Thursday, September 11, 2008

What does 9/11 mean to you today?

On this 7th anniversary of the attack on America, it's good for all of us to pause and ask ourselves, What does 9/11 mean today?" Even more, what have we learned from 9/11? Please feel free to answer here.


Anonymous said...

It means that the Bush administration has used the rationalization of an attack on the US by friends of the Bush family, the Saudis, to justify the giveaway privatization of government services --including military, intelligence, social services, education, communication, incarceration, health care-- and the waging of war and occupation of MidEastern countries while looting the treasury of the people of the US and boosting the fortunes of corporate friends and adding to the instability of the entire world while ignoring the crumbling infrastructure of the US and failing to restore those Southern coastal areas damaged by disasters and destroying the middle class of the US while creating the largest debtload any nation has ever faced and saddling future generations with financial hardship while concentrating on gay marriage and flagburning as the greatest problems our nation faces.

Anonymous said...

May God have mercy on your poor soul, for you are truly lost.