Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Final Show , then Tomorrow!

Today, Wednesday, September 24th, is the final Gary Sutton Show from 9 to Noon on WSBA Radio. The show started on April 10, 2000, and has been going strong ever since. Feel free to put your thoughts on the show, negative or positive, or both right here.

Tomorrow, Gary will take over his new position as co-host on York's Morning News which airs from 6-9am . This morning show will be very different from its present format as the news is still presented, but will be followed by a free-wheeling discussion with contributing guests and points of view from Gary, Jim Horn, Mark McKenzie and Jeff Schiffman. From 8-9am, callers will be able to call into the show, and express their points of view much like they could on the old Gary Sutton Show. It will be fun and exciting, and we are looking forward to producing the best morning show on any dial. See you then! I'm Gary Sutton.


Anonymous said...

I want to thank you, Gary, for helping in my political education over the last 8 years.
Listening to your show and the views held by you and your guests and callers gave me a different perspective often than the one I was maintaining.
I wasn't politically-minded at all until the fiasco of the Cheney administration . . . it's been a quick maturing.
I was one of the original bloggers, under nom-de-blog "JacqueItch" on the old site.
That, even more than the show, was a place where ideas were shared and opinions honed. At least that was my experience. That site was a corollary and companion to the radio show, and Gary was kind enough to invite us to also be with him and share views on his TV show, which we did several times, before Comcast cast its shadow.

So thank you, Gary. It's been most helpful, and fun!

Enjoy the new format and your new playmates---you get along well with them, and it should be great!

Anonymous said...

Gary. you will be missed from 9-Rush.

As long as it is not going to be the "Dave from Dover - Main Street in Liberal Land." I will survive. A best of Micheal Savage would be nice (hint-hint).

BlogHog said...

TERRIBLE decision! Jim Horn is the King of "yuck-yuck" so good luck keeping that to a minimum. Schiffman is average at best. Count how many times he does the "uhhhh" sound during his broadcast. Annoying. Obviously, "York's Morning News" was hurting in the ratings department so they brought in Sutton. What a loss for the community and local talk radio! Let's all hope this experiment falls flat on its face and Gary gets his 9-Noon time slot back! And what terrible timing, leading up to the election! Prime talk time! Hey Gary, what are you going to do in February when every 10 minutes they need to read the lists of school closings & delays after a quater-inch of snow? Good luck keeping your hat on sitting through that diatribe!
Its going to take a LOT to get me into this show. I'm hoping that Jim Horn keeps it to a minimum and that somebody comes along and replace Schiffman (how about Stu Leppo he's done well on Sat. mornings).
Bad move, WSBA. Hope everyone can live with it.

Anonymous said...

Gary, I have been a loyal listener of yours for years and am outraged by the change. As a listener said today, we are loosing a local treasure. I am in my office with phone calls between 8:00 to 9:00 and am on the road the rest my day and you have been there to inform me, challenge me, questioned me and you have always done all of that with class, integrity, knowledge and from time to time a bit of humor. I will truly miss you. The national shows are fine and every other station has them however they do not have you and I think your presence balances out Rush and Sean. I am a news and information junky and will be searching for another local program although I am sure your high standards are not out they to be found. I am very disturbed with the choice of Mr. Horn and have e-mailed with my thoughts, however obviously the listeners are not considered. I will not be listening to WSBA any longer, unless your schedule should change. I can listen to Rush and Sean elsewhere, as I feel so strongly about the station programing change. I do want to thank-you so very much for the mournings and be assurred that the local listening community truly will be loosing a local treasure. I am sadly disappointed. Also, this has nothing to do with not liking change and has everything to do with you. Thanks again.

BlogHog said...

Thinking again about the format change and its even more clear that "York's Morning News" aka The York Daily Record being read to you almost verbatim, was in need of a ratings boost. 6a-9a is more drive-time/primetime radio than 9-noon so from that aspect I can see why WSBA made the move - for business. What disturbs me the most is how Gary's unique and fresh approach will be brought down by the rest of the group. It will be a verbal wrestling match for mike time. And now that Dennis was shown the door we lose "Weird News of the Morning" which at least wasn't always found in the local paper.
Gary, isn't this change and the resultant national talk show (Glen Beck) eerily similar to NAFTA and all of the "world community" b-s in that the lone LOCAL talk show has now been consolidated with local news and call time reduced from 3 to 1hr? And in your place we get another national voice who will basically talk about the same items as Rush, Hannity, Savage, etc but with his own stale "appeal to the masses" angle.

