Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bailout or Rescue???

Now that the bill has become a law, has your anger faded? Maybe it was never there if you think it is ok for the same entity that lackedd oversight, and took part in this mess is the same one we choose each time to bail us out. Is this not the insanity that Einstein spoke of at an earlier time? Why do we distrust our institutions and individual ingenuity so much?

Maybe this vote was right for the moment, but what about the long-term; what about the future of our free enterprise system? Have we safeguarded our individual liberty, or have we altered the state of our economic system? Our problem is that we all think we need something new, but we are not willing to suffer through hard change to do it. We weren't willing to say "No" to our president and our Congress and face the prospect that change could come about with the result of market correction, not government direction. We are afraid of returning to our principles, which is why we seek the cocoon and comfort zone of letting government ride to a faux rescue using our real money.

We need change, but not the kind offered by Obama that wreaks of socialism, or McCain's which has only the policy du jour that will make him popular for the moment.
The change will only come from us in an ideological revolution. I know that this is totally idealistic which is why it doesn't work because we have lost our idealism, except in shallow speeches only geared to being elected. We are lost in our innocence of daily life, manipulated by those who have the power; that's government.

Forgive my negativity, but it is what I see, and the outcome is not one that is postive, at least from these eyes. Your thoughts....


Anonymous said...

I am tired of positions that beg the question about what we should do in concrete terms. This is just another one of those, a lot of words with no real substance.

Unknown said...

I'm disappointed that Sen. McCain didn't show more leadership on this. I was hoping that he could convince some in the Senate to stand with the House. Instead the House caved. We got a worse bill with tax breaks for some manufacturer of kids' arrows. He's like all the rest. I'm supporting Bob Barr the real patriot in the race.

Anonymous said...

I should always remember that good things come if I am patient. Having
just learned that the Gary Sutton Show is no more is a great thing. Don't get me wrong, I am in agreement with Gary on most
of his ideas and politics. It's just that he seldom had respect for the callers he so much wanted
to call in and give thier opinions.
He always had to talk over or interupt even the most articulate
caller, except his own politian friends. That brings to mind another good thing that just happened, Bev Mackereth gone too.
Gary, you would never listen to me about what that woman did wrong to my family,she was proven wrong, and never punished for her malicous
act. Now I won't have to see her
frightening face in the paper any
more. Two people in York county
I disliked gone from the spot light, yes it's a good week for me.
As for Glenn Beck, I found him on
WHP when I could no longer tolerate
the Gary Sutton Show. I love Glenn's show and hope he will be on
locally for years to come.

RC said...

That last posting is fairly passionate against Gary Sutton.
What's up with that?

Re what Gary has written:
I am not so sure that socialism is inherently evil-------except when it is inappropriately applied to the ruling class as it is in this so-called bailout.
True socialism benefits everyone in society, regardless their socioeconomic niche.
True socialism isn't class or race or age or faith biased----it applies to everyone. This 'bailout' is a socialistic purge of money from the lower classes to the higher classes.
Gary's correct in identifying this as monetary theft as faux for what it purportedly will accomplish, and what is actually is intended to do. It's brazen crime in the streets, done right under the noses of the citizens who can only watch open-mouthed and do nothing.
It is a bastardization of socialism.

But I want to challenge that notion of "ideological revolution"----is this is the same Gary Sutton who so embraced the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? who so completely has sided with the idea of spreading democracy into the MidEast at the point of a gun, and equated the "War On Terrorism" with the militaristic imperialism of the US bloodmoney profiteers and petty dictators?
who argued for torture for "illegal combatants" as potentially necessary to information-gathering and unlawful imprisonment without Habeus Corpus for American citizens? who defended the rendition capture and relocation to known hellholes of "people of suspicion" regardless whether they'd actually done anything illegal?

Who supported the wasteful expenditure of American dollars to kill innocent foreigners as well as young American soldiers as if it was helping anyone??????
who argues that "the Free Market" is about democracy in action in the economy without any understanding that free markets only exist for those who say they are free-----and make them so uneven that only the home team can score??

Is this the "ideological revolution" you're proposing, Gary Sutton???
You have sided so much for those who have made terrible decisions for America, for the world-----what now do you intend to do ideologically that will make it all forgiveable? That will make it all appear to have been the right decisions at the right time------even when all the facts were screaming in your ears that this adminstration and this Congress were all about LIES to the public????
HOw the H_ _ _ can you justify what you have supported for the last 7½ years and talk to us about an ideological revolution?!?!?!?

