Friday, March 28, 2008

Welcome to the blog, Chile!

Welcome to the blog, Chilean readers! As you know, Chile is home to the vampire bat.

Identifying a vampire bat is pretty straight forward. Unlike fruit-eating bats, the vampire bat has a short, conical muzzle. Also, vampire bats will not cast reflections in a mirror and they often hesitate to cross running water.

Vampire bats are considered to be nocturnal, as exposure to sunlight tends to weaken them, sometimes even causing them to instantly turn into dust.

It is not true that vampire bats can be repelled with holy water, crucifixes and other articles of faith. This is a stupid and false urban legend with no basis in fact. They are, however, vulnerable to garlic.


Anonymous said...

Jay - that may be your funniest post yet.

Jay said...

I still think the Norway welcome post is funnier. I know. It sounds immodest.

Pastor Mel said...

I like the amusing "facts" Jay posts for the new countries involved in the blog. This one is great because we get to see a picture of Jay, finally!

Jay said...

I was pretty pale that evening, Pastor Mel. But you'll note that I was nattily attired.

Pastor Mel said...

Dressed quite well, but I am worried about your propensity toward Philipino swine's blood as recorded earlier in another thread!

Can we expect a new sauce for the tossers soon?