Monday, March 10, 2008

Ban these phrases, please

Okay, today on The Gary Sutton Show I gave you a list of phrases I want to ban this election season. Actually, they should be banned forever.

Here's the list, plus some additions that came from listeners:
  • building bridges
  • grassroots
  • Heartland
  • regular/hard-working Americans
  • changing the tone
  • change
  • the Great State of ______ (c'mon, they can't all be great)
  • I hear what you're saying
  • ready on Day One
  • on the job training
  • traction
  • mentioning some random person to show that you occassianly get off the campaign bus and talk to humans who aren't politicians or in the media
  • The power fist (it isn't a phrase, but it still needs to go):

Now this can't be the complete list. What should be added?


Anonymous said...

"at the end of the day..."

Anonymous said...

Work hard
Working hard
Let's all work together
Try my best
Do my best
I will listen
Let's end the tyranny
Time for a new beginning
Time for the voters to be heard
End the corruption
Get back to square government
Stop the politics as usual
A new start
A fresh face
A new voice
Time to rein in big government
No more pork
My opponent says
I promise you
A different tone
A different approach
I'll restore decency
Sounder government
Fitter government
Help for the taxpayers
Restore sanity
I'll be there for the citizens
We're going to succeed
We're going to win for the citizens
A win for the citizens
The citizens have spoken
A new America
A better America
An improved America
A kinder, gentler America
A better tomorrow
A restoration of faith in government

yada yada yada

[And my favorite] :
Things will be different

. . . no, they won't. Not until term limits, citizen oversight, 50/50 gender parity in representation, jail and property seizure for wrongdoing in office, elimination of lobbyists, elimination of revolving door to business interests and back to office, electorate referenda (PA), new constitutional convention (PA),
etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.

Anonymous said...

How about a list of words Gary may not use:

"Transparent" - well ok, can be used up to 12 times per hour, but no more. I guess I can live with a 90% reduction.

"Parse" - a word Gary uses incorrectly every time.

"Our Biggest Problem is" - no longer allowed due to fact that it changes several times per day depending on what who is on the line.

"main street" - May no longer be used in the following sense:

As an encouragement to those who have no deeply held convictions and require deep thought and reading from many sources before making up their minds on any issue.

Also may no longer be used as a statement of superiority over those who do have core beliefs.

In addition, "Main Street" may not be used as a salve against the fear of engaging in partisan debate. Not everyone is cut out to have deeply held opinions and be able to argue them, but compensating by dreamily wanting us to magically resolve our real political differences and just get along is not going to happen.

It will cause a lot of confusion and may result in a vote for Ed Rendell.

So no more Main Street used in these ways. However, Main Street may continue to be used when referring to a city road.

Anonymous said...

REAGAN REPUBLICAN - I am so sick of hearing about Reagan Republicans, and Ronald Reagan in general. Thank goodness the primaries are just about over. All I heard about was how the Republicans needed a guy like Reagan, and who did they vote for? John McCain!

I'm sure there are people out there who think that Reagan's policies would be beneficial today, but some people took it way too far.

"He has an air about him that reminds me of Reagan"

"He looks Reaganesque"

"Blah blah blah Reagan"


Anonymous said...

Somebody, I think it was Bill Maher, recently pointed to a number of Reagan positions on various issues (signing the amnesty bill was one of them) and commented that even Reagan was not very Reaganesque when you looked at the issues.

Gary Sutton said...

Trenton Paine--Nice to know you are back! Thanks for the contributions!