Thursday, September 25, 2008

Political Gotcha or True Bi-Partisanship?????

So Senator John McCain is suspending his campaign to go help settle the economic crisis in Washington, and wants to postpone the debate scheduled with Senator Obama on Friday night. Is he right or wrong? Senator Obama has said that presidents should be able to do more than one thing, and he has no intention of canceling his campaign activities including the debate on Friday evening. Is he right or wrong?

Both are attending the meeting with the president and heads of Congress today at the request of President Bush. Is this situation so big that it's dragging every party and ideology into a decision? Could Bush actually be changing the tone of Washington finally?? Probably not, but what do you think?????


BlogHog said...

Obama is a hokey joke and so is this morning news experiment. So far, I've heard almost as much from Elliot Abrams and Mark McKenzie as I have the Sultan of Talk Radio, Gary Sutton. Just as predicted. Horn is Horn (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....) and Schiffman sounded a bit more on his game this morning (rare).

Obama has done LITTLE in D.C. so why pay attention now? He's got "campaigning" to deal with - don't bother the young man! Since Congress has done such a great job over the Pelosi reign they probably don't need Obama's vision.
(there's the weather report again, Jim sounds concerned about the Ocean City,MD area over some small showers)
(oh, and Tammy Kolvack, yeah!)
Plus, with Obama's ties to Fannie and Freddie, staying out of the D.C. economic caucus may in his mind make people (us) forget about the whole debockle.

WOW! 809am and Sutton breaks loose! This show stinks, Gary (and Jim). Glen Beck is airwave drain. End the experiment.

I CHALLENGE you to even mention this blog post on air......

Phil In Willow Street said...

I think they should change the debate as it would give the country a chance to see what each candidate would really do, but both should also attend the meeting with President Bush. This situation has been building for years, and while it will not be solved in one meeting, the country should be able to see what each candidate would do and then take a look at their own personal situation and decide whom they should vote for.

BlogHog said...

As predicted, the "Morning News" explodes at 8am when Gary takes center stage and the phone lines open. PEOPLE WANT A LOCAL VOICE AND FORUM! And not just for one hour! Listen, Jim/WSBA suits/etc. you can save some face by kicking Glen Beck to the curb and expanding Sutton & your news show.
Show some rational programming! Your listeners want and need the opportunity to have local debate - what Gary brought to the table, EVERY day.
FLASH: More lost time as we now hit the news, again, and Jim gets to laugh (yuck-yuck) with Candy Haight/entertainment avenues (prime example of why this use of Sutton is just not practical)

BlogHog said...

More concern from Horn about rain over the Delmarva region! Can we get weatherman Elliot Abrams to take a few calls?
Wow! Gary's back at 0836hrs! Better shuttle in & out those callers! Time is precious! Tammy Kolvack is waiting to give her final traffic update.

I know you dislike my banter, Gary, but I believe that quietly you agree. You're better than this new abreviated format. Smells of a demotion.

BlogHog said...

Can we drop the Candy Haight bit? Please, Gary, you don't need to promo that junk spot.

Let's hope the government "names names" and hangs a few of those responsible for this economic/mortgage crisis out in the public view. Either those in charge are not as educated as we may have thought and/or the corruption of greed over-ran their beter judgement.

As for the debate, I agree with the caller who said that if the D.C. collective cannot find a solution by Friday then that duty should carry on. The debate can wait. One would think that Obama could use the spare time to prep since he no doubt needs it.

Great. ONE more call at 0846. Pathetic. This Sutton experiment is a shell of the former forum.

And that sounds to be about it for the big guy. There's Horn again and I'm sure that we're on to Candy Haight (yep, Jim just got excited about that segment).

Score after day 1: WSBA 1 Listeners 0

BlogHog said...

The "We want Candy" song & dance just motivated me to power off the radio. Great job, Jim.
This is really, really a poor decision and a bad career move for Sutton.
Hey Gary, if you want to buy some airtime elsewhere on the AM dial let me know and I'll give you any help that I can.

Anonymous said...

Obama is too busy projecting himself rather than caring about the economy and the American people. He has more b--s than Bill

Hey bloghog, lighten up! Give the
program a chance. Your criticism
mirrors that of the Democrats who
can only criticize everything and
not present one solid solution to

George Bush has been in office for
7 1/2 years. The first six the
economy was fine.

