Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Cinemagic, or Is it?

Just something lighter for a moment. Is it me, or do we keep seeing this same list every year? Do you have a case to make for a movie that ought to be on this list and isn't? Have at it.

According to a Harris Poll which asked adults to name their favorite movie of all time, the resounding number one response was "Gone With the Wind." Coming in right behind it were "Star Wars" and "Casablanca." The top 10 favorite movies of all time:

1. "Gone With the Wind"
2. "Star Wars"
3. "Casablanca"
4. "The Lord of the Rings"
5. "The Sound of Music"
6. "Wizard of Oz"
7. "The Notebook"
8. "Forrest Gump"
9. "The Princess Bride"
10. "The Godfather"

Want more?

1. Among men, "Star Wars" and "Gone With the Wind" are the top two favorite movies.
2. For women, "Gone With the Wind" and "The Sound of Music" are the top two favorites.
3. Men and women ages 18 to 31 and those ages 32 to 43 have the same favorite movie: "Star Wars." However, they differ on their second favorite movie. The young adults prefer "The Notebook," while the middle-age crowd cites "Lord of the Rings."
4. Baby boomers, ages 44 to 62, as well as seniors 63 and up, agree that "Gone With the Wind" is their favorite movie. When it comes to their second favorite flick, the boomers choose "Casablanca," while the seniors select "The Sound of Music."
5. Race and ethnicity also show some differences. For whites, "Gone With the Wind" is their favorite movie, while blacks cite "Casablanca" and Hispanics say their favorite is "The Notebook."


Anonymous said...

Yeesh. I understand that movies like "Gone With the Wind" and "Casablanca" are classics, but best of all time? I saw both of them for the first time last year...yawn! I just can't get into the older movies.

Anonymous said...

Gone With The Wind just plain sucks. Bor-ing, Bor-ing, Bor-ing!

Gary Sutton said...

Couldn't agree with you more if I wanted! So what goes on the Top Ten instead at #1???

Jay said...

Well, it's hard to argue with people citing their favorite films. We all love a variety of films for a variety of reasons -- and great film making isn't necessarily a criterion.

I can think of some TV shows I've loved, but nostalgia plays a bigger factor than quality in some of them.

Now, if it were a list of great films -- as opposed to favorite -- I don't think Star Wars or LOTR should be on that list.

Anonymous said...

Casablanca must be seen with the current events of the time in mind.

When that movie came out it was electrifying.

Same with GWTW, but for different reasons.

I don't have a strict fave, but must agree that The Sound of Music, Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings are up there.

But what about Shane? High Noon? Mr. Smith Goes to Washington? It's a Wonderful Life is nothing next to other Capra films like Mr. Smith and You Can't Take It With You.

Call me dopey, but An Affair To Remember has to make my list too. Want to see a grown man cry? Debra Kerr, Cary Grant and grandmother. Gets me every time.

I like The Dark Knight for the same reason I put Shane and High Noon on the radar for this list. These shows remind me why I believe in this war against Islamic radicalism, even after the late troubles in Iraq.

To quote Shane: a gun is a tool, no worse or better than the one using it.

But as Gary Cooper might have said, this is no time for a civics lesson. The great thing about the Dark Knight type of cowboy/superhero movie is that because it has its moral priorities straight, it makes immensely satisfying popcorn entertainment.

I love seeing Shane clean out that nest of vipers with a righteous gun. Yippee ki-yay, m____ f_____!

Jay said...

Anyone here see The Iron Giant? I think that was a better film than Star Wars or LOTR.