Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Make your points here (May 28, 2008)

Welcome to the WOW Blog! Anything you want to comment on during, before, or after the show would be great!

By the way, I saw Iron Man yesterday afternoon. It is one of the coolest movies of the year, with a killer soundtrack. There, Jay, now I can compare notes. GS


Just Fred said...

This latest controversy over GI Bill revision seems to be simmering on the back burner getting ready to boil. For once it seems we have an issue that splits opinion without falling down strict party lines.

Elected officials are actually thinking independently. Imagine that.

One the one side some feel if the benefits and rewards are too tempting military personnel will choose to leave the service earlier. On the other side are those that feel the revisions would increase incentives to enlist.

I would think this might become a sticky wicket for politicians.

Jay said...

Iron Man was awesome. That is all.

Anonymous said...

I've wondered how your show could get any better, Gary.

Now I know. Drunk strippers and lawyer jokes all in the same hour.

I'm hooked.

In the spirit of the moment, here's my best drunk stripper joke:

Q: How many drunk strippers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: Only two, if you have a big enough lightbulb and some way to get them in there.

Anonymous said...

I apologize for that, webmaster. If you feel the need to take that truly tasteless joke down off the blog, you are fully justified.

On the subject of the drunk stripper, though, the establishment may share some legal jeopardy depending on how its written policies and advisements are set for its dancers. If the club's official line is "just get up there and shake what you got," then that limits their liability. But if the plaintiff can show that she was actually advised in training to drink with the customers, then that becomes a part of the work environment that poses a hazard to the employee.

The employer who advises his employee to drink on the job needs to do due diligence to mitigate the health and safety effects of that policy. Whether that means having an extra bouncer on staff to drive girls home if they're a little loaded, or what, I don't know. But if there is no designated driver or 'no-drive' policy for inebriated exotics, they're laying themselves wide open.

If I were a judge, I'd definitely not throw out the case.

Jay said...

Q: How many career politicians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: 1,002. One to hold the bulb, one to hold the ladder and 1,000 to turn the house.

Anonymous said...

Today's Tech Tip:

Gary, you don't have to put the date in the post title. It already appears above the post.

Today's Joke:

Q: How many paranoids does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Who wants to know?

Anonymous said...

Someone pointed me in the direction of a very cool civics quiz.

I got 85%...but I will claim some kid distractions while I was taking the quiz. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

College seniors were given the test, and here are the Top Ten scorers, by campus.

1. Harvard University 69.56%

2. Grove City College (PA) 67.26

3. Washington & Lee University (VA) 66.98

4. Yale University 65.85

5. Brown University 65.64

6. University of Virginia 65.28

7. Wheaton College (IL) 64.98

8. University of Pennsylvania 63.49

9. Duke University 63.41

10. Bowdoin College (ME) 62.86

Go ahead and take it. I was surprised at some of the digging I had to do in my knowledge bank to figure some of the answers out.

It may even be worthy of a link on a separate post.

Anonymous said...

"You answered 40 out of 60 correctly — 66.67 %"

Wow, I think I should have done better. I may have had a slight disadvantage because I'm younger and wasn't around for the Kennedy/Reagan years, so that's where I stumbled.

Good quiz though!

Jay said...

Bah, I didn't do so well:

"You answered 50 out of 60 correctly — 83.33 %"

Gary Sutton said...

Great civics test, Reality-Based. Man, I'm slipping; only got 52/60 for 86.6%. I know the 8 that I missed weren't my fault, though, so I am going to sue the company. Seriously, it was a very good quiz.

For Steve, there's always room here for strippers and lawyer jokes, I think. I'm glad you enjoyed the show.

I saw Ironman again with my wife last night, Jay, and it was AWESOME! GS

Anonymous said...

Nice quiz.

96.67% here. I missed Plato's philosopher kings and had a temporary economic brain fart on the effect of bond purchases by the Fed.

Not bad for a college dropout.

Gary Sutton said...

That's disgustingly good! Congrats on your score. GS