A little over a year ago:
Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high. Regular gasoline
sold for $2.19 a gallon, the
unemployment rate was 4.5 % The
Dow Jones hit a record high--14,000
plus. American'w were buying new
cars,taking cruises,vacations
overseas, living large---

But American's wanted CHANGE So in
2006 they voted in a Democratic
Congress and yest--we got CHANGE
all right.
Consumer confidence has plummeted.
Gas has been over $4 a gallon
Unemployment is up to 5.5% (a
10% increase)
Americans have seen their home
equity drop by $12 TRILLION DOLLARS
and prices are still dropping
1% of American homes are in foreclosure.

Yes, in 2006 America voted for



Now the Democratic candidate for
President claims he is going to
really give us change along with
a Democratic Congress!!!

How much more CHANGE do you think
you can stand!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, please meet the logical fallacy. Just because 'B' happens after 'A' does not mean that 'A' caused 'B'.

And besides...a little over a year ago we were well into the 100th congress.

Just saying something without any evidence does not make it true.

Anonymous said...

Reality_based, please do not let
the facts get in the way of your
bias. Just because you comment
doesn't change a damn thing.

BlogHog said...

Lighten up? Okay. How about just turning off the radio? If you think that stuff this morning was as good as what Gary had before then you must enjoy decaf coffee, light beer, and low-fat food. It is what it is but now we're reduced to more blogging and less on-air time opportunities.

Your take on Bush & Congress is interesting and one can't help but to draw the timeline comparisons. Probably more coincidence than direct cause/effect but still not without some merit. I can't help but think that the Dems/Pelosi and now Obama are a bit too socialist for the better good. Just an opinion.

And when you "lighten up" you loose your focus and accept the lesser. Anyone want to blog or comment on "weekend travel plans", the pending rain, traffic jams, etc.?...........Didn't think so...

BlogHog said...

And as for 'Anonymous' comparing my new show criticism to the 'Dems' and their lack of solutions, go back and re-read my posts, there are plenty of solutions to this train-wreck. Now who's the 'politician'? Read before you speak........ (Is this Jim Horn posting under anonymous again?)

Anonymous said...

No it is not Jim Horn, just a long
time listener and native Yorker.
I have heard most of 'em Hal Raymond, Ralph Lockwood, and Gary
Sutton. I don't particulary agree
with everything that happens but
you at least have to give credit
where credit is due. I like Jim
Horn and listened to him when you
were probably in diapers. The
youngsters think they always have
all the answers. Respect for elders is non-existent today.
Enough of this....I think of
the future generations who have
to inherit what is left and deal
with it in the future. The Republicans are far from perfect
but the Democrats and their socialism is truly scary.

BlogHog said...

I wouldn't go so far as to say diapers. Even I can recall Woody Woodelheimer and that "Friday is payday". And the 'lack of respect for your elders' is a repetitive theme that lacks legs. I think that respect for other people has lost its place in society regardless of age, profession, walk of life, etc.

Personally, I find the line-up moves by WSBA to be self defeating. Just a 'common sense' view of which Sutton often would pride himself on.

Anonymous said... are so cute with your
remarks I still think you are a
liberal in diguise. Maybe you
listened to Leroy Strine and the
Boys in the Back Room? You probably never even heard of that
radio show.
Regardless, get serious and concentrate on an election that
scares the hell out of me. The
Dems have been saving the world
for lo these many years and the
same poor people are still poor,
makes you wonder doesn't it? I
guess the followers like their
welfare and food stamps.

Just Fred said...

Keep the debate schedule, change the topic to the economy, and let America hear what both candidates have to say on prime time tv.

Anonymous said...

What will McCain do if he has two big things on the table at the same time ?

Give me a break.

The only way he should have backed out of the debate (and this goes for BOTH of them, was if the vote on the eventual bill conflicted with the debate)

McCain can't bring any real new things to the table that already aren't there. The Economy is not his strong suit at all.

Both have their Economic advisors and both are capable of being in touch with all needed party members and economists without being there.

It was basically a campaign trick.

Dave Letterman got it right.

BlogHog said...

Not quite a liberal. I would align myself with the Reagan conservatives. Believe it or not! And no intent to "be cute". You bet this election is important as well as the preservation of our country. There are too many issues to even indulge on a blog site. This brings me back around to WSBA's decision to reduce Gary's role to the morning news charade. Gary's efforts were very democratic in nature. His efforts allowed the 'people' to be heard. How original! And in turn its made for a poor choice by WSBA. And after listening to today's inaugural show I'll bet that Gary is kicking himself and feels some regret for letting "main street" down. How could anyone who listened and believes in democracy not have this opinion of WSBA's programming moves?

Anonymous said...

