Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tuesday's Tech Tip: Listening to podcasts

Betcha you've heard of podcasts. But do you listen to them? Do you know how fun, informative and convenient they can be? No? Then pay attention, grasshopper.

1. The Basics

Okay, a podcast is basically an audio program like a radio show formatted for an MP3 player like an iPod. Podcasts run the gamut. You can find podcasts about all kinds of things, like history, science, the Philadelphia Eagles, and even your favorite television program.

One neat thing about podcasts is that they're generally free -- including many very high-quality podcasts.

Another neat thing about podcasts is that once you find one you like, you subscribe to it in iTunes (or whatever you use) and it will keep your MP3 player updated with shows as they become available.

2. Getting podcasts

If you have an iPod, then you want to go to iTunes, click on Podcasts and then click on the podcast directory. Subscribing is as easy as clicking the "subscribe" button. Just make sure you don't subscribe to anything that doesn't say "free" after it.

If you use other means, like Microsoft's Zune desktop software coupled with a Microsoft Zune, check your software's help feature or visit its website for more information.

3. Some cool podcasts

Well, I think they're cool. Behold:

  • In Our Time, from BBC Radio 4. "The big ideas which form the intellectual agenda of our age are illuminated by some of the best minds. Melvyn Bragg and three guests investigate the history of ideas and debate their application in modern life."
  • This Week in Tech. "Your first podcast of the week is the last word in tech. Join Leo Laporte, Patrick Norton, Kevin Rose, John C. Dvorak, and other tech luminaries in a roundtable discussion of the latest trends in high tech. Released every Sunday at midnight Pacific."
  • The Onion Radio News. Parody news done by the masters.
  • Slate Explainer. I love this show. Each is only a couple minutes long and address some question surrounding the news of the day. Recent topics included Is the Fed Private or Public?, Can You Really See Russia From Alaska?, and Why Are Georgia and Georgia Both Named Georgia?.
BTW, you can listen to these (and other) programs on your computer. Click the links to the shows on The Podcast Directory and you'll see a link to listen to the show through your web browser.

4. Parting thought

The nice thing about podcasts (at least the ones you like) is having favorite shows, piled up on your MP3 player, just waiting for you. Suddenly your gym visit or drive to Ohio just flies by.

Now, these are just some of the podcasts I like. I keep these and a bunch more on my iPod. I like to believe that they live on my iPod, quietly talking amongst themselves, readying themselves for the day that I need them.

Has this economic disaster dragged politicians to work as policymakers?

It's probably way to early to tell, but this whole bailout thing might just be the one issue that drags everyone into policy making. Oh, I know, the same rhetoric is going on, but make no mistake about it; people are furious when these do-nothings continue to always use citizen pocketbooks as the bailout. (They call it a buy-in.) Why should they in the wake of Bear-Stearns, Lehman, Fannie Mae , Freddie Mac, and AIG? Has that helped the economy with our infusion of bucks? No! Yet, we do have to find a solution to separate Wall Street and Main Street so this doesn't continue to happen. With the bill being devoted yesterday, the question is what's next? What do you see as the next step, and do you think they can do it for the REAL benefit of the country?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Who won the Debate on Friday?

I thought that McCain had to throw a haymaker and he missed. I thought that Obama had to simply not make any major gaffes and he managed to tread water. Problem was that neither showed themselves to be very good leaders, or be specific in their proposals in a way that we could understand. (Why do I hear Forest Gump talking about Mama explaining things to him in a way he could understand here.) I think that unless some major event comes along, Obama is on his way to at least a decisive victory, and possibly a landslide. What say you?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

New poll: Who lost the first debate?

New poll: Who lost the first debate?

You can cast your vote in the poll in the upper-right of this page. Feel free to discuss it here, too.

Poll results: Who will you vote for?

Who will you vote for?

A listed candidate - 80%
A write-in candidate - 8%
None of the above - 12%

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Political Gotcha or True Bi-Partisanship?????

So Senator John McCain is suspending his campaign to go help settle the economic crisis in Washington, and wants to postpone the debate scheduled with Senator Obama on Friday night. Is he right or wrong? Senator Obama has said that presidents should be able to do more than one thing, and he has no intention of canceling his campaign activities including the debate on Friday evening. Is he right or wrong?

Both are attending the meeting with the president and heads of Congress today at the request of President Bush. Is this situation so big that it's dragging every party and ideology into a decision? Could Bush actually be changing the tone of Washington finally?? Probably not, but what do you think?????

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Final Show , then Tomorrow!

Today, Wednesday, September 24th, is the final Gary Sutton Show from 9 to Noon on WSBA Radio. The show started on April 10, 2000, and has been going strong ever since. Feel free to put your thoughts on the show, negative or positive, or both right here.

