Friday, September 5, 2008

McCain's speech -- What did you think?

Gary would like your thoughts on Sen. John McCain's Presidential acceptance speech last night.


Anonymous said...

Let's see. . . my comments on McCain. Hmmm. . he was ok except for all the crap about trying to get along with libs. In this, he is a fool and hopefully he's only saying it to fool the poor souls whose major fear in life is that someone might have a disagreement and say mean words and get their little feelings hurt.

But I don't think so. Either way, when his lib buddies try to stick it to him as President, I do think he'll come to his senses and his background as a fighter will come out.

He was much better than Obama though. And with a McCain win, we've got a decent chance of ending up with Gov. Reaga . . . er, I mean Palin.

Anonymous said...

What's his message? He seems to have no clear direction for the country. Obama isn't the perfect man for the job but at least he spells out his ideas. McCain's too busy rippin' Obama, that only plays with those already voting for him. Cant see how his speech helped him w/ people undecided.

Anonymous said...

Change is a nice word in his speeches. Too bad he could not define the what and how along with it.

Anonymous said...

Where was the tribute to our President and Vice President
Remember McCain gets to be President. A great choice for Vice-President but she has NO power of her own. I'm supporting the
true choice for President and REAL CHANGE BOB BARR