Thursday, October 16, 2008

Did anyone win in Debate 3?

Joe the Plumber was probably the biggest winner with some great publicity for business. I thought the introduction of this guy put the conversation on a "Main Street" level that people could understand in concrete terms. Using this point, McCain finally stumbled into differentiating between "spreading out the wealth" by the government, and the individual keeping his own money and making choices as to where it will go himself. This is the ultimate difference between the two.

What did you hear in the last debate?


Anonymous said...

You know what bugs me about people like Joe? He goes around complaining about how Obama tap danced around his question, blah, blah, blah...but then it turns out (according to one fairly reliable political reporting site -- Politico) that he's not even registered to vote.


As to the debate itself. If I were to look at the transcript this morning as a debate coach ranking on official debate "points" I would probably give the debate to McCain by a slim margin.

But having watched the thing... it was no contest that Obama won. McCain was just angry. If he can't control himself to a political opponent at home, how are we to expect he can control himself when talking to adversaries? Obama's got the better temperament (not to mention the better policies) to be president.

Anonymous said...

I think we will now have a gutfull of Joe in the next couple of weeks.

Actually according to his own admission he falls well under the 250K Obama limit.

So the corollary will be Obama will find a millionaire that is thinking that he should be paying more taxes and then everyone will change their minds also ?? (Actually he did - Warren Buffet who criticized the current tax structure as favoring the rich as he pays less tax percentage than ANY of his employees AND he does it without using any strange loopholes !!)

Anonymous said...

I'm still wondering when (the answer would be never) a 3rd party candidate will be given fair debate just to ruffle the feathers of the "big two" - at any point in the future of presidential politics? Not impressed by either candidate. I'm not convinced that they have the best plans or interest of our country. The best example is their lack of a plan on immigration reform (and its not all Hispanics as there are PLENTY of other nationalities under this illegal umbrella). It has drained our resources and placed immeasurable strains on our economy from many facets. I have a firm belief in that you can propose how to 'fix' other areas (health care / ecomomy / trade / taxes / etc.) but if you have a constant vacuum then it will have a reduced end result.
There was a time when more respectable persons strove for the Presidency and in in they had better interests in a fundamentally SOUND America.
And this goes across political lines. We, the people, deserve better...........much better.

Anonymous said...

A small update. Looks JtP (Joe the Plumber) is a Republican. He voted in his first primary this year.

Anonymous said...

Check the analysis of Debate 3 on FactCheck.Org.

There was a lot of "stuff" floating out there that was dubious at best.

Just Fred said...

Ok, so Joe the Plumber hits a homerun and business takes off, gets that $250,000 per year. Under Obama's plan his tax rate would go from 36% to 39%. He's paying more taxes.

However, if the Obama plan were in place for the last 8 years, good ole Joe would have been able to start his business sooner since he would have been paying less during those years. He could have saved money and started up his business a year or two ago.

Final note: If any of you making over $250,000 per year want to trade paychecks with me, I'll pay the extra 3% in taxes and you can have my paycheck.

Anonymous said...

Not only that Fred, but the $250K is a net figure...not gross. So after all the write offs he is probably due for an Obama tax cut.


Back to JtP. He apparently hates taxes so much he just doesn't pay 'em.

RC said...

"McCain finally stumbled into differentiating between "spreading out the wealth" by the government, and the individual keeping his own money and making choices as to where it will go himself. This is the ultimate difference between the two."

There is credibility here for the individual keeping his own money and making choices as to where it will go himself?

Military budget under Bush went from 650 billion in 2000 to 1,449 billion in 2008----------did you or I have any say about this outlay of money and what it was being used for???

This is only one example of the individual having no say at all how his money----the money he has given to the government--- will be spent. There are many others....

Or are you referring to the money that is being generated and saved by the individual???
Savings under Bush went from the highest they had been in the last 50 years in 2000 to the lowest they had been since the Great Depression in the 1930s.
With today's devaluation of the dollar any savings are still shrinking dramatically.

John McCain's fiscal policies are not that different from the Bush administration's with whom he voted and sided most of the time.

How are those policies going to allow the individual to keep more of their own money and have more choices over where it is going to go when the money is being appropriated and used by the government however it chooses, such as the 1 trillion 'bailout,' and when savings for the average American are drying up faster than water on a hot pavement in July???????

You got to be kidding here.

Anonymous said...

Oh...and JtP also isn't really a plumber.

"He is also not registered to operate as a plumber in Ohio, which means he’s not a plumber."