WSBA must have some conspiracy in reducing Sutton's role. Jim Horn is a power-hungry news mogul who probably couldn't take Gary's popularity. This station has lost its grip with reality. If you want local news, read the paper. If you like national syndicates (which aren't bad entertainment) then tune on in around 9am but don't waste your time from 6-9a because Sutton has been reigned in to a studio perch while the clowns are at the controls.

BlogHog said...

FINALLY! An 'anonymous' with some common sense in regards to WSBA! Hey Gary, lets hear some personal commentary on this! You can't hold back too long! And don't spell out some party-line WSBA response.

Anonymous said...

Where is your compasion liberals.
How about Dennis Edwards and Cathy
Clark? You want change? The only
change you will have is the change
left in your pocket after Obama gets done with you. Obama and his
sleeze machine and the Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer do nothing Congress just make me sick.

Jay said...

I heard that there's no such person as "Gary Sutton."

He's just a voice that three people (Stu the Producer, Jim Horn, and whoever is doing traffax that day) take turns doing.

Each show is carefully scripted by Tibetan Masters in collusion with the Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, and Colonel Sanders.

Occasional caller "Jay from WOW" is real, however, and even more charming in real life.

BlogHog said...

Well said, Jay. But how do they fake out on the TV broadcast? Machine / Robot w/ voice dub-over? Must do the same with any onsite/live broadcasts. Can't stand the whole Jim Horn thing. This guy claims the station is "local" yet he includes weekly spots from "experts" who don't even live in the area or even state! Now he reduces Sutton to a morning news jockey with some cheap throw-away talk time from 8-9am. Total waste of talent. And don't go claiming this as some "over-reactive" talk. Look at the whole situation / show and what unique perspective and venue WSBA offered with Sutton's show. Now we have yet another national voice. Impersonal. When Jim Horn gets over his own ego and need to be "national" with all of his "top 6 rated talk shows" on WSBA then maybe WSBA will return to what it professes to deliver - local voices and interests. Why am I repeating this view? Gary, your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Talk Radio (actually Listen Radio after 9 AM) is just throwin' the slop in to feed the Right Wing Hogs who appear to be really hungry for this stuff.

Anonymous said...

Obama claims he can do more than
one thing, chew chewing gum and
blow bubbles at the same time.
He is spending more money to win
the Presidency than it will take
to repair the Hurricane Ike damage
thru the courtesy of foreign governments who want to see this weak suck in the White House and
from George Soros' Move On Dot Org.
Afterall the election in his eyes
is all about "him". A 143 day
Senator running for the highest
position in the land. His experience is bubbling over. The
fools are the American people who
are so nieve to think he is going
to do anything different than to
tax the hell out of you and brain
wash you with class envy. What
garbage. John McCain did the right
thing by going to Washington.

BlogHog said...

But the slop sure does taste great! I agree with yet another 'anonymous' over his Obama breakdown. This guy is total Hollywood (Obamawood) fabrication of a presidency. Since they obviously didn't cryogenic JFK they're going to try and reconstruct Obama in that image. The guy is empty. I do think he has a TON of potential but he (and we) would be better off if he spent some more time in the minors honing his legislative skills. You have to actually CAST a vote or two, uh (ahem)"senator". I have complete respect for McCain as a man and American. He has his flaws but I'll take his experience over Obama's lack thereof. If you value your own possessions vote for McCain. If you want to be stripped of your earnings then go Democrat. Or "be patriotic" as the fool Biden decries. I'm not happy with the current GOP angle but will take them at the wheel over Obama & Co.

Jay said...

I dunno, if the choice is between three hours of Gary or three hours with Gary as part of a team, my personal preference would be Gary alone.

That said, they just switched to the new format. It can take a while for things to gel. Kimmel was on for a while until (IMO) he found his footing.

I didn't get a chance to listen to much of the show. But I'm sticking with it. I think the format can lend itself to being a great show, just in a different way from what I'm used to with The Gary Sutton Show.

BlogHog said...

I'll give it some time but I'm not holding my breath. They cram in weather, traffic, sports, and commericials leaving only the final hour for callers all the while still cramming in the usual AM news material. Jim Horn's repetative "there's rain showers moving onto the Delmarva peninsula" was laughable. Its Sutton-lite to put it nicely. Not impressed and I have little hope that they'll change this. What is Gary going to do when there's a dusting of snow on the ground and every 8 minutes there are 75 school and business delays/closings to announce? Good luck. And we can all thank Jim Horn and his news directorship powers.

Anonymous said...