BlogHog said...

That first "anonymous" comment has to be written by Jim Horn

Anonymous said...

Well, I would welcome the Dave from Dover - Main Street in Liberal Land show. At least it would be a break from the "all conservative, all the time" format that Jim Horn so dearly loves. How about some diversity in programming, Mr. Horn? Enough of the Focus on Family junk. I can hear that in church, thank you. As far as Sutton goes, good ridance.

Anonymous said...

Gary, thanks for a great 8 years. I really enjoyed your show when I could hear it (I'm in NC). Even though I love Glenn Beck, I'll miss you in your old slot. Good luck with the morning show!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the show Gary. Couldn't listen all the time but the site was great for regular reading.

And, thanks again for the invite to come on the show on Bloggers Day. I've still got the whole 2 hours burned on a CD so I can listen to it and feel famous ;)

Just Fred said...

Well, I think the decision made by the management of WSBA stinks....I repeat, it stinks.

Gary Sutton provided something refreshing and he was accessible via blog, email, and phone. Now what do we get? Freakin' Glen Beck? Gee, we could only find him on 450 other stations across the East Coast in the same time slot.

Why not homogenize the airwaves and air the same lineup across the nation? Let's see, Glen Beck, followed by Drug Limbaugh, then Mr. Wise-Ass Sean Hannity, and then Cranky-Old-Man-Michael Savage.

What's even better is we could get the same talking points on any station 24/7.

Sorry for the rant and sarcasm, but I think the decision to take the Gary Sutton Show off from 9 to 12 flat out blows.

Best of Luck, Gary. And for the poo-bahs controlling the WSBA lineup.........I wish you joy.

BlogHog said...

As posted on the 'final thoughts' blog've let "Main Street" down. No pride in that. I'm rooting for you to take over the pathetic Jim Horn production known as "York's Morning News" and turn it into 110% Sutton! Can Schiffman (I could do better)! Glen Beck is a waste of air time! WE NEED LOCAL VOICES TO ADDRESS LOCAL CONCERNS! This was YOUR niche! No excuses. The morning news format will NOT be the same venue. BAD, BAD move, WSBA! Thanks for capitulating to the desires of suits and national syndicates. AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A 'LOCAL' STATION?!?!? Time to call a staff meeting and find your direction for you have LOST it! I nominate Gary Sutton to direct this meeting! You are SO LOST and MISGUIDED!

BlogHog said...

Gary, come back and bring the Main Street with you. DO NOT drink the kool-aid in front of you. I'll read the York newspaper just fine on my own as opposed to the stiff, Jim Horn yuck-yucking it up, and then tune in for some mind stimulating Sutton commentary and talk. DO NOT be reserved! You are the ONLY original mind at WSBA while the rest are "yes men". HOW could you pull this stunt heading into a presidential election year?!?! You're better than this! (And you know it)
Jim Horn=company man and generic/boring
Schiffman=amateur and stale
Sutton=Main Street, intune, and an asset to York
.......think about that at 6am...

BlogHog said...

I feel the need to post at least one positive blog-spot, so here goes........."At least Mark McKenzie always sounds happy"........There, I did it!

But may I remind you that Jim Horn is the master of yuck-yuck radio quips and Schiffman continuously does the "uhhhhhhh" interjections.

Have fun, Gary! And be honest with yourself for this reeks of a desperate plot to rescue Horn's morning show. Why not run Fox News from 6-9 and then bring in Sutton's show with the occasional 5 minute local news blurb? Now THERE'S a thought for Gary to even take over the 6-9 format.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say thank you. I started listening to you, and WSBA, right after 9/11. I will miss the show, and you constantly teaching me to think for myself and not listen to the "talking points" like much of my friends to. Good luck to you on your new show.

Anonymous said...

A radio station is a business. It
is in business to make a profit.
Ratings dictate how much profit you
can make. To replace a show with
the number four ranked show in the
nation tells you what? If your business day is dominated by the top ranked shows you can sell more
advertising and therefore generate
more profit. As much as I like Gary
I have to look at the business side. Having the best possible package to present on a daily basis
should bring strong ratings which
appeals to the advertiser. As much
as we may not like it, business is
business. Be glad you have at least an hour to comment every day.
It could be worse.

