Monday, June 23, 2008

Just doing his job--Is that illegal?

Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta -- who decided to tackle an illegal alien problem and became a national figure because of it -- was a guest on my show on last Friday.

Here is a guy who was hired to enforce the laws of his city of Hazleton. When he saw an apartment with 9 mattresses on the floor and roaches in the frig, plus other housing areas like it, when gang graffiti started appearing all over town, and when two people were killed in one year in a town that hadn’t seen a murder for 7 years, this man decided to act.

Did he act by having jack-booted police kick in doors and hunt down illegals? No. He made the effort by doing three things: 1. If a landlord knowingly allowed an illegal to live there, that landlord would face prosecution. 2. If an employer knowingly hired an illegal alien, that employer would lose license to do business. Finally, 3. English would be the official language of business in Hazleton.

For this, he became a national figure? There is nothing extraordinary here except that a man who was hired through an election to do his job decided to do it. What is that job? Enforce the laws of the community, and keep that community safe.

The fact that he became a national figure as a result is sad because it speaks to the gutlessness of so many other officials on the city, state, and especially federal levels in this land. The fact that we don’t have 100% of support by citizens for this man also tells us a great deal about how far we have strayed in respecting the laws of this country. Why, you ask? Follow the money and the votes, and you’ll see how the respect for and enforcement of the law was left in the dust. I’m Gary Sutton.


Anonymous said...

Where's our Tuesday Tech Tip?

Jay said...

Been a little crazy -- and I have one already planned out (my favorite firefox extensions and tricks).

Anonymous said...


Did you hear the audio when Representative William Delahunt (D-Ma) told the chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney that he was glad Al Qaeda could now see him on C-Span? The implication is that this piece of total liberal garbage was hoping that our enemies would kill an Amerian citizen.

The traitor - like all liberals - wants our country to lose the war -

""Right," Delahunt responded. "Well, I’m sure they are watching, and I’m glad they finally have a chance to see you, Mr. Addington.".

Check it out here:

You'll see a typical lib acting like a typical lib.

So here's my question to you, Mr. Main Street - Are you man enough to admit that the cowards that are liberal are traitors to our country? Can you bring yourself to point out that libs hate their own country and want us to lose war?

Or do you have too little spine and too small onions to tell the truth?

Here's your chance. Grow a pair and resist the temptation to attack me and try instead to attack those who would destroy those things that make America special.

I know your first inclination is to attack the messenger, but first answer these questions:

What group believed that American soldiers were guilty at Haditha?

What group was convinced that the surge would fail?

What group believes that we got what we deserved on 911?

Scream at me all you want, but your lack of condemnation just support these libs.

Are you comfortable with that?


Anonymous said...


I would like to apologize. I reread my comments and I now think they were a bit too harsh in both their tone and in their assumption that you would attack me instead of the libs. If I could edit them, I would.

You see, I've come to realize that not everyone is suited to fight the battle against those libs who hate their own country. Not everyone has the wit or the spine to actually engage them, especially if one has an overwhelming desire to just get along with them.

I can understand that. It's so much easier to float above the fray, smug in a cloud of moral confusion.

So I guess it's up to those of us who clearly see the danger posed by liberalism to speak up and try to rally our fellow Americans to rebel against it.

Sure, it takes a bit of backbone to swim against those who would surrender to the left just because it's the easy way and doesn't require one to take a stand.

But, many Americans will speak up. We'll do it for those who are too timid to do it. We'll do it for those who have shut themselves off from politics with the excuse that "one side is just as bad as the other".

We'll even do it for many of the libs since some can return to respecting freedom if it becomes fashionable to do so.

Gary, we'll do it for you.

Just Fred said...

You know Trenton, you really have a bug up your butt about "libs" don't you?

Since I don't mess with labels as much as you do, I did a little research to find out why I need to despise these liberal rascals.

There are many places you can check out to objectively evaluate liberalism, but here are some beliefs that consistently come up:

'considers individual liberty to be the driving force behind political goals'

'emphasizes individual rights and equality of opportunity'

'support for freedom of thought and speech'

'limitations on the power of government'

'respect for the rule of law, free exchange of ideas, and transparency in government'

'strong support of property rights'

'advocates a mixed economy of private and state-owned enterprises'

'government by law with the consensus of the governed, free markets, progress and reform'

Well, sounds like a real frightening bunch of anti-Americans doesn't it?

Anonymous said...


I must say I sat in jaw-dropping amazement as I read your post. There are many destructive and downright creepy things about libs, but the astounding degree of self-delusion has got to be right up there. Really, it crosses the line from being just strange to being obviously pathological.

Let's look at your list and I'll add a few comments:

'considers individual liberty to be the driving force behind political goals'

Bwahahaha - how about requiring folks to join unions, how about always wanting more taxes because of the children, how about being against drilling in our own country? Take any lib position and you'll see it does the opposite. Even total moonbats don't claim they want to increase liberty - just justice.

'emphasizes individual rights and equality of opportunity'

Ok then let's see. How about smoking bans in private businesses, how about seat belt laws and a desire to not let citizens have guns? I'm sure you can name 1000 more - try it!

