Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Crush of the Middle Class slows down (at least for the moment)

Governor Ed Rendell has abandoned his plan to give lower-income families special payments of up to $400 this year to help stimulate the economy.

Why? Rendell said on Wednesday that there was not sufficient supporting the State Assembly even from fellow Democrats. The Governor had called for dipping into the “rainy day” fund to pay the $130 million dollar cost. The plan would have directed payments to about 475,000 families, but was turned down because legislators wanted the middle class included.

Rendell’s answer to this is instructive to us when he said, “There’s a limited number of dollars to go around.” Is he kidding? He and his cronies tax the middle class like it is the gift that keeps on giving. The “limited dollars” he talks about seems to never find its way back to this shrinking group’s pocket books.

Meanwhile, the Middle Class continues to independently work as the backbone of this state while those who dependently remain poor and play the system -- oh yeah, and who vote for the politician who enables them to stay that way by giving them money for nothing, get the benefits of our labor. One can only hope that even the state legislators are starting to realize the ceiling of middle class largesse is closing in on them and our dependent-enabling governor.

Maybe a great slogan for the middle class in PA would be: The PA Middle Class, from whom much is expected in servitude the to state, but to whom little is returned.

I’m Gary Sutton.


Anonymous said...

I don't pay much attention to PA politics but it sure seems as though the members of our legislature would rather pad their own pockets than ours!!!!!

JustMyOpinion said...

Lou Dobbs is rightly more worried about the crushing of the middle class (rightfully so) by actions of our current Administration as well as Congress.

While Lou is kind of a "one tune" guy, he appears to have a lot of correct slant on his notion of the "War on the Middle Class".

Rendell pales in any comparison to what is happening at the National level.

Anonymous said...

QUESTION: What are:

Legislative term limits,
gender parity in representation,
citizen referenda on ballot,
immmediate fines and jailtime for malfeasance in office,
elimination of lobbyists,
and *Constitutional Convention?



(*Constitutional Convention in PA, all the rest Pennsylvania AND Federal government)

Anonymous said...

I've been a long time democrat, but with the awful spectacle of the campaign and their reflexive support for higher taxes, I've given up on them. It just appears to me they always find a way to be on the wrong side of just about any issue.

So no more. I voted for Ed Rendell and want to offer my sincere apologies to everyone. I won't make the mistake again of falling for lies.

It took many years, but I finally saw the light. I know that others can do it too.

Just Fred said...

Go 'independent' my friend. You'd be surprised how liberating it is when you don't feel compelled to root for a political club.

Imagine the day when neither political club can rely on your club membership to get elected.