Monday, August 25, 2008

So what do YOU think of Obama's choice of Biden?

Now that Senator Obama has chosen Senator Biden as his running mate onb the Democratic ticket, what do you think? Was it the safe pick? Did it represent change? How about the question of whether or not it gives Obama greater standing in terms of foreign policy? What do you think????


Anonymous said...

Good pick.

Now the only shoe left to drop is who McCain will pick. My guess is Romney even though I don't believe Romney really likes McCain much.

Just Fred said...

Good pick. I had Biden as one of my top 3 choices even during the primary.

One thing is for sure, and that is you'll never have to guess what he thinks about an issue.

Jay said...

Cthulu/Voldemort in '12.

Why vote for the lesser of two evils?

Anonymous said...

I think this is a terrible choice for Obama. The far left is just so giddy with excitement over the public disapproval of Bush {thank you media gurus}. They don't have enough sense in this to go a little moderate on the veepstakes. Biden is like picking Ted Kennedy.
You're not going to pick up any votes with Biden, and now may possibly lose some. The far left must reach out to get some moderates or they will lose their best opportunity in years to swing a shift this far to the left. This Biden choice is not a sign of "hope" either. It is a sign of the same old- same old, failed policies of the Democrats.

Just Fred said...

For some people it wouldn't have mattered who Obama picked. They would have found something wrong with no matter who it was.

If Obama picked Jesus Christ, they would have said something like, "Who does he think he is? The Messiah?"

Tribal politics has never been more evident in America then it is now. We need to filter EVERYTHING anybody says anymore. It's sad.

Jay said...

I'm not a fan of Biden or his creepy plagiarism.

Just Fred said...

There you go. Biden plagiarised part of a speech he made 20 years ago. Good enough reason to jettison him into oblivion.

Aren't we all glad nobody pokes into our lives for things we may have said or done 20 years ago? You'd have to be crazy to run for office in America today.

Jay said...

There's more to it than part of a speech. He actually pretended to live Kinnock's life.

And then there's the five pages of a fifteen page paper that he plagiarized from a law review article.

And some other stuff. It actually isn't a very short list.

So, yeah, jettison him.

Anonymous said...

Funny, Jay, what some people hold people accountable for.

McCain jettisoned his first wife who was in a terrible car crash and was left partially crippled and disfigured for a rich heiress.

Guess that does not measure up to your high standards ?

Anonymous said...


Dr. Martin Luther King plagairized part of his doctoral thesis. I suppose you jettison him as well? Some people make mistakes, even those in the public eye. I seriously doubt you could find any body of significance throughout history who hasn't made a serious mistake.

Anonymous said...

FDR was a womanizer and Churchill a drunk. Hitler was neither but he was a principled and decisive leader. I think Americans look too much at the personal qualities of their candidates and not enough at the issues. The media is probably to blame.

The "liberal" media keeps harping on Obama's lack of experience. How much experience did Lincoln have? And in 1861 there was a wee bit more turmoil in the country than there is today.

Jay said...

Anon 1 wrote:

McCain jettisoned his first wife ... Guess that does not measure up to your high standards ?

The question was about Biden, not McCain.

Jay said...

Anon 2 and 3 wants to laugh off Biden's plagiarisms as "a mistake" or hijinks or something.

Anon also feels that "Gee, who doesn't make mistakes?"

Well, here's the thing. Biden didn't make "a" mistake. He made more than one.

Mistake 1: Plagiarizing Kinnock's speeches. Repeatedly.

Mistake 2: Plagiarizing Kinnock's life. Biden pretended to be the first in his family to go to college. He wasn't. Biden pretended some of his ancestors were coal miners. They weren't.

Mistake 3: Refuses to come clean. The tape of Kinnock's speech that Biden's campaign used? It came from an official in Kinnock's party. I guess they wanted to help Biden out, right? Except the official in question denied it. Then and only then did Biden admit he lied about the tapes source.

Meanwhile, we learn that Biden got into trouble for plagiarizing a substantial portion of a law school paper. Biden wants you to believe all these "mistakes" are temporary lapses of judgment or simple misunderstandings. When there is such a record, why should I believe they are isolated incidences?

If the law school incident was a temporary lapse, wouldn't you think, as Jack Shafer writes, that "such a calamitous 'mistake' from his youth would have seared into his mind the importance of keeping his mitts off of other people's words"?

I'm not even getting into his claim that he had a full academic scholarship to law school or he graduated in the top half of his class or that he earned three undergrad degrees.

So to summarize my feelings: Sen. Biden repeatedly made the same mistake. It wasn't isolated. It wasn't a single bad decision. And that looks like a pattern to me.

So, yeah, jettison the creep.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jay, plagarism is much, much worse than infidelity and abandoning you wife anyday .

If you want to jettison the creep Biden OK, but you better jettison the creep McCain as well.

Anonymous said...

Qualities or issues? What's more important? President Bush seems to have a lot of good personal qualities, he'd probably be a cool guy to hang out with. But I'd sell my kids to gypsys before I 'd vote for him on the issues.

Jay said...

Anonymous, I don't understand your McCain fixation. Again, the question is about Biden, not McCain.

Are you one of those people who defends shenanigans by saying "Other people were naughty too and, um, hey look over there!"

Would you buy a rusted-out crappy car from me if I told you that "Shoot, there are other bad cars out there?"

And if you were forced to choose between two crappy cars (let's say a 1985 Ford Escort and a '74 Chevette), would you buy the least crappy one and then tell yourself -- and your friends -- that it's a brand new BMW?

Anonymous said...


America loses when we make voting decisions based on things like plagairism or infidelity. Economy, Heath Care, War- these things matter, not personal flaws or shortcomings- everybody has those.

Jay said...

I think the qualities vs. issues question is an excellent one.

There's an article in the Wilson Quarterly called In Praise of the values Voter that touches upon that question.

I think my feeling is that if a politician shows utter contempt for my intelligence and/or memory, if a politician makes it clear that he or she is above the law or a moral code, well then, what's the point in voting on issues?

After all, what reason is there to believe that the person in question will do anything promised?

Anonymous said...

My point is there are now three people in the mix and soon to be four.

Character counts. You have a right to question Biden's character for what he did, but please apply the same test to ALL who will be running, that is all.

In my mind the McCain issue is just as revealing as the Biden issue.

Again, if you want to "jettison" one on the basis of character, you better be prepared to jettison both as I see it.

There ARE third party candidates running and perhaps that need to be the choice you make .

Jay said...

I'm actually not too concerned about McCain and his first wife. I don't know all the facts there, but it seems that there's more to it than McCain kicking his first wife penniless to the curb. McCain wrote:

"[M]y marriage's collapse was attributable to my own selfishness and immaturity more than it was to Vietnam, and I cannot escape blame by pointing a finger at the war. The blame was entirely mine."

See, that's more in the category of "a mistake" or a time of poor judgment. Further, I don't know that he went on through life having extramarital affairs and being a douche to his wife. Seems like he grew up, learned his lesson or whatever.

Having said that, I'm not a McCain fanboy. I'm not comfortable with his record.

There ARE third party candidates running and perhaps that need to be the choice you make.

Ahh, now you're getting warmer.