Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More of the same

These clips should tell you a LOT about why we need to get rid of the dead weight in Washington, D.C. this November!


Anonymous said...

Yet another fine example of the unbiased nature of this blog. There's no partisan agenda here on Main Steet, no sir. The Democrats and the Democrats alone are responsible for the price of gasoline. It's just that simple.

Jay said...

Don't worry, we'll slam the GOP when I get around to it. In the meantime, check out Balko's Questions for Sen. McCain.

Jay said...

BTW, I wouldn't say there's no bias here. Of course there's bias -- we all have ideas on how things should be and this influences the posts as well as the comments.

I would, however, take issue with the notion that we're partisan. I, for one, am not enamored with either party and don't see the need to "carry water" for either party.

Anonymous said...

I agree totally with Jay in his distrust of party. I'll simply admit to a bias toward freedom and it's the libs, such as Pelosi, who would take it away.

And yes, it is the democrats and the democrats alone, who are responsible for not allowing more drilling.

Today there was a vote to adjourn congress without passing a gas price relief bill allowing drilling. The results:

Republicans 212-0 to stay in session

dems 213-17 to adjourn.

Anyone who votes for a dem likes high gas prices and hitting themselves in the head with a hammer. This, of course, explains a lot.

BTW, I have often been hard on Gary for failing to fight against the evil that is liberalism, but today he was on fire! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

To be fair, I've only seen 2 posts by Stu but both were really geared to go after Dems for what it's worth. The other was a confusing attempt to make Obama look like a hypocrite.

I don't doubt that both you and Gary are free thinkers, not water carriers. But it seems like Gary puts forth great effort to convince people he isn't conservative. I don't understand why? Are his views more significant if people believe he isn't a "conservative" talk show host?

Gary Sutton said...

Regarding your statement, "But it seems like Gary puts forth great effort to convince people he isn't conservative. I don't understand why? Are his views more significant if people believe he isn't a "conservative" talk show host?"

It's a good point that you raise. The reason that I don't classify myself as a conservative is because I really am not quite sure what it is anymore. When you get right down to it, is it more important to be able to have discourse on opinions which you can clearly hear from me, or to keep score on what ideological camp it is in? I can also tell you that I have never consciously thought in those terms, but rather considered all information at hand to formulate my opinion. You mentioned about "not carrying water" and I am in agreement with you on that one, but when you attach those "qualifiers" to your name, at least for me, it starts to hem me in and pushes me in some direction where on a certain issue I will not agree.

I also want to note that if we operate our blog in that way of "keeping score," then we must always employ the "fairness doctrine" concept of one negative must have another negative to balance out; one positive must have another positive to balance out. I don't buy that. That is why other people are here, to post other information or opinions rasther than just criticize because they are in a certain ideological camp. GS

Anonymous said...

"I also want to note that if we operate our blog in that way of "keeping score," then we must always employ the "fairness doctrine" concept of one negative must have another negative to balance out; one positive must have another positive to balance out. I don't buy that."

However, Gary, you operate your show (or did when I listened) kind of in that way. You pride yourself on airing a Fox News-like 'both sides' of an issue even when one side is totally off base. How is that different? I think I've even heard you use the word 'fair' to defend bringing up or allowing a certain viewpoint.

Stu said...

I don't have to defend myself to the 2nd "anonymous" poster. However I will address something. The answer is plain and simple and a matter of public congressional record.

Nancy Pelosi has NO PLAN, never did never will, and has denied ANY chance of any legislation coming to the house floor for a vote, so your attempt at chastising me is null and void. If it had been Pres. Bush, or anyone else for that matter, I would have just as easily posted it as well.

Think before you jump into an empty pool again, my "anonymous" reader.

Anonymous said...

Okay...we get it Stu. You've bought into the line that the only way to fix the energy cost problem is to drill, drill, drill. No matter that it won't do anything to gas prices right away. No matter that prices won't be affected in any meaningful way in the long term. No matter that oil companies are not using all the land they own to drill.

Why no posts highlighting Bush's refusal to do anything besides drill, drill, drill to solve the energy problem?

Jay said...

Why no posts highlighting Bush's refusal to do anything besides drill, drill, drill to solve the energy problem?

An excellent observation and one that deserves more space.

I mean, all this talk of corn-based ethanol and no one knew it's a scam? What is being done -- or should be done for long-term energy solutions?

How much oil will we get from drilling? How long will it last? How long will it take to hit the market? These are all questions we should have answers to.

When I find the time, I'd like to post more on the topic to generate some discussion and maybe even answers.

BTW, reality:

alendar syncing article on lifehacker

Anonymous said...


The energy crisis is much larger than the US Congress. Suggesting that Democrats are to blame is a partisan stance. I'm sorry if you feel chastised. You notice I didn't criticize Republicans or Pres. Bush. This really shouldn't be a political issue.

Anonymous said...

But it it SOOO easy to whip up the constituency with it (said one Anonymous to another) .