Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Not running to Harrisburg -- staying on Main Street

I didn't mean to be cryptic or evasive lately and no, Trenton, I have only played a little golf, but I wanted to give a quick update on why I have not posted anything for some time.

When Bev Mackereth decided to step down from the 196th legislative seat effective December 10th, I decided in a very small window of time to make an effort to run for the seat. My only desire was to try and serve as a voice for people in a system that I think is very broken; nothing more.

During the past two weeks, I visited homes of those who would elect the candidate and learned a great deal. One of the things I learned is that there are a lot of people who listen to this show. I also learned that a lot of people count on the show as a an opportunity to voice their thoughts. That's gratifying and shows the importance of people having a voice.

Also during the last couple weeks, I was presented with a difficult choice. With any candidate after the nomination process (at the moment there is one), I would have to get a waiver signed by them to be allowed to remain on the air.

This is because of the public trust and nature of my job. If write-in candidates or candidates signed such a form, I could remain on the air. Even so, I still would not be permitted to discuss any issues on the state level that I might face as an elected official. Not only is that quite limiting, it changes the nature of the show by removing the the freedom to take on all subjects.

If an opponent or opponents decided not to sign the waiver, I would be off the air until at least November -- and probably as late as January. In other words, while everyone else could work at their jobs and run for office, I could not. I would have to find other ways to make money and pay for those pesky little things like health insurance and gas. This choice helped put everything in perspective for me.

These considerations are pretty serious on their own, but I also realized how much I love the privilege of contributing to our community on the air. I believe our conversation on air is stimulating and useful.

So with that in mind, I'm returning to my opportunity and privilege -- never a job -- rejuvenated and bristling with new ideas. I always thought that the biggest part of a person's vocation is to truly enjoy and prize it every day. I can honestly say that after having gone through the process of the past two weeks, I know where I belong, and it is right here. Thank you for your patience and for being a part of this community I love. GS


Anonymous said...


I've been out of town for a few days and return to find this. I must admit it - I am devastated.

I was so looking forward to a campaign where the Republican candidate would follow every jab against his dem opponent with, "of course, the Republicans are just as bad".

I was hoping to hear how a candidate could get elected by claiming to have no ideology and an equal disdain for both parties.

I was getting the popcorn ready to enjoy the claim that one candidate had risen, Obama like, above petty labels and politics.

Nooooooooo. . . Gary, don't do this to us. Your ideas of convincing everyone to get along and compromise and get something done just had to be winners. No messy fighting with libs, no mean name calling, no politics - just a hand of friendship across the aisle. Ah, I feel a swoon coming on.

And there was no reason to worry about your job. No one else that I've ever heard has promised such super-de-dooper things.

Well, there is Obama, of course.

Who cares about the job at the station anyway when so much is at stake? Your promise to stop the bickering would have been a sure winner to everyone who is a real Main Streeter - nothing else would have been needed. I'm sure your ideas would have transformed Harrisburg, making all us little people's little lives just a little better.

Aren't we worth that?

Gary Sutton said...

I feel like you are the one person who really knows me, even though I know it's tough for you to always listen. Your intuitiveness however is incredible. I didn't mean to devastate you, but rather just couldn't make up my mind. You know us moderates, and milk-toasty kinds of people on Main Street. We are just hot here trying to teach the world to sing, and understand every argument as equal and legitimate. I couldn't leave all of that, could I? Knowing that I would have to represent one party and stand for people like you instead of thinking on my own just didn't seem like the right thing to. Coming back to my own middle of the road, safe approach; you know, my comfort zone is a much safer, warmer and cuddly place for me. Thanks for the verbal hug, trenton.

Anonymous said...


I think you are getting it! That middle stuff just doesn't work. It just allows the libs to run wild and do their damage.

I must compliment you on your interview with Mr. Chronister today. It was to the point and hard hitting. Keep it up. We don't need new programs - we want smaller government.

One items I'd like a bit of clarification on - who is this person or entity that was "given" development rights to High Point? This is the reason they give for not just selling the stupid thing.

Can you name that person? Invite them on your show? Ask them to return these rights?

I imagine the value of the development rights to that property is pretty high. How were they given away and by whom? Was that transaction above board or might it be reversed? What value did the taxpayers get for them?

Can commissioners simply give away million of dollars worth of taxpayer value?

Might a crime have been committed or might a monumental lack of judgment be reversed?

If you could use your bully pulpit to right this wrong, it would be worth more than an admittedly entertaining election campaign on Main Street.

Gary Sutton said...

There "no development rights" you referenced was a lifetime rule put on the Highpoint property by the two "voted out" commissioners which disallows any residential development on the land. That would be Lori Mitrick and Doug Kilgore who have left the taxpayers holding the bag in everfy other way. They will, I am sure, duck my show at all costs since I have been extremely critical of this, and the misuse of taxpayer dollars from the beginning on this boondoggle. We will continue our campaign on this subject, and how the present commissioners handle it, and other acts which could end up going the same way potentially. GS

Just Fred said...

You're right, Trenton. We don't need anymore independent thinkers in any level of government. We want robots who will fall in line with political tribe leadership.

It's worked so well so far. As long as we can keep an eye on those rascally libs and their ideas from infiltrating the system we could reach nirvana.

Anonymous said...


I'm still interested in the "development rights" issue. I was pretty sure I heard Steve or someone who should know mention that selling this turkey couldn't be done because the former commissars "gave then away".

But I could be wrong. It happens.

Still, I doubt that the former people could make a ruling that could not be undone by the current crop. They weren't put on the supreme court without me noticing, were they?

I still encourage a hard look at this issue. If we bought a piece of land for $17 Million, just how in the heck could it now be worth $2 or 3 Million.

Exactly who caused it and under what conditions did the taxpayer's land lose millions in value?

Fred - of all the people who might want to discuss independent thinking, a card carrying member of the hive should be low on the list. I could accurately predict at least 99% of the time, which side of an issue you will vote for. So could any thinking person.

Being predictable is the opposite of being independent.

Try and think about it. I know it's hard. Perhaps it will help if you go to the new park, get into the lotus position, and try to channel some kindred spirit named Locutus. He managed to escape and perhaps you can too.

Just Fred said...

What are you talking about, Trenton? Is this current crop of White House inhabitants and their cronies what you consider to be the champions of conservative philosophy? If so, I guess I'm predictable.

Anonymous said...

"Being predictable is the opposite of being independent"-What? You hittin' the sauce a little early today, Trenton?

Anonymous said...


Did I, or anyone, say one word about the White House? Your strange and creepy obsession with and screaming black hatred of our President, George W. Bush is too bizarre.

Is it balanced with the normal lib man-crush on Obama?

Please, before you do yourself irreparable harm, get professional help. I only hope it's not too late.

And please, for God's sake and the sake of all normal Americans, don't vote.