Friday, September 12, 2008

Sarah Palin interviewed by Charlie Gibson



Anonymous said...

She did great and her off the cuff speech makes Obama looks terrible my comparison. I think it comes from the fact that she can simply talk honestly about what she believes in while libs have to always pause and consider how to hide their true beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Gary got all outraged today because listeners have called him a phony for claiming that he got a lot of deep thinking and personal discovery to do before he can possibly decide who to vote for. He's just so opened minded it's scary, isn't it?

So my question - Who buys this act?

Anonymous said...

She is inexperienced at the game, isn't she?

Half of Charlie Gibson's questions should have been answered with "I can't answer a hypothetical question like that, Charlie--why not some questions on real-life situations?"

90% of seasoned politicians answer like that to those questions. McCain and Biden are well-versed in the answer to the media hypothetical.

Obama can even do it, though he stammers through it a bit.

Once Palin gets this technique down, she'll be good to go.

Anonymous said...

Yep, it's all about getting the technique down.

That is all elections are about nowadays !

Anonymous said...

Just two weeks ago she didn't even know what the job of the VP entailed, let alone the job of the President.

Give me a break !

Anonymous said...

She had no real clue as to what the Bush Doctrine phrase meant till Gibson clued her in.
If her answer to what he tried to frame as a straight forward question that he eventually wanted her to answer "yes" or "no" to is an example of the "straight talk express" team then we are in for a lot of "crooked vs straight talk" this election campaign.

Anonymous said...

To all the anonymouses,

I know it's hard. Your savior has been shown to be less than divine; in in fact, even less than capable.

I know it hurts to have him unmasked and by a woman! How unmanly of him, but of course that's a large part of his appeal.

Anyway, it might be good for all those who love Obama and are disgusted with their own country to take some time off and ignore politics for the next 90 days or so. It'll help with the outbursts of anger and other nonsense.

Anonymous said...

She seems very average. Its okay if you're a soccer mom but for VP? Our tolerance for mediocity in our leadership is increasing. If average citizens know what the Bush Doctrine is, a VP candidate should know. This whole Palin thing is getting embarrassing and about half the nation loves her.

Anonymous said...

I love these anonymous contributors. So wrong they are embarrassed to put their name to their numbskullery.

Palin isn't a 'soccer mom,' idiot (I'd call you by your name but you didn't leave one). She's the governor of the largest state in the country.

You may have missed that little fact. Charlie Gibson did his best to gloss over it.

So I'll repeat it, so you may get it through your thick skull.

She is the governor, the CEO of the biggest oil-producing state in the 50 United States. Hers is a bigger job than that of governors of states far more populous, with a larger tax base but with far smaller territory to administer effectively.

Imagine if the governor were a man--would you then belittle his CEO experience? I suppose you might if he were a Republican. But to omit it entirely and act as though McCain just went to some soccer game and randomly picked a mom out of a minivan to be his running mate says only one thing about YOU:

No matter how much lipstick you smear on, you'll still be a male chauvinist pig.

Anonymous said...

Hey, SteveFAH,
I'm none of those 'anonymous' who responded earlier but I'm intrigued by the way you think and respond to posts.... so in the same vein....

I was wondering, out of medical curiosity: just how large is that stick in your rectum?

Anonymous said...


Check out her education history. She attended 4 different colleges to obtain a B.S. in Journalism-Communications. None of the colleges she attended have high admission standards. That is average. You could go to any Little League game or PTA meeting across the country find a woman just as "qualified" as Palin.

Not to embarrass you but Govenors represent the public, whereas CEOs run privite entities. Your analysis of her experience seems a bit confused.

Anonymous said...

Nothing scarier than a naive hawkish jingo with access to nuclear weapons.

Anonymous said...

Nothing funnier than sputtering, seething, warped moonbats on parade. Nothing sadder too.

And they all have the same name!
Seriously guys, you need to ignore politics for the next 9 weeks or so. It's obviously too much for you. Take some time to study yoga, join a group designed to increase self esteem, or better yet, take anger management classes.

We just want you to get well.