Sunday, March 16, 2008

Gary Sutton Show on March 17th

As you know, I'll be hosting the show tomorrow, March 17th, St. Patrick's Day. I might wear green, I might not wear green. There's just no telling. That's the kind of guy I am.

Anyone interested in personal responsibility, censorship and new government bureaucracies should be sure to tune in to the 9 o'clock hour. Listen for Professor Jon Rowe in the second hour who will give us the rundown on the Founding Fathers and religion. Were they really big-time Christians? Why does it matter? We'll also have a roundtable with nuclear security experts Dave Lochbaum and Scott Portzline in the third hour.

I've lined up a lot of stuff to cover and, of course, we'll be taking your calls. And don't forget that you can stream the show on the internet by clicking the "LISTEN LIVE" button near the top of the left-hand sidebar.



Anonymous said...

Completely off topic -

I just finished watching the first two parts of the "John Adams" series on HBO tonight. I don't know if this has been on for a while and I'm catching re-runs or if tonight was the first night, but it was absolutely fascinating.

I never knew that John Adams was on the defense for the British Captain and soldiers who fired on the crowd during the Boston Massacre...and he had them acquitted!

Absolutely remarkable series, can't wait to see the rest.

Just Fred said...

Off topic, but maybe a suggestion for the blogsite:

It's a bit more difficult to navigate then say, the YDR Exchange site that I also contribute posts. Check it out.

The setup has various headings, and when someone wants to post a new topic within the specified catagory, it's quite an easy matter. The setup allows participants to view the topics easily and respond. It's easy to jump from one topic to another without scrolling.

Signing in only requires a one-time log word verification, user name, or password.

Not criticizing, just making a couple of observations for you to consider. I'd like to see the site grow and attract more participants.

Jay said...

Doug, the book John Adam is based on is great and I'm hearing fantastic things about the miniseries.

I'm looking forward to seeing it. Thanks for the reminder!

Fred, you're talking about a forum format as opposed to a traditional blog format. I'm a big fan of forums and I'd love to make something like that available in the future.

It's something to seriously consider down the road.

Now, gentlemen, wish me luck for today!

Just Fred said...

Consider it, because I think a forum format will encourage more participation provided it's easy to navigate, post topics and responses.

Jay said...

Jiminy Christmas, hosting a show is even more difficult than I imagined!

Anonymous said...

Did you know that the whip antenna on your radio is actually your FM antenna? The am antenna is buried inside the radio and one has to physically manipulate it to tune it? Just saying because my work blocks the streaming audio.

Anonymous said...

Excellent show, Jay!-
Well done.
Binding and gagging Gary seemed a bit extreme given his ability to self-gag with his own feet, but . . . hey.

Loved the part with John about the religious stance of the Federalists. We've been bullied by the religious righteous whose claims of historic precedence never held water yet were falsely legitimized for far too long.

Thanks for the show, J.

What Fred said.
In all candor I preferred the older GS blog for its accessibility and longevity of interchange, although it lacked bells and whistles. It allowed more reactive response, more dialogue . . .
a change to something that combines the user friendliness of the forum format may be better for the MainStreet exchange of ideas, which has been the raison d'etre for this site.
Definitely worth a look.
Your site maintenance is a welcome addition to Gary's benevolent providence in which he'd post a new thread every 4 months or so.

To all:
Happy St Patrick's Day---- Reputedly the day he drove all the snakes from Ireland and they came to America where they were immediately elected to office.