Tomorrow, Gary will take over his new position as co-host on York's Morning News which airs from 6-9am . This morning show will be very different from its present format as the news is still presented, but will be followed by a free-wheeling discussion with contributing guests and points of view from Gary, Jim Horn, Mark McKenzie and Jeff Schiffman. From 8-9am, callers will be able to call into the show, and express their points of view much like they could on the old Gary Sutton Show. It will be fun and exciting, and we are looking forward to producing the best morning show on any dial. See you then! I'm Gary Sutton.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Some final thoughts on The Gary Sutton Show

I have a final thought today on who the people are that live on Main Street of America -- the very people who we have talked to on our show each and every day -- and what makes them so wonderful and different from the part of our country we seem to complain about incessantly.

It seems to me that the people of Main Street America are decent people who possess wisdom beyond any college or university degree. Their smarts have come from real-life experiences of work which have demanded that they solve problems, produce, live within their means, and try to do better in grabbing the American Dream. They speak civilly to one another, and know the goodness of real community in this country. These people generally obey the rules, play well with others, and are positive about life.

You are these people.

Your independence, patriotism, sacrifice and hard work have made this country one of which we all should be proud. I want you to know that as a talk show host, no one could be luckier than I have been to be allowed into the home of this esteemed group every day. You have honored me by listening to our show, your show.

More importantly, you have honored yourselves by getting involved by listening, and taking part to make your world a better place. May you continue that effort always, because you are the daily activists who must care and make this country the best it can be. Thank you. I’m Gary Sutton.

Friday, September 19, 2008


WOW! What a season thus far. The Revs have now made the playoffs, and we would like your opinion on just how far you may think they'll go. This is break from the norm, but we just can't help but get caught up in the passion, fever, and excitement that YORK, and all of the citizens of this area have something to really cheer about!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just Random Thoughts about the Election!

What if Obama loses?
A. Will the Democrats take the blame?
B. Could words over actions be the reason?
C. Republicans have been beating themselves up while the leadership of the Democratic Party take no blame, blame Bush, and offer no reasonable solutions.
D. You can’t just talk the talk; you must walk the walk.
E. They’ll blame the Republican Attack Machine, McCain for selling out by going out and getting Palin, the fact that Americans don’t get it, and that we are basically stupid, the normal theological culprits on the right, and on and on.
F. Could it be that Democrats have lost touch with their true roots, and only give lip service to unions, blue color workers, and urban folk.
G. Could it be that paying off people making them more dependent on government in return for votes has only yielded more dependency and less progress in America?
1. Look at the list of the poorest cities in the country.
H. Does that mean that Republicans or let’s say Conservatives are doing a great job? No! They have compromised themselves time and time again.
I. However, it is interesting to note that the way President Clinton worked with them was to corral and triangulate their best ideas into policies that seemed popular in the country.
J. The way Rahm Emmanuel engineered the last election win in 2006 was to get conservatives who were also Democrats. They shared the same values.
K. Problem is that the far left group that supports the Democratic Party’s leadership and ranking members is far astray from many of these regular-people type Democrats.
L. They seem to be more the party of Anti instead of the party of Pro;
M. They seem to be the party that critiques but offers little in terms of improvement.
N. They talk of transparent, but when called to do so, are no different from those that weren’t , and we’re supposed to buy into that argument that it’s ok because they did it.
O. Where is the true call to change things that the Democrats had a chance to attack in 2006. Why didn’t it sell?
P. Leadership says the same old things with the same shrillness.
Q. Bad news for our country seems to simply be more fodder on the fire of criticism, but no revolutionary new ideas come out of the smoke.
R. They don’t allow their candidate to break away from their apron strings, and truly run on change.
S. Their intransigence on issues illustrates more of an interest in winning a political victory than arriving at solutions to help the country.
T. Thus, they end up many times trying to talk to Mainstream Americans, with Mainstream language, while secretly trying to sell them a product that when the glittering generalities fade away, they don’t want to buy.
U. Finally, their lack of respect for the intellect of the everyday common citizen does not allow them to trust the very thing they say they want to foster; independence. They do not carry this burden alone as the other party is also oblivious on many occasions to the wishes of their constituents.
V. In conclusion, the Republicans are not exactly running the best ticket ever. In fact, until the Palin phenomenon was introduced, the race was a bore, and Obama looked to be a shoo-in. Maybe he will still be if this honeymoon with Sarah ends earlier than the election. Still, the problem for the Democrats is that they cannot sell that which ultimately is not buyable, and which will ultimately change the very structures that form the basis

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What does 9/11 mean to you today?

On this 7th anniversary of the attack on America, it's good for all of us to pause and ask ourselves, What does 9/11 mean today?" Even more, what have we learned from 9/11? Please feel free to answer here.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Pepsi Challenge and Election 2008

Remember the Pepsi Challenge?

People would try two cups of cola, one Pepsi, the other Coca-Cola. After they tried both, they would say which one they liked better and then the Pepsi rep would reveal which product they actually prefer.

Supposedly, a lot of people were surprised to learn that while they thought they preferred Coca-Cola, they actually prefer Pepsi.

