Thursday, July 31, 2008

Race, apologies, and reparations

Remember Fred from Fred on Everything? He's the one who wrote the What's Wrong With Our System article we discussed recently. He trends to sling arrows in a lot of directions and one hit the topic of reparations for slavery:

On the Web I find that Henry Louis Gates Jr., the chairman of Afro-American Studies at Harvard, is demanding that whites pay reparations to blacks. It's because of slavery, see. He is joined in this endeavor by a gaggle of other professional blacks. I guess he'll send me a bill, huh?

I feel like saying, 'Let me get this straight, Hank. I'm slow. Be patient. You want free money because of slavery, right? I don't blame you.' I'd like free money too.

Tell you what. I believe in justice. I'll give you a million dollars for every slave I own, and another million for every year you were a slave. Fair enough? But tell me, how many slaves do you suppose I have? In round numbers, I mean...Say to the nearest dozen.

And how long were you a slave?

Fred has a lot of interesting articles on his site. Keep in mind that you may find some material offensive to you and Fred describes himself as "looney as tune."

Link to Fred on Everything


Just Fred said...

Once again 'liberalism' attempts to destroy America from within. Why oh why do we fear Islamic terrorists when liberalism poses the real threat?

For what it's worth, I think the apology thing is nothing more than a political ploy to garner votes similar to the poop that was spread around to woo the evangelical voting block.

Anonymous said...


"Once again 'liberalism' attempts to destroy"

In the case of the imposition of the welfare state, the damage was not just attempted - it actually caused and continues to cause monumental suffering to our fellow Americans.

Just how many fatherless families are enough for libs? Just how many Black Americans need to spend their lives in jail because of their failed policies? How many young lives need to be wasted until the libs are sated?

So Fred, I know you don't admit to being a lib, so you should be ok - should libs apologize for the obvious results of their policies?

Really, libs should thank their lucky stars that their fellow Black Americans have not decided, yet, to extract their own apology from them.

Anonymous said...

And all of this solves nothing, neither the bill or the jibber jabber on this blog.

Gary Sutton said...

"None of it solves anything" except to point out the silliness of what Congress is doing, and to suggest the items they might be working on there are far more serious and necessary to our country.

Gary Sutton said...

If there were not racism on allsides of this, there would also be no need for this article to by written by "Fred." Just think that "lack of political correctness" may be stark truth which practitioners of pc don't want to hear.

Anonymous said...


Anonymouse is perfectly indicative of the type of unthinking nihilism that I have been so concerned with. It's all "jibber jabber" so there's no need to listen - or think. It's easy for such people to be fooled into voting against the best interest of their own country - and even themselves.

I heard a part of your program today when you stated the simple truth that Nancy Pelosi seemed to lack intelligence. This is an obvious fact, but is seldom stated as well as you did. I'd add something about being a dumb as a stump, but you probably did better.

Do you see the connection? People like annoyingmouse still darken the door of the of our voting booths, panting in anticipation of voting for the equivalent of Pelosi.

I sincerely hope that you'll go ahead and encourage people like this not to vote. How about asking every caller a simple question or two before their point. If they fail, you can tell them, for the good of all of us, to please not vote.

This will help, I think, keep the numbers of the jibber jabber brigade down a bit.