'support for freedom of thought and speech'

Oh my. Someone must have misplaced his meds. Ever hear of the fairness doctrine? And how about "campaign finance reform"? Before you start - remember none of these would have any chance at all except that most libs love them.

'limitations on the power of government'

Now I know you are pulling my leg. What group demands that every person participate in social security? What group requires that citizens pay for private political campaigns? What group sees government as the key to every "crisis" always with an increase in taxes and a decrease in freedom?

'respect for the rule of law, free exchange of ideas, and transparency in government'

You must be feeling really ashamed or at least confused by now. I'll let up.

'strong support of property rights'

Excuse me while I try to keep my breakfast down. Please ask the folks who have snail darters or a puddle on their property. Ask businesses who are required by libs to do all manner of things. Ask the people who own land with a nice view that is coveted by government.

'advocates a mixed economy of private and state-owned enterprises'

Sure, I agree on this one. The libs learned that it's best to let business struggle and take all the risk, while demanding ever increasing sums their money.

'government by law with the consensus of the governed, free markets, progress and reform'

This would take too long and no lib could possibly understand it. Sorry.

Well, sounds like a real frightening bunch of anti-Americans doesn't it?

Frightening, anti-American, anti-freedom, all controlling, and certainly the most greedy bunch to ever walk the planet.

And, oh yes, as is shown by my original example and many, many others - which I notice you didn't comment on - the longtime home of the Culture of Treason.

Anonymous said...

shorter Trenton:

"Look at me! I can type lots and lots of words, so I must be saying something important!"

Just Fred said...


All I did was compile excerpts from liberal philosophy concerning that particular approach to governing. I was looking for specific information that should scare me about liberalism.

Perhaps you could enlighten us about conservatism, and then match that philosphy to the current regime.

Anonymous said...


If the knowledge that liberalism has destroyed the lives of millions of your fellow Americans doesn't scare you, then I doubt reason will prevail with you.

If the knowledge that liberalism cheapens whatever it touches as it continues to work its magic on our schools and now our Universities doesn't scare you, I doubt pointing out the damage done to American children will be of much use.

If the reflexive anti-Americanism of liberals in always blaming their own country first doesn't make your blood boil, then I guess your blood is calibrated differently than mine.

The only consolation I have is from those occasions where libs end up suffering themselves from their unthinking herd-inspired buffoonery. Like with lib reporters getting the ax at dozens of newsrooms. Like with $4 gas. Hurts don't it?

Oh yes, Fantasy-Based,

""Look at me! I can type lots and lots of words, so I must be saying something important!"

No, I don't think you can and no, you aren't.

Just Fred said...


How about telling us how the current crop of Republicans are carrying out the ideals of conservatism?

That's all I ask. Please include references to reducing the size of government, controlled spending, reducing the national debt, and anything else germaine to the question I asked in my last post.

Republicans controlled congress from 1994 to 2006, and the White House for 20 of the last 28 years so I'm guessing their overall approval rating must be quite high.

Anonymous said...


First, I must hand it to you for hanging in there. Most all libs would have written "don't feed the troll" and turned tail and run away by now. Or they would have closed their eyes, put their hands over their ears and sung "Stairway to Heaven" at the top of their lungs so they would not have to see the truth about their destructive and unthinking philosophy stated in such a bold and unvarnished manner.

So I congratulate you. I've always thought that many libs have a kernel of normal Americanism buried deep inside that may flower if they leave the collective hive for whatever reason. I know it hard - the intoxicating effect of Bush hatred can be a powerful and addictive elixir - but alcoholics have quit drinking and that's a lot harder than quitting liberalism. There's hope.

Back to business - You now want me to comment on Republicans. In your last message you said you were looking for things to scare you about liberalism and I complied. Are we going to try and change the subject every time it gets a bit uncomfortable?

I think that before we do, we should finish what we started. I believe we can tidy things up with specific answers to only three specific questions.

1. In actual practice, which philosophy, liberal or conservative, has been the quickest to believe that American troops are murderers?

2. Which philosophy, liberal or conservative, contains the highest percentage of people who believe that America got what it deserved on 911 and that our own actions led to this attack?

3. Which philosophy was correct in their prediction as to the the Surge? Adherents to which philosophy are more likely to visit and entertain sworn enemies of their own country? Which philosophy is more likely to take the side of terrorists who complain about their treatment? Candidates of which philosophy have received the most endorsements from actual terrorist groups?

Sorry, got a little carried away.

There are so many examples of lib anti-Americanism and self hate that it's hard to stop with only three questions.

But go ahead. Answer these for me and we'll get to my thoughts on Republicans that you are so interested in.

Anonymous said...

Fred, no sense in asking questions this guy can't answer.

Anonymous said...


It's just as I thought. A member of the collective is questioning why you continue in this discussion instead of doing the normal lib thing of turning around and beating feet.

You are puzzling them with your participation in a real political discussion. For most libs, this is something to be avoided at all cost s - either because the cognitive dissonance caused by the discussion is too painful or because they are witlings.

I have a feeling you won't run and hide like you are being ordered to do. We'll see.

Anonymous said...