Vito asked, what if we applied that to the issues and the candidates? I know, I know -- there are other factors like character, charisma, and great hair that might impact our choice. But just based on matching issues, where do we match up with the candidates?

I found two online quizzes that purport to do just that. The first one, glassbooth.org, matched me up with John McCain (63% similarity). The second one, VAJoe's Candidate Calculator, matched me with Ralph Nader (whom I dislike quite a bit) -- also with a 63% similarity. That isn't the only oddity, either. The Candidate Calculator also said John McCain is my lowest match.

I don't know the methodologies of either. One might be correct or both might be wrong. It's still a pretty neat experiment. Check out the links below to take your own challenge and see which soft drink, er, candidate you prefer.

Link to glassbooth.org
Link to VAJoe's Candidate Calculator

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New poll: Is "None of the Above" a good voting option?

Here's a choice for you in this presidential election: Which would you choose, "None of the Above" or either of the two major choices?

You can also vote in the same poll in the upper-right of this page.

We'll be discussing this topic on the Gary Sutton Show today, so let me know what you think!

Poll results: Sarah Palin, yea or nay?

Poll results: Sarah Palin, yea or nay?

Yea - 87%
Nay - 12%
Who? - 0%

Join me in D.C. on Wednesday

Plan on being in Washington, D.C. for the “Hold Their Feet to the Fire Rally” on Wednesday, September 10th, and Thursday, September 11th.

Go to Congress and talk to your representatives, let them know how you feel about illegal aliens and the issues associated with their invasion of this country. Go to Senator McCain and Senator Obama’s offices to let them know. Watch talk show hosts from all over the country including me, Lou Dobbs, and Roger Hedgecock.

Phoenix Park Hotel
520 North Capitol Street NW
Washington, D.C. (Federal City Room-2nd Floor)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Link: OnTheIssues.org

OnTheIssues.org is a great place to find out just where the candidates stand on the issues of the 2008 General Election. You can also find tons of other candidates state by state, too! We have a link to them in the links section, on the-left-hand column of the site.

Friday, September 5, 2008

McCain's speech -- What did you think?

Gary would like your thoughts on Sen. John McCain's Presidential acceptance speech last night.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Governor Palin speaks -- What did you think?

I just simply want to ask your thoughts on Governor Palins Vice Presidential acceptance speech on Wednesday night. Let 'er rip!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tuesday's Tech Tip: Freshen up Windows XP's look

As promised, today is about freshening up Windows XP's look (for free). Here's my XP desktop (click it to enlarge):

REMEMBER: This tip is for Windows XP users! Not Windows Vista, Windows 2000, or, God help us, Windows 95.

The theme. First, let's replace your blue default theme (the one that makes your start bar and windows look like they were made by Fisher Price). You'll need to download and install Microsoft's "Zune" theme. You can download it free from Microsoft here.

Save it to your desktop and run it to install it (you can erase the file when it's done installing). Okay, right-click on an empty spot on your desktop and select "Properties" on the menu that pops up. Your Appearance panel opens up to your themes tab. Select "Zune" from the drop down list for theme. Click apply, OK, etc. until the window closes. That's done.

The cursors. Second, let's pretty up your cursors with an anti-aliased Vista look. Download the Vista cursors from Alan Le's page. Unzip them, right-click on -- oh, just follow the directions posted here.

The wallpaper. My wallpaper is slightly modified version of Flora Nine by Delta 909. You can download the appropriate size for your monitor here.

Widgets. How about Vista-style widgets? You know, like a current weather widget, a stock ticker widget or even a today-at-a-glance widget that can pull info from Outlook? You can try the (free) Yahoo Widgets. Download Yahoo Widgets here. It will install a sampling of widgets. There are many ways to customize how widgets work and behave, so play around with it. Please note that this sits in your memory, so uninstall it if you feel your PC's speed took a hit.

That's it. And that's it. I like this freshening up because it's pretty innocuous -- no weird system hacks or anything (heck, the Zune theme is from Microsoft itself). I don't use Yahoo Widgets anymore (Yahoo Widgets is a pretty program, but I didn't need it), but the other stuff is straight-forward.

As always, let me hear your feedback as to whether this was helpful or you liked the tip.

New poll: Sarah Palin, yea or nay?

A new poll is up -- Sarah Palin, yea or nay?

Poll results: Who will be Obama's VP?

Evan Bayh - 7%
Joe Biden - 50%
Tim Kaine - 0%
Hillary Clinton - 19%
Other - 23%

Are the readers here prescient? Not so much. The poll didn't close until after the announcement and some readers had fun voting for Biden after the fact. Prescient, no, but funny, yes.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday's Tech Tip: (not really)

Life's intruded; I'll have a new tech tip up as soon as I can. It'll be on freshening up Windows XP's look.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Reactions to choosing Sarah Palin

These are nationwide samplings.



And from Barack Obama......

Interesting mixture of thoughts, huh?

Gov. Palin accepts

Part 1

Part 2