Monday, September 29, 2008

Who won the Debate on Friday?

I thought that McCain had to throw a haymaker and he missed. I thought that Obama had to simply not make any major gaffes and he managed to tread water. Problem was that neither showed themselves to be very good leaders, or be specific in their proposals in a way that we could understand. (Why do I hear Forest Gump talking about Mama explaining things to him in a way he could understand here.) I think that unless some major event comes along, Obama is on his way to at least a decisive victory, and possibly a landslide. What say you?


Anonymous said...

i watched about ten minutes of the debate. sure wish I could get that ten minutes back. listening to those two airheads was making MY head hurt.

what would really, really, really be nice would be if during the debate there would be some sort of fact checking person with a laptop and their voting records, etc. so that when one of them makes a claim, you know, "you voted such a way on this bill and that bill" and the other one goes "no i didn't!" the fact checker could look it up on the spot and tell us all who's making things up.

Anonymous said...

I think McCain came out in front, if only slightly over Obama. No, Obama didn't make more than one, of his well known stumbles during his speeches, but informational wise, it was still Swiss Cheese...

Obama clearly looked aggitated several times, and became a bit impatient when it was McCains' turn to talk on a few occasions by talking over him and going on and on. Of course, if I hadn't watched the entire debate myself, I wouldn't have heard about it. Big surprise there.

Anonymous said...

The American people lost.
What we heard was Tweedledum saying that Tweedledee did something or didn't do something and Tweedldee saying that Tweedledum did something or didn't do something.


Where is Nader? Barr? McKinney? Others?

Presidential debates without alternate views is the TweedeldumTweedledee Show in HiDef, bad programming, bad information for the electorate.

Each man agreed with the other on a lot of issues that may have a completely different solution----like listening to amateur plumbers whether they'd choose a big hammer or a smaller hammer to do what properly ought to be done with a 17mm Allen wrench.
Our listening to Coke/Pepsi definitions of thirst-quenching liquids isn't going to enrich our knowledge of what works best for us or our children.
The denial of alternate views constitutes violation of 1st Amendment rights-------by omission, the truth is corrupted.
Often, it's what is left out that completely changes the validity of the story.

Why leave out the intelligence of the voters? Let them hear all views, let them decide for themselves what to believe.
I think it might be far better if ALL campaign ads were outlawed, and the airing of candidates' views would take place over the course of three months of televised discussions prior to teh election.
This way the issues could be given more centrality, and the innuendo and political smear negativity wouldn't gum up the works.

(Bring back the Sutton Show, WSBA--you screwed up taking it off the air)

Anonymous said...

Bring back Gary 9 - 12

BlogHog said...

Here, HERE, Woodbutcher - you're thoughts are echoed by most people except the ones calling the shots which is a nice transition to the debate question and presidential politics!

What ever happened to a little piss&vinegar from McCain? Those two looked like they were afraid to say anything overly accusational or confronting on camera! Instead, they avoided eye contact like two schoolgirls, no wait, schoolgirls make more eye contact than that in a disagreement. Why would McCain not flat out call Obama on the floor for his Fanny/Freddie affiliations? If you don't go for the jugular you're just inflicting superficial wounds that won't do much. I have to believe that (a) McCain has employed much too much restraint and (b) old time politicians were much more outspoken and real. Today we get a watered down, made-for-TV special. Kind of like the new WSBA "York's Morning News" aka "The Gary Sutton Show Lite".
And that brings us full circle.
Time is yours.......

Anonymous said...

The other day I realized that I'm wasting one of my radio presets by having both wsba and whp saved. I understand that business is business but it seems to me that successful businesses offer something different than their competitors. It's kind of ironic that Gary always spoke about having choices and it appears now that all we are left with is just one.... Gary if this is really what you wanted, then good for you. You have presented a platform for the people of York County to voice their concerns on local issues and done a fantastic job. It was nice being able to listen to a program that allowed people of all backgrounds to get their voice heard without being hung up on because they didn't share the same views as the host. Maybe the people driving threw York County would prefer to listen to the Whining Beck program.... and if they have satelite radio they could there... or maybe they could catch it on WHP... or maybe on one of the other 20 radio stations that are airing him at the same time. Honestly I'm surprised that he is only #4 when there seems to be no other choices left to listen to. Well great job guys..... you just found another listener for ESPN 1440 atleast there I don't have to listen to Glen Beck..... yet.