Anonymous said...

Do you remember the radio show
Sports Talk with Curt Hart? I do.
Lots of sentiment after that show
went off. The station is still here. Times change and you have to
roll with the punches. I'm a long
time WSBAite and we'll all survive.

Just Fred said...

I disagree with the big money argument. So what if glen Beck's show is ranked #4 in the nation?

I guess we could apply the same philosophy to the local hardware stores, appliance stores, and every mom-and-pop operation in town.....let Walmart, Home Depot, Circuit City, Best Buy, and (you name the national chain) drive them down the tube.

For some reason, I think we lose something, but I can't put my finger on it right now. You can tune into Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, and Savage just about anywhere at anytime. That's for the better?

In my opinion, no.

Anonymous said...

It just isn't right. It is good to hear the local's phone call. For the most part I like how Gary has kept the conversation going. Maybe its our fault for not calling in enough. Gary you have always done an excellent job raising awareness for various things. We need you back! Glenn Beck - c'mon, what a drag. Personally - Rush is enough. Glenn and Hannity and Darla and Humphry are whinners - more Savage please. Less yucking it up with the morning news please - it is irritating, I mean, c'mon Wierd News of the Morning? seems like a waste of time.

Anonymous said...


I loved to listen when I had a chance. I was really caught off guard this morning to not hear you! Things change so maybe you will be back. Good luck with your move!
John from York

Anonymous said...

"Wham, bang, thank you Maam". That seems to be the sum of the new show. I liked the morning news show. Not as much as Breakfast with Ralphie, but I liked it. All of them, including Dennis. But now it's like baking the chocolate cake mixed in with the lasagna. Both are great on their own, but mixed together leave something to be desired. Gary's show was great. Local opinions, local issues, the back and forth. Now callers get about 15 seconds and then they are just cut off, shut out. WHAM! It's not worth the taking time to call. It just doesn't matter any more. The people of York County don't matter. I know everyone is doing the best they can in a bad situation but some things are just better served seperately. Shame on the owners. They have buried a local treasure. It's their station, but I don't have to listen.

Anonymous said...

I want to clarify something I wrote.
I was the first poster here, and attempted to be positive for Gary's sake.
It is obviously a severe demotion for him to have lost the show he nurtured and hoped would grow.
The show had its faults but was one of the only local programs in which the local citizens could also participate.
Great show!

But $ talks, and now we are deprived of our voice as well as Gary's. We're getting sound bites instead of longer argument on any topic.

I wrote immediately to program direction and complained.

We're all the losers here.

btw, I agree wholeheartedly with JustFred's comments on the other shows. Can't stand any of them. Their pontificating blather and distortions are an insult to any thinking human.

Anonymous said...

As a relatively steady listener (at least in the 9 to 10 time slot), I'd like to say that I'll really miss the Gary Sutton Show. While I don't always agree with Gary, I appreciate the opportunity to listen to someone other than the major conservative talk shows, which I cannot stand. So long WSBA. I'll just start listening to country music instead.

Anonymous said...

I am soooooo upset at you being removed from YOUR time slot. WSBA looks like a WHP clone now, except they are wise enough to keep Bob Durgin in HIS 3 hour time slot. Too bad Mr. Horn made such a bad decision. You are OUR representative in this maelstrom of politics. You kept us well-informed and you maintained an open mind toward all the different points of view presented to you.
I will miss listening to you and your "partners in crime" who occasionally had the privilege of filling in for you. Good luck and God speed to you in all your endeavors.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to give the Glen Beck show a chance before I posted my thoughts about the removal of Gary Sutton from the 9-12 spot.
Main Street is now gone, and replaced by a whiny Glen Beck. Between his self promotions and name calling, it is difficult to get any value. If I had wanted to listen to him, I would have gone to another station that aired his show.
Gary provided the voice that the little people in York County (and nationwide via the web) relied upon to get valuable local, state and national news and views.
The morning news does not replace Gary's show.
I, sadly, am going to have to go to FM to listen to music during the day. I may return after noon to listen to Rush, but other stations come in clearer, so I will listen to Rush where I get the best reception.
Thank you Gary, if you move to another station that will allow you to continue with your program, please let us know.