I'm interested to hear your answers about the Republican party...I used to be a hard line Republican until people like yourself went off the deep end.

Anonymous said...

I dont't care if Fred adds to this topic or not, but it is certainly pointless to address questions to someone who has no answers.

Anonymous said...


A second request to discuss Republicans. I went back and read all my remarks and see that I never brought up Republicans at all. I started by reporting a story about a liberal that implied he wanted an American to be killed by terrorists.

It's been a long discussion, but other than me, no one has managed a single word about this or any of my other examples of the liberal Culture of Treason.

There has, however, been a lot of wiggling in an attempt to change the subject without having to take a stand for or against liberal shenanigans.

Still, I'll offer my thoughts on Republicans shortly as I said, but I do have a question - which basic conservative principles were so "off the deep end" that you were convinced to come to the rescue of liberals?

Anonymous said...

My Dear Master AnonyMouse -

Thank you once again for announcing your attention to run and hide.

You've done your duty in warning Fred to do the same.

Now please leave the discussion to adults with an ability to argue their beliefs.

------- to all

I'll be gone to some meetings for a few hours. Just to let you know so you won't think I libbed out.

Anonymous said...

Trenton - don't mistake my comments as coming to the rescue for some libs...cuz I ain't no lib lover. You've made your points against liberalism, which I agree with although on a MUCH smaller scale, but I think it's fair of Fred to ask your opinion of the Republican party and how it holds to the ideals of conservatism.

And speaking of trying to change the topic, the original request was for YOU to explain YOURSELF, so once you've done that I'll go into detail about MYSELF. First things first my man.

Anonymous said...

Hee, hee...

"Now please leave the discussion to adults with an ability to argue their beliefs."

Why I think you actually think you are A) acting like an adult and B) arguing your beliefs.

You have written so many words, but said so little. Reminds me of the middle schoolers I used to teach.

Anonymous said...

Ah, back from lunch and I find our friend Ree/Bee has dropped in with some words designed to advance our discussion. I know everyone is as impressed as I am.

Sir, or Madam, I'd be pleased and honored to read some of your deep thoughts on the topic at hand - the reflexive anti-Americanism of liberals. Actually, I'd be glad to read any of your deep thoughts. So far, I must say that they've been uniformly jejune.

Come on, argue you point. Man Up. Let us see that incisive "smarter than a 4th grader" mind unleashed to make your points and convince us of their value. I invite you to engage in a real discussion.

Or you can take the cowar... er,liberal way out and swoop down once in a while to deposit a little present and then fly off again.

Just Fred said...


By sidestepping my questioning of modern-day Republicanism vs conservative philosophy, you have answered the questions I raised.

You simply put on the team jersey, go to the game and root for your team. I understand that trash-talk is part of the game, but building an entire game plan around trash-talk gets old fast.

Anonymous said...


I'll try and fill you in as to why I responded to your quite reasonable request as I did.

If you look through the entire thread, you'll see that Gary didn't have the stones to reply, but that Fred engaged in a fruitful discussion. This is a rare and welcome opportunity to help some of our fellow Americans overcome liberalism.

However, you've probably found that when someone asks a lib to truthfully state and defend their beliefs they will often try to change the subject - or more likely , run screaming away from the debate.

Fred mentioned Smaller government and more freedom in his posts and I really think that somewhere, deep down inside, he still believes these things. But when confronted with the truth that liberals are more inclined toward big government and less freedom, it becomes painful to have these two totally opposite beliefs in your brain at the same time.

God made it hurt when you do that (a phenomenon called Cognitive Dissonance by psychologists) and so libs try and change the subject so they won't have to face this pain - in this case, it led to the request to talk about Republicans. If you allow yourself to be sidetracked, the discussion goes nowhere and the lib is able to escape back into his compensation mechanism and avoid the pain of self discovery.

So, I resisted the attempt to change the subject since I knew why it was occurring. Your post just happen to coincide with a liberal coping attempt.

I'll gladly offer an opinion on Republicans since you asked, but I do hope our liberal friends will continue to come out and play.

Anyway, here it is:

Unfortunately, it is the only one of the two major parties where a normal conservative American is allowed to speak his or her mind as well as propose and defend conservative ideas.

It is also the only major party to welcome liberals, Rinos, and gutless moderates - the entire mix of the American electorate.

It is the wide open nature of the party, it's lack of the herd instinct that characterizes liberals, and the breadth of the views of its diverse membership that sometimes make it vulnerable to attacks from the ideologically pure Democrat party.

And this also leads to the sincere disappointment with its leaders from conservatives who long for a leader to stand up and remind the membership that conservatism is what has made American great and that liberalism is designed to reverse that.

That's what I think of them.

Anonymous said...

Fred, you are back!

I hope you find my comments to Doug helpful in your quest toward self-enlightenment.

Anonymous said...

If Doug is enlightened by that response I certainly would be surprised, but we can let him speak for himself.

I would think certainly he would have much rather had the Tuesday Tech Tip than this drivel .

Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for my tech tip Jay. I think you should do one about the latest Opera system, it's pretty fantastic. I like navigating the web with my mouse.