the current format.

If not, we'll be left in the wake of weather updates, knock-knock jokes, and traffic reports.........

Gary Sutton said...

The popcorn bit fit in very well with the news of the day if you listened. If you turned off at 8:30, then you missed a great 20-minute discussion and call-in segment with Dr. Walter E. Williams on the financial plan. we don't do weird news and "knock-knock" jokes, but yeah, we might laugh now and then. I actually did that in the other show. It's one thing to critique; it's another to be totally unfair. We've cleared out a lot of the stuff from the old show in less than a week's time, and all you can do is continue to complain. Thanks for the critique, but try some new talking pojnts; the old ones are getting stale.

Gary Sutton said...

I don't lift up Fox News as anything but news. Elite media is a term I have used for a long time becaused that is how I see them. Obviously, you don't!

Anonymous said...

Well...Fox News is anything but news...that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Fox News tries to be balanced news but they really are as biased as other networks. It is not nearly as blatantly obvious as talk radio but there nevertheless.

Gary Sutton said...

I am interested in what you presently hold as the standard for news. Why would Fox News be any less news than any of the other cable, or network news? Isn't opinion journalism and entertainment rampant in all of the so-called news organizations today. I don't know that Fox is any better, but I'm pretty sure they're not worse. Please explain.

BlogHog said...

Points taken. "Stale" I'm not so certain. Don't go so offended. You're the one with the potential in this new time slot. Your partner likes to talk "local" but then farms it out to persons from outside the region. And now the suits have gone national in your former time slot. Your last comment appears to imply that you were bored of the old show. Maybe so. But honestly, if you expect people to hang-out through repetitions of traffic&weather, commericials, etc. then you have spent too much time behind the mike.
Now don't get inflamed. I like and value your opinion. It just takes a lot more patience sifting through the fluff to get the same result.
Times change. We can accept this. "Complaints"? Maybe. Depends on your vantage point.

BlogHog said...

Read your response again and quite honestly, I've been a bit unfair. You're trying your best and that I commend. I'm eternally upset with the decision of WSBA to disrespect their local appeal and foundation. I'm completely turned off to this approach. If you can't find success in keeping a more local focus for 3 hours of the day then maybe its a different kind of issue? I find the new morning show to be unoriginal and a shadow of your former show. No apologies. You brought it every day - straight talk, original, and common sense. What is our country lacking? Much of those same aspects. I'll blame the listeners for not supporting your show. So, WE will take the hit and not you. You're a great man, GS. Don't let the average peoples bring you down, you only get a few original shots at this game.
No hard feelings. Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Gary, you ask

Why would Fox News be any less news than any of the other cable, or network news?

There are two things i hold FNC news channel responsible for. One is the general dumbing down of news. They are far more interested in chasing down ratings than covering substantive issues (hence the 'missing white woman' comment earlier). A big part of that is that they were the first (and remain the worst offender) of declaring that there are "two sides" to every issue that carry equal weight even when that is far from the truth. "Scientists say the Earth is round, but next we'll introduce you to someone who is not so sure. We'll decide!" It creates a lot of yelling and screaming, but it doesn't inform the public much.

You are correct that other networks have followed their lead to grab eyeballs. Fill the gaps with someone's opinion...find someone else who objects to said opinion...then watch as fact and opinion blur into one. Thank you Fox News! So that is one reason they are less than...they are the prime culprits.

Secondly, the bias shown on FNC is egregious. They abide by a worldview that reality has a well known liberal bias (thank you Stephen Colbert for that reference) and the world needed a counter-balance.

I know you don't like articles/stories that are critical of your dear leader. But I don't see how fact-based print articles from the Times or the Post are somehow 'proof' of some liberal bias in those sources. It may be a story you don't like, but if the reporting context-based and accurate how does that make them 'liberal'?

By the way, the best resource that I have found that still seems to hold some journalistic integrity is McClatchy news service (formerly Knight-Ridder). You should check them out sometime.