A true Bloghog deep in the slop.

Just Fred said...

Helpful tip needed here:

Could you people that identify yourselves as "anonymous" please pick out a handle for yourself?

It's tough to respond to comments and opinions when there are more than one of you with the same name.

BlogHog said...

"Deep in the slop"? Anyone willing to trust Washington - Dems or the GOP with all of this financial crisis needs to have their heads checked! Reagan Conservativism preached less gov't. Now we all want the Feds to bail us out! Why? Because the Feds were asleep at the wheel and lining their own pockets. The Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves as the gov't (monarchy) acquires mortgages. Fiefdoms. This isn't about being a Democrat or a Republican. This is about being an American - something that has obviously been lost along our recent history (in many, many respects). So while we may disagree the fact that we're even on this blog and debating our thoughts / opinions it does show that we care about our country. And thats the bottom line. And now may be as good a time as any to step forward free of political party platforms and demand the best interests of our nation. Altruistic? Maybe. What would be your final position if given the challenge?

Anonymous said...

Each show is carefully scripted by Tibetan Masters in collusion with the Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, and Colonel Sanders.

I see someone watched So I married an ax murderer!

BlogHog said...

Anyone hear the news that there were rain showers in the Red Lion area around 8am! WOW! When will the weathermen (Jim & Elliot) take calls?

McCain needs to debate. Pin Obama down and expose his lack of experience and dependence on debate preps / preset responses. McCain should demand Obama to explain in depth his 'solutions' to many issues rather than the superficial generalities that are the staple of his campaign. I would respect McCain a little more if he showed some fight and attack rather than his pseudo-calm facade which has become more his norm.

Anyone see Bill Clinton's remarks on "Larry King Live" where he remarks that he may have to go to Florida after the Jewish holiday season to "scrounge up some of the cracker vote". If you didn't read or hear about this its because its not exactly frontpage material (and maybe shouldn't be) but I can only imagine how this would play in the media if a Republican made such a remark.

Gary was a bit more front and center this morning but Mr.Yuck-Yuck (JH) and the Can Laugh (MMcK) were still too prevalent. Good move having Stu sit in on sports - I'll take him any day over Mr."uhhhhhhhh".

Day Two Score: WSBA 2 / Listeners 0

Anonymous said...

Sutton is a boob and is being paid too much. That bag of gas should go back to teaching and coaching high school kids who think he has some intelligence.

Anonymous said...

aaahhh...just gotta love that anonymity, don't ya?

I've had my differences w/ Gary, but why do people find it necessary to drop childish insults? I'm guessing that this 'anonymous' would not have anything close to the gumption to say anything like that directly to Gary's face or on the phone.

BlogHog said...

A blog statement email reply, perhaps from a WSBA "insider" but all too telling of the 'Fall of Sutton' and the resultant Sutton-lite new am show. Enjoy! - the 'kicker' are the final two sentences and an insult to ANYONE who found inherent worth in Gary's show. (and thank-you to all the Sutton fans who have responded with POSITIVE input as to the value of the show and man that we looked forward to each and every weekday 9-Noon)

A radio station is a business. It
is in business to make a profit.
Ratings dictate how much profit you
can make. To replace a show with
the number four ranked show in the
nation tells you what? If your business day is dominated by the top ranked shows you can sell more
advertising and therefore generate
more profit. As much as I like Gary
I have to look at the business side. Having the best possible package to present on a daily basis
should bring strong ratings which
appeals to the advertiser. As much
as we may not like it, business is
business. Be glad you have at least an hour to comment every day.
It could be worse
(end email)
Now what does everyone think?

Just Fred said...

I'll be honest about this. I am selfish about my opinion and the bottomline is I personally feel like we lost something when the Gary Sutton Show was replaced by a nationally syndicated program that can be picked up on dozens of other channels on my CC AM radio.

I have satellite radio, too, and I have 180 choices at any given time. I chose the Gary Sutton Show in the 9 to 12 slot because I preferred it over Glen Beck. I could listen to Glen Beck on WHP 580 in the same time slot, but I preferred Sutton. Period.

I get the "business is business" thing, but as far as I'm concerned, the people that made the decision can go pound sand. I get the "money talks" thing, too, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

Gary, I wish you the best but I think you got a raw deal. Since I'm not a 6am guy, I'll probably not be tuning in very much anymore, but I'm sure there will be another set of ears taking my place.

Anonymous said...

The best thing that Gary could do now is get off the sinking ship, while he still has a chance and his name and reputation aren't ruined by this now substandard show.