Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thomas Paine's Common Sense (and a second American Revolution)

A listener sent me this YouTube video today, and I found it to be provocative spurring lots of thought. I think it will jolt you as well, so I offer it below. I look forward to your reactions.


Anonymous said...

He's right, we've gone horribly astray. I suppose the real question is how to reign in Federal programs and spending without seeing the inner cities erupt, AARP going nuts, and Teachers Unions bunching their panties while screaming YOU HATE CHILDREN!

As long as our Political leaders have re-election as their primary goal, and as long as we let unqualified people vote, things will never change, I suspect.

Anonymous said...

9.4 trillion created by Bush. Both parties suck.

Anonymous said...

Gary, i feel this Thomas Paine Common Sense is totally true and correct and agree with one of your listeners to play this on your radio forum everyday, first thing, and then end the show with the same. I think this country has gone so astray that we will never get it right again, without a revolution

Anonymous said...

ive got one thing to say AMEN