Anonymous said...

"Joe the Plumber" is just another tool of a political machine. Obama & McCain each have a "Joe" in their back pocket. Helps them "connect" with the public. Excuse me while I vomit. These guys are a bunch of car salesmen - and I apologize if any of you are car salesmen but you get the analogy. I second the reference to - at least this site doesn't have a stake in who's elected President (unlike major media outlets).
And while I too am not able to call myself one of the $250k+ crowd I have no problem with those individuals keeping the most of what they earn. Great for them! I don't expect those persons to have increased taxes because of their success whether it be by luck, hard work, advanced education or any combination of these. Too often the "tax more on those who make more" looks like a redistribution for those who sit on their couch all day, fake worker's comp or unemployment, smoke, and get fat. I know, thats biased but is it any more wrong than the legions of persons who think that everyone making over $250k are filthy rich, sipping cocktails at noon, all while getting a massage? Hell, no!
Give me a break. This country NEEDS to return to the fundamentals that built it into what we enjoy today. They always say its easier crafting a winner than maintaining one and our current state of the republic is a prime example of such an analogy.
Its time for AMERICANS to take AMERICA back!

Jay said...

I'll third the recommendation.

It's as informative as it is depressing. Which is to say, a lot.

Link to

Anonymous said...

I'm new to this but you guys are out of your minds and clearly have been to the fountain of GOP Kool-Aid! Obama is cut straight from the cloth of America. A portrait of all we need and should strive to be. ACORN, Ayers, and the rest of the rightwing smear campaign is clearly false and NOT working if you check the polls.
A vote for McCain is a vote for another 4 years of stale American rhetoric and worldwide aggression. Feed the fat pigs while the rest of us starve.......

Obama is a winner with proven experience and a campaign built upon the foundation of truth!
All opinions that Gary Sutton would no doubt have great difficulty in defeating. In fact, I can feel Gary swinging to the side of enlightenment on the pathway to an Obama Presidency!
Obama in '08!

Anonymous said...

On a slightly different topic, is WSBA a Fox News station, i.e. do the top of the hour news breaks, etc come via Fox or ABC?

If it is there's news today that makes the GS Show switch make more sense. It seems t.v. ratings bottom dweller Glenn Beck is headed to FNC from CNN.

Jay said...

I think they do stuff with Fox News.

Anonymous said...

How professional Gary & Jim. "Thanking" each other for being on the air (announced around 806am). You guys are pompous - Gary has obviously lost his way on radio and WHO is Jim Horn? I hope you like to listen to each other because this new show and format STINK! I'm gone. Goodbye terrestrial........hello Satellite and ESPN 1350.......

Anonymous said...

Well whatever you folks do, whether you tune in for Gary's new time slot or not, you've just got to make sure you're listening Tuesday mornings at 7:20. Just absolutely MUST listen!

Anonymous said...

i don't think it's necessary to bash the plumber. the point is that Obama wants to "spread the wealth around". people need to look long term where this is going. if you want to live in a socialist society, maybe you could move to another country. this country was not founded on these principles and we should not stand for them. maybe you people and the media who are bashing the plumber and found out all kinds of details and are trying to destroy an average citizen, should stick to finding out details and who the candidates are. nobody cares that Obama has to disassociate himself and deny all of his past associations with people. he's the only one that has to keep saying "that's not the man i knew" or "he doesn't speak for me". and has to backtrack on his record.

Anonymous said...

Interesting...I did not realize that revealing truth was "destroying" anyone. Consider me now properly educated on that note.

As far as "associations", maybe people who care about solving problems aren't interested in guilt by association.

Finally..."spread the wealth"... I would be curious if you have read (or watched) the entire exchange or if you are just riffing off of the quote out of context. You have to be predisposed against Obama to read what he said as 'socialism'

Anonymous said...

WSBA is NOT a Fox News station. Its a Jim Horn station with stale morning news and a muzzled Gary Sutton. Sure, he brings in good guests but the time is limited and so is the talk. And it all leads in to Glen Beck's end-of-the-world banter at 9. Do yourself a favor and find something else to fill your 6-9am isn't happening here on 910.

Anonymous said...

From out of town, listen to Gary 9-Noon. Not there today....some guy named Glen Beck. We have syndicates 24/7 in my parts and it gets to be the sale ol' song&dance hour after hour, day after day. Where's Gary? (and don't tell me its at some grocery store as the commercial stated)..........

Jay said...

He's on 6AM to 9AM now. I believe it's streamed over the internet just like the old show.