Monday, June 16, 2008

Just Your Super Opinion--Who is the greatest Super Hero?

This is one that everyone can latch on to today. Who is your choice for best superf hero? Use your own criteria for determining it. Wit and wisdom are always welcome here! Have fun, and also feel free to drop remarks here on today's show.

Oh yeah, I know there may be some favorite "super hero" missing, so don't be afraid to add your choice. We'll tally the responses at the end and share them on the air.

The New York Post asked, "Who's the greatest big-screen superhero of all time?" Of course, Superman was by far the favorite pick, but here are the rest of the answers:

* Superman
* Batman
* Iron Man
* Spider-Man
* Flash Gordon
* James Bond
* Robin Hood
* Lara Croft
* Catwoman
* Wonder Woman


Anonymous said...

Since childhood I've always enjoyed the Batman series. The recent movies have been great.

Another favorite of mine, a little less-known, is Blank Man.

Just Fred said...

Since James Bond was included, it's James Bond, hands down.

If you were a teenage guy throughout the 60's, I don't see how any of them rest of 'em come close.

Who else could get into a knock- down-drag-out fight in a tuxedo and do nothing when it was over but adjust his tie? Who else had the niftiest gadgets to play with?

And, of course MOST important, who else got the best looking babe in the end?

By the way, Sean Connery was THE quintessential James Bond.

Anonymous said...

Green Lantern

Unknown said...

Gary, I'm a comic book nut (it's even my day job), but for over half my life I've had a single favorite superhero: Captain America.

He's a man from a different era (literally! he's a WWII soldier who was frozen in ice for decades and thawed out in the 60s). He holds to the ideals that make America great—even when it makes him a fugitive in his own country (see his "Nomad" days and his actions in the '06-'07 miniseries Civil War).

His idealistic naivety is (in my mind) one of his most appealing attributes. For example, he once accidentally hired a stripper for a bachelor party (thinking she was just a magician) and later covered his eyes when he realized a film at the same party was pornographic [see Incredible Hulk #417].

That's what I look for in a hero: a sometimes-naive idealist who has strong moral fiber and is willing to suffer short-term losses in order to fight the truly good fight over the long run.

Jay said...

Well, since the question was about the best big screen superhero, I'd go with Superman (the first movie) or Iron Man.

Batman Begins was pretty good, too, but I have a suspicion that the new one will be better.

Overall, including all media like comics, though? I'd go with Batman (Batman: The Animated Series was awesome) and maybe even Invincible (that's a new one).

Unknown said...

Jay: The NY Post question was, but Gary said, "Use your own criteria for determining it." So there! ;-p

Unknown said...

Here's the real problem with Superman: he's an illegal alien (yeah, his parents used a rocket ship, but they still slipped him past our borders where he hid in a small midwestern town for years) who, thanks to an American-sounding false name, got himself into a highly influential position in the mainstream news media. Obama's middle name is nothing compared to the red flags on the "last son of Krypton"!

Unknown said...

For anyone who's scratching their heads over a particular superhero's powers or origin, check out The Superhero Database.

(Okay, that's my last comment here until someone else speaks up!)

Jay said...

Jay: The NY Post question was, but Gary said, "Use your own criteria for determining it." So there! ;-p

Sorry, but my own superpower is ignoring facts. This is what makes me particularly suited to the modern political environment.


G-Man said...

I've never considered James Bond, Robin Hood or Lara Croft as super heoroes. I mean, if Lara Croft is a super hero, wouldn't Indiana Jones qualify as well?

Catwoman is more of an anti-hero and villain than a hero. There's too many skeletons in her closet to count.

Flash Gordon was mostly just a normal guy with no gadgets or powers (at least to my knowledge), so he's out.

I never got into Wonder Woman or Iron Man either. Superman is cool because he created the guise of Clark Kent instead of most other super heroes creating their super alter ego. But, Superman doesn't translate as well to the 21st century. People are either too self-reliant or too cynical to put all their faith into one man.

Being a science geek, I love Spider-Man for all his intelligence and his underdog status socially (as Peter Parker). There's a level of sacrifice that I can appreciate in Spidey.

Batman is cool too, because he has no super powers. He's just a rich guy who is determined to make a difference. So he blurs the line between super hero and vigilante. I like that kind of moral complexity.

But, my favorite super hero is actually a team of super heroes. I grew up on the X-Men and still love them to this day. Each of the X-Men have one or two special abilities and they all have to work together to accomplish their tasks. They were all about teamwork and the dynamic relationships between them. Normal humans didn't like mutants because they were different and villain mutants didn't like the X-Men because they sought to co-exist with normal humans. That "damned if you do, damned if you don't" pressure makes the X-Men a very unique group.

Unknown said...

Oh... so you're a supervillain?

Well even by the Post's criteria my guy's still a valid option, so I'm happy.

Unknown said...

Whoops! Hey g-man, my last comment was @Jay.