Thursday, September 4, 2008

Governor Palin speaks -- What did you think?

I just simply want to ask your thoughts on Governor Palins Vice Presidential acceptance speech on Wednesday night. Let 'er rip!


Anonymous said...

one word Fantastic.

Just Fred said...

I thought her speech was fine, and like all pep rally speeches, it got the partisan audience fired up.......she accomplished what she intended to do.

The real campaigning begins when the dust settles after the tribal pep rallies.

Once again, in my opinion Sarah Palin was chosen for, not by, John McCain as a political move to fire up the up-until-now rather listless socially conservative religious right. If that was the intent, it was 'mission accomplished'.

Anonymous said...


It really interesting to see how the libs have reacted either with a string of obscenities, or with typical conspiracy theories. Really, libs are so predictable.

If you can see under your double layer of tin foil, could you explain to us average folks exactly what shadowy figure it was that choose Sarah Palin and forced her on John McCain?

This would either be the story of the century or an example of lib Palin Derangement Syndrome. I look forward to knowing which it is.

BTW, isn't it refreshing to have a normal pro-American who is proud of her country on the national stage?emlqg

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin did an admirable job with the speech.
Convention speeches, however, are typically as was in this case, just watching someone deliver a speech writer's words. On that note she did well.
The real outing will come in the debates when there are no teleprompters and you are having to answer the hard quesitons put to you by the moderator as well as your opponent.
I thought she did well in the attack mode on the Democrats as well as promoting her partner John McCain. I felt that because she spent the majority of time on this that she did nothing new to raise her credentials to become Commander in Chief should the need arise. Those who will vote on personality did see a compelling person, but those who look for what she has done will still likely have reserve. Her foreign relations credentials do not hold a candle to Obama or Biden. She may be good but they needed her to get international experience way before this if they wanted her to be credible as a person that potentially might have to replace McCain.
In terms of the speech it was a good motivational speech for the base but things like her "Bridge to Nowhere" comments will come back to bite her in the debates as well as the constant stance that the Republicans take on taxes vs Obama. Most independent analysts show that the vast number of Americans will fare better with the proposed Obama tax plan than that of McCain. I think it is always fair to compare where the plans differ, but the notion that all Americans will suffer under the Obama plan is not the "straight talk express". We too many times have not gotter the straight talk we need (from both parties) to truly understand the situation and we seem to be seeing more of the same.
Overall, I believe that the speech has energized the Republican base. We will see soon how much of a bounce they get from it.
I predict that the debates will be the clincher for either party as opposed to the conventions themselves.

Anonymous said...

She's a pistol, ain't she?

Hockey mom, indeed. Love the hair, love the glasses. The "tough librarian" look along with the hard-hitting competitive hockey attitude contrast very favorably with weenie soccer moms.

I hope the stupid media continue to pummel her. Every hit she takes she'll bounce up and hit 'em back--and America will cheer because she is ONE OF US!

Anonymous said...

I love this woman.

Sure, I'm biased. She was born in my hometown of Sandpoint on the shores of beautiful Lake Pend Oreille in North Idaho, and raised in the home state of my beautiful Native Alaskan wife.

Her family is blue collar all the way! Many of my high school friends own boats and fish for salmon, halibut, crab. Others work up on the slope. Still others work out in the woods, providing the forest products that build our homes.

Their reaction to Sarah Palin?

Finally, somebody who understands us. These legal eagles the Dems keep sending up just love the working class--in theory. When one of us steps up and shakes their hand, though, they act as though they wish they were wearing rubber gloves to avoid touching us.

News flash, Democraps: we're just as good as you are, and if you keep throwing crap at our girl, we'll punish you at the polls.

Just Fred said...

Some of you posters have proven my point. I didn't see this much enthusiasm for John McCain from tribal members until now.

Trenton, sometimes you sound either naive or idealistic to the point of nuttiness. Your going to believe that John McCain just pulled this person out of the blue to surprise us?

That RNC tribal poo-bahs had nothing to do with a VP selection who embodies the socially conservative religious right?

That her selection had nothing to do with wooing the disenchanted sect of their voting base?

It might work, but I'm not buying that John McCain met with her several times in private and made this choice all by himself.

Anonymous said...


I know you don't believe he chose her. You said that in the earlier message and that led to my question. My question was exactly who is "the man behind the curtain"? Come on now, you know, don't you. . . share it with us, OK? We won't laugh.

And by the way, who sounds more nutty - the person supporting a candidate exhibiting the best examples of Americanism or the person who believes that an unseen shadowy hand is making McCain do things?

Do you also think they whisper commands to him when no one else can hear?

Just Fred said...

Wait, you are right, Trenton, John McCain is a brilliant statesman who in 2000 was a maverick bum, but has now seen the light and become a compliant tribal member of the tribe that promises to put country first.