Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some final thoughts on The Gary Sutton Show

I have a final thought today on who the people are that live on Main Street of America -- the very people who we have talked to on our show each and every day -- and what makes them so wonderful and different from the part of our country we seem to complain about incessantly.

It seems to me that the people of Main Street America are decent people who possess wisdom beyond any college or university degree. Their smarts have come from real-life experiences of work which have demanded that they solve problems, produce, live within their means, and try to do better in grabbing the American Dream. They speak civilly to one another, and know the goodness of real community in this country. These people generally obey the rules, play well with others, and are positive about life.

You are these people.

Your independence, patriotism, sacrifice and hard work have made this country one of which we all should be proud. I want you to know that as a talk show host, no one could be luckier than I have been to be allowed into the home of this esteemed group every day. You have honored me by listening to our show, your show.

More importantly, you have honored yourselves by getting involved by listening, and taking part to make your world a better place. May you continue that effort always, because you are the daily activists who must care and make this country the best it can be. Thank you. I’m Gary Sutton.


Anonymous said...

'Final Thoughts'?

Is the show going off the air?

Anonymous said...

Best thing about Gary's show is that he always views from all over the spectrum. Most views tend to be very concentrated with little variation, but he does encourage all others to speak up.

Just Fred said...

What's this "final" business?

Jay said...

I believe we should stay tuned for announcements. I'm setting my alarm clock to WSBA (as opposed to the obnoxious beeping that usually gets me leaping out of bed) so I can see what's doin'.

BlogHog said...

Best of luck but this is not a good move. You're talents and contribution are far above Jim Horn's yuck-it-up morning news disaster. I suggest either taking over the time slot and turning it into 110% Sutton or going back to your 9-Noon slot. You've let Main Street down. Shame.