Monday, September 8, 2008

Link: is a great place to find out just where the candidates stand on the issues of the 2008 General Election. You can also find tons of other candidates state by state, too! We have a link to them in the links section, on the-left-hand column of the site.


Anonymous said...

Issues? We don't need no stinking issues.

Right McCain campaign?

"This election is not about issues," said [McCain campaign manager Rick Davis]. "This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates."

Anonymous said...

It's like you're back in high school, voting for class president. It's all about who you like more. Issues are secondary. That's why so many people are apathetic and don't vote. They realize it doen't much matter. Those who do vote end up voting against their own interests much of the time, it's really unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

Well, Obama promised us a drinking fountain on the 2nd floor and longer lunches, and he'd better damned well deliver if elected!

You see, smart voters will see through a candidate. The problem is that many voters are easily swayed by PAC ads instead of doing any research and finding out for themselves what they stand for, are bout, and how they've lived their lives thus far. It's called responsible voting, and Americans should try it more often.

Just Fred said...

RB, I read the same thing and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry......."This election is not about issues".

My question is, "Was there ever an election that WAS about issues?"

Maybe we should quit pretending and accept the fact that 'the business of America is Business'.

How about we dissolve the government and let the CEO's of the 12 most powerful corporations run the place? Just think, no need for political campaigns, elections, dopey tv ads, innane bumper stickers, etc., but most political parties to fuss about.

I know I sound pretty damn cynical, but I wonder how far away I am from the truth.