You have been a patsy to this whole debacle and don't have the courage to come out and say it.
Or else you're simply stupid, in which case it's just too bad.

Jay said...

Hey, rc, you gave Gary two choices in your scenario -- he's either a patsy and lacks the courage to say so or he's stupid.

Let me suggest a third choice: Maybe he believes in certain things and certain people claimed to believe in them, too. And they either didn't believe in those things or couldn't execute. That doesn't make him a patsy, that means those people failed him.

I couldn't begin to guess which of the three choices is correct, although I don't believe he's stupid or lacks courage. And I suspect that if we thought about it for a little while, we could come up with some other choices.

I'm not here to defend him; that's his business. I just want to suggest that we should all pause and reflect before calling someone spineless or stupid.

RC said...

No, Jay,
It isn't that I am giving him choices.
He already has made his choices as I described them----his views have been pro-War, pro-military, pro-Bush and the dismantling of the Constitution through the virtual repeal of the 4th and 6th Amendments and the refusal to obey the laws that were signed, pro-gunboat diplomacy, pro-occupation of another nation, pro-FreeMarket economy through removal of safeguarding regulations, etc, etc, etc.
I said it earlier.

THOSE were his choices.
And he made them.

Gary's not spineless.
But he may be suffering from the same condition a lot of people have: the inability to really examine what they heard and read and realize they have been lied to.
When the Downing Street Memo came out and definitively established Bush in a direct lie to us, Gary ignored it.
Still ignores it and all the other evidence that shows that Cheney/Bush cooked the data to make it look as if we were in imminent peril from Iraq.
He continues to ignore the insanity of what America has been doing in Iraq------which makes me think he learned nothing about history as a teacher.

Ignoring or minimizing or rationalizing or denying the truth certainly can be cowardice, usually from fear of being found out.

You say this stuff in private, it's one thing---saying it on the airwaves is something else.

Anonymous said...

Faux rescue ?

Think again oh wise one.

BlogHog said...

Well, well.........interesting banter. Not quite sure how to interject other than to find appreciation in persons questioning Sutton's perspective. Too bad he doesn't have a forum to address these ideas.

I've found a new morning sanctuary - ESPN 1350 - politics is not much different than pro sports but at least we know that one really is just a game!

Tired of Jim Horn's amazement with the weather, traffic jams, and reading the Daily Record out loud as if we didn't already know. Hey Jim - book a trip with your waste of space travel agent spot. Amateur at best.
Okay, now you WSBA loyalists and Horn's Fan Club can spout off your rebuttals. Meanwhile, Rome is burning..........

Anonymous said...

I had only started listening to the "Gary Sutton Show" when it was abruptly canceled. What was the reason for that move? I have tried the new "York's Morning News" but it doesn't keep my interest in the same way. This blog in some ways is almost a closer reality to Gary's former show. And who is Jim Horn? Where did he come from? Is he also a politics minded/background kind of radio guy? His comments really throw me off the conversation. One time I almost was about to call in and then the conversation took a 180. Anyone want to clue in a WSBA newcomer?

Anonymous said...

The NEW Gary Sutton Show
"What's on your mind Friday"-gone
Local opinions - reduced/silenced
Hot air - increased
Jim Horn - out of place
Call in time - minus commercials/news/traffic - 33min
Another listener lost.
Nice job fellas

Just Fred said...

Anonymous guys,
I was quite involved in the old Gary Sutton Show......I blogged, I emailed, I called in, and was even a guest on his radio and tv show a couple of times.

I come from the liberal side of center (particularly on social issues). Gary Sutton gave people like me a voice, and whether we agreed or disagreed on an issue didn't matter.

For business reasons, he was replaced with a nationally syndicated talk show host, Glen Beck. Now WSBA looks like every other talk radio station in America. Whoopee!

When WSBA dropped Gary's show, we all lost something. The 6 to 9am format isn't even close to the former program. Unlike some others, I have nothing against Jim Horn or the other people he shares time with on the air, but his skills are being wasted.

If it sounds like I'm some kind of Gary Sutton kiss-ass, that's not true, since we've debated issues and probably disagreed 75% of time. But, Gary was accessible and gave us a voice that never happens during the Beck-Limbaugh-Hannity-Savage lineup.

I've lost touch with WSBA, too, and have turned on my satellite radio in the morning since they offer more challenging programming.

RC said...

Fred is truthful.
We've lost a chance to hear opposing POVs on air in York.

Market manager Todd Toerper was the fellow who made the decision to cancel Gary's show and move Gary to the 6-9 time.

It was a bad move for York.

