Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Obama - Perfect Unions


Anonymous said...

Wow. A caller just nailed it. Gary is getting played like a 50 cent whistle.

I actually don't agree with that.

He's getting played like a 10 cent whistle.

What a milquetoast. The only one he gets upset with is a caller who doesn't agree him - until he states that he agrees with the caller.

The head spins. . .

Anonymous said...

When being accused of being played, Gary could respond in two ways. He could take offense to an honest opinion, or he could try to discover the origins of the statement.

Gary is willing to explore the origins of Rev. Wrights statements, but unwilling to explore the origins of the statements of his callers.

Anonymous said...

The BEST campaign song ever!!!!

Mouthwash helps a little after you've watched it.

But not much.

Anonymous said...

Let's see if there's an apology today after yesterdays petulant childishness, sandwiched between hours of self-righteous and cloying self-congratulation.

Gary Sutton said...

What are you trying to say with your post? I would be glad to respond if I knew what specifically it referenced, and what apology is supposed to be made. GS