Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Who?

So John McCain, who was around when Washington , D.C. was built, picks a a great-looking woman of 44 named Sarah Palin who's an athlete, a mother of five, a former basketball point guard for a state championship team, a lifetime member of the NRA, an environmentalist, a whistleblower, a second place finisher in the Miss Alaska contest, a journalist major, a mayor, a governor, and now a vice presidential running mate of Prez Candidate McCain. But can she cook?

The BIGGEST question is what to make of all of this? Brilliant move in rejuvenating the Republicans for the long run, or did McCain turn over the election to the Democrats? Take your best shot. It's early, but it's fun.


Anonymous said...

National Politics tends to be cyclical. The very fact that the Republicans nominated a man who wasn't good enough for them 8 years ago, sent the signal very early that they're phoning in this election. This VP selection just reaffirms that.

Just Fred said...

Seems a bit odd doesn't it? I'm having more fun listening to the right-wing political wonks justify the decision.

I guess Guliani, Huckabee, Ridge, Romney, Liberman, among others just couldn't measure up. You gotta consider anonymous's comment about the R-Tribe 'phoning it in' much like the state Republican Committee did in PA with Lynn Swann.

The debate with Biden should be interesting when the topic of foreign affairs is brought up.

Anonymous said...

If it doesn't scare you that this young lady with no real foreign policy experience is only a potential heartbeat away from the Presidency, then nothing will scare you !!

Anonymous said...

She has as much experience in foreign policy as Obama!

Just Fred said...

She doesn't need experience with foreign policy to do as well as President Bush. She would have plenty of people to tell her what to do just like GW had.

Anonymous said...

At least Limbaugh escaped one bullet with her - she is NOT a SOCCER MOM, just a HOCKEY MOM !
But then again, I don't think Wasilla has a soccer team.
The right wingers are really stretching on justifying to their audiences this pick. Perhaps she can pick up some of the Hillary straglers but not too likely.
She appears to be a bight, young woman but too thin on credentials to make her a VP pick.

Anonymous said...

I am proud to vote for John McCain and I am also greatly proud of his choice of Sarah Palin for VP. The liberals enjoy dirty politic but then their man Oblama went to Chicago after law school to learn from the corupt Chicago machine-not to help the unemployed steel works---really look at your candiate Dems and you will fine the same old dirty politics--not a man of change but a man who used any dirt against his Chicago opponets he could get hold of---he is anything but a nice man--BUT John MCCain is an honorable man who loves America and will work hard for all people of this land---along with his wonderful VP SArah Palin. Women of America we have a great female who could be President in 4 years and will bring family values and honestly to her administration--she will learn under McCain to be a better leader then she already is and we can only be blessed by her.
It's like an election of good McCain/Palin against evil Oblama/Biden--and then your VP choice Biden sold out to be VP--when he was running to be the Dem canidate he disliked Oblama and said he was to inexperienced to be President and to changeable on issues..even your own VP candiate doesn't like Oblama!!!!! God help America and the world if Oblama wins----of course if you vote for Oblama you will be making the terrorist world happy as they want him elected as does the nazi party of America--don't figure why so many evil groups like and want Oblama does it but they do--so as you cast a vote for this Oblama just think of the evil in the world who are smiling at your choice to join them!!!!!