If you want to complain about it, contact Toerper. But I don't think that WSBA is going to rescind the Beck show and re-air Gary's show.
Too much corporate bottomline think.
Gary's show was probably not doing that badly in the ratings, but given the supposed larger audience following of Beck, it was money-driven decision.

And I'm guessing here. I don't really know what the numbers looked like. I do know that conservative radio is down across America as more people are seeing the hardcore hosts as part of the problem and listening less.

Maybe, people are getting fed up with rhetoric and wanting to hear the truth. Maybe. . .
During the Great Depresion, people notoriously flocked to very conservative views, such as Father Coughlin's mad rants in the 30s.
They also listened to the Fireside Chats of President Roosevelt, who was reassuring them on a weekly basis. Coughlin's vitriol was as incendiary as FDR's talks were soothing. It was a strangely unsettled time.

Then they went to World War II.

My fear is that one of the ultimate possible reactions to a global depression-----if it turns into one, instead of simply a re-valuation of world currencies---is that world war will again erupt.
The militarists in America still rule. They call the shots. It would be a way for America to try to wipe out all the accumulated debt to other nations by declaring them enemies and refusing to honor the debt obligations.
It has happened before.
And we know that all the countries of the world are armed far more than they were before WWII when everybody had to scramble to catch up with headstart of the Axis powers. That's not the case now.

And the weaponry now is undeniably horrific.

Jay said...

Anonymous wrote: This blog in some ways is almost a closer reality to Gary's former show.

What do you suppose we can do here to make this site even close to the original show?

I know more frequent updates is at the top of the list, but what else would you suggest?

I miss the old show, too, and I'm beginning to think that there must be a way to make this more of a home for us.

Just Fred said...

Jay, I prefer the forum format similar to YDR's exchange. Several headings, topics created by bloggers, easy to navigate without having to scroll through alot of responses, no hoops (passwords, word verificaions, usernames) to jump through every time you want to respond or create a new topic for discussion. I'm sure you've checked their site, and I would prefer that kind of setup.

RC said...

Let me add one thing to what Fred is saying, J: that format is user-friendly, and offers more topical discussion since it's user-generated, to be sure.

The only problem is the lack of reasoned argument by a lot of the people who use such sites.
This isn't something about which something corrective can be done---(other than selectively screening commentors or pay-for-use membership subsciptions that also tend to draw a more serious crowd)- but it is to me one of the annoyances of blogs in general.

Instead of being arenas of sharing of opinions, facts, links, and info in general, they tend to lapse into ego fights straight from the Jerry Springer handbook.

It's one thing to attack the opinions of another---inasmuch as they are the stuff of discourse----and another to resort to pushing and shoving namecalling at a juvenile level.
The problem with the YDR site is a lack of moderation, refereeing---to insure topics stay central in focus. (It's too big, maybe, for one policeman.)
This would be your job should you change to another format.
Let me say that I don't like censorship of opinions, or of words, even if they are offensive to some -------- but I do like boundaries that create a sense of fairplay. When the ball goes out of bounds, the ref brings it back into play. It keeps things in perspective. It keeps the game where it's supposed to be.
This site is capable of drawing in other opinionators, but it has to change to do so.

Anonymous said...

Where is the "voice of Main Street" in all of this discourse? This is my first time to the blog, while I have been a loyal Gary listener for the past 6 years, and I now find the morning news show a shallow representation of the former program. Not to ruffle any feathers, but does anyone else find Gary's backseat approach a belly-up reply to all of the changes? I feel as if his previous voice has been silenced and thus I join "Just Fred" and "Jay" amongst others in lamenting this change. Disappointing at a time when "we, the people" need a common sense plain voice.

Jay said...

That's why I'm wondering about what we can do to make this a better home for Gary's fans.

I think the forum format would go a long way to helping, but I'm concerned about the moderation question.

I have quite a bit of experience with forums -- as a user, as a moderator and as an admin -- and good moderation is key to building a good community. And that takes a serious time investment just as a starting point.

Still, if I can find a way to make it work, I'll recommend that direction to Gary.

Gary Sutton said...

Good morning, and thanks for all of your input! I have been working very hard at trying hard to adapt the York's Morning News to my "Old Format." I know it's not exactly the same, but I'm trying. As far as opening up a forum, I would be glad to take part in a forum right after the show or at a designated hour during the week. Jay can change over to that with my blessing. I would love to take part in a dialogue about the issues with you. Suggestions are welcome. Sorry I have not updated some blog posts recently as I have been working on and adapting to the new time slot.