Friday, March 7, 2008

Just Some Fun for the Weekend! The answers are easier this time...?

OK! The way this works is you fill in the word or words that came from the person's name, and YOU will win a FREE lunch or dinner to WOW, home of THE greatest wings you will ever eat. Add Wi-fi accessibility, all kinds of other great food, and a wonderful atmosphere and you are in for a Major Experience! The first person to get every one right is the winner. I'll check them on MONDAYand announce the winner, so don't be scared off by anyone else's choices. Your's may be the right ones. Have at it!


* Gen. John Taliaferro Thompson (1860-1940), U. S. soldier. _______________
* Gen. Ambrose Everett Burnside (1824-1881), Union soldier. _______________
* Henry Shrapnel (1761-1842), British army officer. _________________
* John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-92), English diplomat. ____________
* Daniel Elmer Salmon (1850-1914), American veterinarian. ________________
* Augustus Caesar (63 B.C. - A. D. 14). _________________
* Axel Paulsen (1856-1938), Norwegian figure skater. _________________
* Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), founder of London police force. _______________
* Robert Wilhelm Bunsen (1811-99), German chemist. _________________
* Gaius Julius Caesar, who according to legend was born in this manner. ___________ __________________.
* Ludwig Dobermann, 19th century German dog breeder. _____________________
* Commodore E. C. Benedict (1834-1920), American yachtsman and banker. _______
* George Washington Gale Ferris (1859-96), American engineer. ___________ _________________
* Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814), Governor of Massachusetts _____________________
* Robert J. L. Guppy (1836-1916), British scientist from Trinidad. ____________
* Guy Fawkes (1570-1606), British terrorist. __________________
* Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. _______________________
* Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), Austrian physician. _______________________
* Jean Nicot (c. 1530 - 1600), French ambassador to Portugal. _________________
* Oscar Pierce, American wheat and fruit grower and uncle of an Academy executive director. _______________________
* Ras Tafari, precoronation name of Haile Selassie (1892-1975), Emperor of Ethio pia. _________________________


Anonymous said...

* Gen. Ambrose Everett Burnside (1824-1881), Union soldier. ___sideburns____________
* Henry Shrapnel (1761-1842), British army officer. ____shrapnel_____________
* John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-92), English diplomat. ___sandwich_________
* Daniel Elmer Salmon (1850-1914), American veterinarian. ____salmonella____________
* Augustus Caesar (63 B.C. - A. D. 14). ___month of __August____________
* Axel Paulsen (1856-1938), Norwegian figure skater. ____flying Axel skating move_____________
* Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), founder of London police force. ____Bobbies___________
* Robert Wilhelm Bunsen (1811-99), German chemist. _______bunsen burner__________
* Gaius Julius Caesar, who according to legend was born in this manner. ___C-section________ __________________.
* Ludwig Dobermann, 19th century German dog breeder. _______Dobermans______________
* Commodore E. C. Benedict (1834-1920), American yachtsman and banker. _______
* George Washington Gale Ferris (1859-96), American engineer. ______ferris wheel_____ _________________
* Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814), Governor of Massachusetts ____gerrymandering_________________
* Robert J. L. Guppy (1836-1916), British scientist from Trinidad. ____guppy fish________
* Guy Fawkes (1570-1606), British terrorist. __Guy Fawkes Day________________
* Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. _____virginity, official Republican answer to teen pregnancy
* Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), Austrian physician. ______hypnosis_________________
* Jean Nicot (c. 1530 - 1600), French ambassador to Portugal. _______nicotine__________
* Oscar Pierce, American wheat and fruit grower and uncle of an Academy executive director. ______academy award nickname_________________
* Ras Tafari, precoronation name of Haile Selassie (1892-1975), Emperor of Ethio pia. ______Rastafarians________________

But I won the last one hands down-----answers like:
What didn't the landlord want his renter to keep in his apartment? ("landlady") are self-evident.
I yield to someone else here.

Anonymous said...

I forgot Eggs Benedict.

Oh, well . . .

Anonymous said...

Thompson - Tommy Gun
Burnside - Sideburns
Shrapnel - Shrapnel shell
Montagu - Sandwich
Salmon - Salmonella
Caesar - August, the month
Paulsen - Axel jump
Peel - Peelian Principles and Bobbies
Bunsen - Bunsen burner
Caesar - Caesarian section
Dobermann - Doberman Pinscher
Benedict - Eggs Benedict
Ferris - Ferris Wheel
Gerry - Gerrymandering
Guppy - the Guppy , or Millionsfish
Fawkes - Guy Fawkes Night
Virgin Mary - Mariology, Madonna
Mesmer - Mesmerize
Nicot - Nicotine
Pierce - the Oscar award
Tafari - Rastafarians

So who won last week? I don't think anyone got all 10. If you can't tell I'm all about free food.

Gary Sutton said...

Looks like we have a winner with Doug Walters. Thanks also to Jacque for "the Flying Axel." Because of that and the C-section answers, though not right, you get an BIG W for cool wit.
Doug, and Jacque, Take this post to WOW for an order of your favorite item. The answers are listed below:


* Gen. John Taliaferro Thompson (1860-1940), U. S. soldier. (Tommy Gun)
* Gen. Ambrose Everett Burnside (1824-1881), Union soldier. (Sideburns)
* Henry Shrapnel (1761-1842), British army officer. (Shrapnel)
* John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-92), English diplomat. (Sandwich)
* Daniel Elmer Salmon (1850-1914), American veterinarian. (Salmonella)
* Augustus Caesar (63 B.C. - A. D. 14). (August)
* Axel Paulsen (1856-1938), Norwegian figure skater. (Axel)
* Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), founder of London police force. (Bobby)
* Robert Wilhelm Bunsen (1811-99), German chemist. (Bunsen Burner)
* Gaius Julius Caesar, who according to legend was born in this manner. (Caesarean Section)
* Ludwig Dobermann, 19th century German dog breeder. (Doberman Pinscher)
* Commodore E. C. Benedict (1834-1920), American yachtsman and banker. (Eggs Benedict)
* George Washington Gale Ferris (1859-96), American engineer. (Ferris Wheel)
* Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814), Governor of Massachusetts (he pronounced the gas in gray). (Gerrymander)
* Robert J. L. Guppy (1836-1916), British scientist from Trinidad. (Guppy)
* Guy Fawkes (1570-1606), British terrorist. (Guy)
* Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. (Marigold)
* Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), Austrian physician. (Mesmerize)
* Jean Nicot (c. 1530 - 1600), French ambassador to Portugal. (Nicotine)
* Oscar Pierce, American wheat and fruit grower and uncle of an Academy executive director. (Oscar)
* Ras Tafari, precoronation name of Haile Selassie (1892-1975), Emperor of Ethio pia. (Rastafarian)