Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wherever You are in PA , Join in on the Gary Sutton Show Today!

We have an array of topics today that beg your attention:

What does the stepping down of Jim Johnson from the Democratic Vice-Presidential Vetting team say about Senator Obama's judgement in who he chooses?

The PA State Assembly is coming up on the budget deadline AGAIN, and again, it's not the irresponsible members of the State Assembly who get drilled, but rather "non-essential" workers on the public payroll who get furloughed. What should happen to the representatives and senators when they can't do a budget on time????

Should transgendered people be able to use restrooms not of their actual physical sexual orientation? Colorado has passed a bill that says, "Yes." What say you?

There is a new method of searching your person when getting ready to board an airplane. It's a glass cube into which you step, and it provides a three-dimensional look at your whole body. Problem is that there are screeners watching, and even though your face is blurred, they can see EVERYTHING! Privacy or protection? Which is more important??


Just Fred said...

Would have liked to have joined in, but for some reason I couldn't pick up the station on my radio. I tried off and on until about 11am and decided to pack it in.

Incidently, prior to today the reception carried alot off static for about a month or two. I don't understand because all my other listening channels were fine.

Just Fred said...

Concerning the Jim Johnson flap:

I suppose there will be political wonks playing tit-for-tat on this one.

One tribe will point out that Obama lacks integrity and judgement.

The other tribe will fire back that John McCain is using Carly Fiorini, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard (who left with a 21 million dollar severance package). This, of course, after John McCain denounced excessive corporate compensation and vowed to do something about it.

'Gotcha's', finger-pointing, and hearty 'AAAAAA-HAAAAAAAA's' will be flying around for the next 5 months. Can't wait.