Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Anti-science in our classrooms

We've been talking about education lately. Peter Wood recently wrote a commentary called How Our Culture Keeps Students Out of Science for The Chronicle of Higher Education.

His premise is that science is hard work and that our society is not culturally-geared to the concept that hard work is necessary to attaining intellectual heights. This reminds me of a US Navy presentation that called the MySpace generation "coddled," "narcissistic praise junkies."

He writes

The intellectual lassitude we breed in students, their unearned and inflated self-confidence, undercuts both the self-discipline and the intellectual modesty that is needed for the apprentice years in the sciences.

I might add that efforts to teach religion thinly- and poorly-disguised as science in the science classroom also doesn't help.

Link to How Our Culture Keeps Students Out of Science

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