Thursday, August 28, 2008

Has Obama sealed the deal with you?

With Senator Barack Obama now the official Democratic Presidential nominee, the question begs to be asked, "Do you need to hear more from Obama or has he already given you enough info to seal the deal?" Check in with your comments here!


Anonymous said...

Deal has been sealed. My candidate of choice was Ron Paul. But now, I'm comfortable with Obama.

Gary Sutton said...


Anonymous said...


I like his positions on the economy and Iraq (foreign policy in general). Stem cell research another issue important to me. McCain is misleading voters when he keeps making a blanket statement concerning raising of taxes by Obama.

Experience factor is exaggerated. No job prepares you for President. I keep thinking about Lincoln and his lack of experience before walking into a fire storm in 1861. He did a good job I think.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you mean by "seal the deal" as it can mean many things to many people.
If you simply mean do I fell comfortable understanding him as a newcomer and his positions, then the answer is 'yes".
If you mean "seal the deal" that my mind is made up and no I will not budge, then I still feel it is a long way till November as probably do many independent thinking voters.
Obviously Obama's final speech at the convention is still to come and will have a huge audience in attendence as well as viewing and as such will represent yet another chance for him to connect (or not) with the voting public big time.

Just Fred said...

I'm also on board with Obama-Biden. Of course, that's probably no surprise to anyone who has followed the blog.

I would have also been comfortable with McCain prior to his metamorphosis 2 years ago. I bought into the 'maverick' moniker he was tagged with in 2000 because I believed it to be accurate. I don't anymore.

I'm no fan of GW and Company's take-over of the Republican Party (also no surprise, I'm sure). I remember tribal leaders and loyalists bad-mouthing him because he indeed was a 'maverick' back then.

McCain has now voted with GW and Co. 95% of the time beginning 2 years ago which coincides with his rise to stardom within the tribe. Methinks he learned his lesson.

Irony of ironies: The same tribe that bad-mouthed him for being a 'maverick' is now using the label to separate him from the current leader, GW. It's all about getting elected isn't it?

Can November come soon enough?

G-Man said...

As a young person, I was initially caught up in all the rhetoric and good vibes that Obama excels at producing. Too bad for him that my desire to be informed kept me grounded enough in reality to ignore all the slogans and sound bites.

I've been reading through Obama's "Blueprint for Change" document that he posted on his website before the Iowa caucuses. Being a young person, the most important issues to me are the economy and taxes. Having married recently and just buying a house, I need to feel secure in what a presidential candidate wants to do with the economy and taxes.

After reading the economy and tax sections in "Blueprint for Change," I am against at least 90% of Obama's economic policy. He wants to increase spending by a lot and he wants to raise taxes on what he calls the "rich". My wife and I currently don't fall into the $100,000+ income bracket that he's got in his sights, but we're not a far cry away from it either.

Obama's spending equates to more than his taxation will bring in, which means one of three things will happen:

1) He can borrow from other countries and encourage the Fed to put more bonds up for sale, which will only serve to weaken the US dollar more, causing further economic problems.

2) He can operate on a deficit budget, which will make him a hypocrate and a one-term president while also hurting the economy.

3) He can continue to raise taxes. You can only tax the "rich" so much before you need to expand your taxable base.

I fear that an Obama presidency will result in raising my taxes. Even a slight tax increase on my wife and I will throw our budget out of whack and we would be forced to really cut down further than we already are to make ends meet.

I feel that I am currently living my American Dream. For me, this election is about whether or not I will be able to maintain it.

I realize that all of Obama's plans may not come to fruition if he is elected, but his "Blueprint for Change" lists the things he would do to the country if he had enough support for it. I don't like his list and unless he's changed a number of his plans and policies, he is not the candidate for me.

I have my own list of grievances against McCain, but since this post is about Obama, I'll leave it here. Sorry for writing a book.

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder to the previous poster about the economy, just remember that the current failed economic policies where the government eliminated borrowing rules and regulations got us into this economic pickle. John McCain and the Republicans believes in an unregulated economy which in this particular case has almost made the house of cards fall down.
The notion of elimating restrictive regulations is a good one, but abandoning the regulations that provide safegards is a sure recipe for disaster. The current group got what they wanted and it has cost us dearly.
As far as the federal taxes go there have been a great number of sites that have compared the two. In general it looks like up to about the $160,000 the Obama plan produces better results. After that the McCain plan is better in reducing federal taxes.

Anonymous said...

If I may throw my 2 cents in, while I still can. Lincoln came into office when the the office of the presidency was completely different than it is today. We wouldn't become even close to a superpower until Teddy Roosevelt and our "Great White Fleet" started if off. Our domestic policies were mostly dictated by our states, not congress. Our federal government was mostly worked on slavery issues, tariffs, etc. There was no talk about national health care, mortgage bailouts, taxes cuts for the rich or middle class. If you had the money and wanted to buy a piece of land to look for oil, lay tracks for a be it. The government didn't get involved. I'm not saying that it was easier for an inexperience person to take the job, just less to deal with. Its a lot harder to have a learning curve with today's president. So you want to make sure whoever is the president can start working on day one.

Anonymous said...

Good speech tonight by Obama. But I'd encourage everybody to go to his website and really study his stance on the issues. Speeches are for little more than show.

steve said...

Good Morning Gary, I would have to say the deal has been sealed for me based upon many of the positions Sen. Obama has taken. One of the areas which concerns me the most is his support for the LOST Treaty (Law of the sea Treaty) I personally find that any person who would support having the UN have authority than our own government must br Un-American!!

Anonymous said...

It sealed the deal for me. I'm a rock-ribbed conservative who has long said I would never, EVER cast a vote for John McLame.

The Dems are steering our country now. National health care, free stuff for old people, free this, free that, it's all coming.

And along with it is coming the death of the dollar as our spending addiction sells our children and our economy down the river.

It's a very crappy river, and Barack Obama will be at the helm of the ship. I am voting for him.

John McSame will give us the same health care policies, courtesy of the Democrat-controlled legislature. He's a Maverick, after all. Made his bones by working with the other side. McSame will give us the same judges Obama will too.

There is one thing Obama can provide that McSame cannot: accountability.

When the country goes to hell because of liberal policies, if McCain were the president everybody would blame me even though I can't stand him and the way he dances the Democrap tune.

With Obama firmly at the helm with solid Dem majorities in Congress, there will be no doubt who's to blame for the death of our currency, our economy and our way of life. Social Security (thank you Roosevelt), Medicare (thank you LBJ) and Obamacare will kill our economy dead, dead, dead.

I'm with Obama to leave no doubt where the blame lies.

Anonymous said...

I guess you prefer free stuff for corporate American- that's much better? You like your tax dollars going to subsidize private companies rather than the public, how democratic of you.